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[1.1.2] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) 1.2.12


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Great modes, thank you for your effort.

But I have a problem. When I try to add a docking port in space to my station with KIS, I get my game freeze. It doesn't crash, I manually kill the exe. I waited 5 minutes once, but it doesn't fix itself either. KIS works great over all while attaching stuff but just stock docking port creates problem. Regular one, not the one with fancy shield. The part I am trying to attach might be also responsible, it is a OKS module. But I didn't have any problem attaching other stuff to it, so I am writing here.

Other than that I enjoy your mods, and will appreciate any assistance you might offer on this specific problem...

Edit: Nope. Its not OKS, docking port freezes the game when installed on stock modules too.

Hello? Anyone else having this problem?

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Hello? Anyone else having this problem?

This is a know bug, drop the docking port before attaching it. Attaching it directly from the inventory crash the game in KIS 1.0.0.

Don't hesitate to look the Github issues page if you have a problem, check open and closed issues to see if it's a known bug : https://github.com/KospY/KIS/issues

This bug will be fixed for the next version (1.0.1).

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This is a know bug, drop the docking port before attaching it. Attaching it directly from the inventory crash the game in KIS 1.0.0.

Don't hesitate to look the Github issues page if you have a problem, check open and closed issues to see if it's a known bug : https://github.com/KospY/KIS/issues

This bug will be fixed for the next version (1.0.1).

Yep, This solved the problem, thank you ! :)

What size docking port? As you can see above, I had no issue with a senior docking port. (I tried it outside my save file first after reading your report.)

It was the regular one not the junior one, but seems like its fixed now. Thank you anyway :)

Edited by Phoenix1945
Grammar correction
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After getting a bit used to this, i was able to add some pretty neat parts to my station. Photos maybe tomorrow, but it was interesting to move the containers themselves between brackets

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KospY, and company,

I'm running into a consistent freeze bug when transferring a container from one mount to another. I can grab free floating containers and mount them fine (sometimes) but I can consistently reproduce KSP freezes the instant I grab a mounted container and attempt to remount it on another mount. In this screenshot I simply grabbed the container from one side and moved it to the other. I did remove one box and it's free floating in the bay behind the camera. Three restarts. Three freezes. All mods updated. Don't mind the white bay texture load fail (another annoying bug with KSP/KAS). This is the moment of the freeze. Everytime.


Craft File: http://www./download/ye213r3cwge66rg/Service_Module_3_3.craft

Mods Required: KIS, KAS, Infernal Robotics, Tweakscale, (plus HyperEdit to test it in orbit), module manager 2.5.10

The STS Service Module conversion from KAS to KIS is dead in the water until this bug can be rooted and fixed. :(

For those of you wondering, this is my STS Space Shuttle (see link in my sig below)

Edited by inigma
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KospY, and company,

I'm running into a consistent freeze bug when transferring a container from one mount to another. I can grab free floating containers and mount them fine (sometimes) but I can consistently reproduce KSP freezes the instant I grab a mounted container and attempt to remount it on another mount. In this screenshot I simply grabbed the container from one side and moved it to the other. I did remove one box and it's free floating in the bay behind the camera. Three restarts. Three freezes. All mods updated. Don't mind the white bay texture load fail (another annoying bug with KSP/KAS). This is the moment of the freeze. Everytime.


Craft File: http://www./download/ye213r3cwge66rg/Service_Module_3_3.craft

Mods Required: KIS, KAS, Infernal Robotics, Tweakscale, (plus HyperEdit to test it in orbit), module manager 2.5.10

The STS Service Module conversion from KAS to KIS is dead in the water until this bug can be rooted and fixed. :(

For those of you wondering, this is my STS Space Shuttle (see link in my sig below)

This is a know bug too, release the container before mounting it. Moving container from a mount to another mount crash the game in KIS 1.0.0.

This bug will be fixed for the next version (1.0.1).

Edited by KospY
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Any way for KIS to allow a Kerbal on EVA to grab and carry items such as containers without having to drop them in space where they might float off? Currently I have to be in range of a floating container and a mount point to grab a rogue container and mount it. If the container floats too far away, I have no means to grab it and carry it back to within mounting range of the mount.

Also I lose all EVA controls to the KIS placement controls on grab which means if I am floating out of range, I can't EVA maneuver back into position.

Very frustrating. I really wish if KIS were intended to complement KAS that it would at least mimic deprecated KAS container EVA control and carry behavior. It would make things easier to adapt. :)

Also would really love half size containers.

Any plans?

Great job so far. Loving the EVA inventory.

Edited by inigma
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Any way for KIS to allow a Kerbal on EVA to grab and carry items such as containers without having to drop them in space where they might float off? Currently I have to be in range of a floating container and a mount point to grab a rogue container and mount it. If the container floats too far away, I have no means to grab it and carry it back to within mounting range of the mount.

Also I lose all EVA controls to the KIS placement controls on grab which means if I am floating out of range, I can't EVA maneuver back into position.

Very frustrating. I really wish if KIS were intended to complement KAS that it would at least mimic deprecated KAS container EVA control and carry behavior. It would make things easier to adapt. :)

Also would really love half size containers.

Any plans?

Great job so far. Loving the EVA inventory.

dude you totally need to read like the last two pages of a thread before you keep posting stuff that's been asked and answered a million times - or better yet check the github issue tracker

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dude you totally need to read like the last two pages of a thread before you keep posting stuff that's been asked and answered a million times - or better yet check the github issue tracker

You know, that's not really helpful.

A FAQ on the OP would be even more helpful. Perhaps you can assemble one if you're tired of answering a million times the same question?

Also, yes I've read the last three pages already of the thread, and GitHub, and no my quoted concerns you implied would be answered by such were not addressed anywhere (i know there are plans for smaller containers, but my intent was more for a "when" than just "yes plans") as that is addressed the OP - before I posted. So what exactly are you saying?

Edited by inigma
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As i mentioned: Screenshots!

Basically added all the antennas and the dish on this, plus the containers. All moved from a 3-man rotation ship. It went really well :D


(Most of these are from Dmagic's science pack, but they look pretty cool)

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Released KIS 1.0.1 :)

Change log :

  • Change volume unit from M3 to L
  • Check kerbal skill instead of trait name for tools
  • Added default kerbal mass parameter in settings.cfg
  • Disable drag for greyed parts in the editor to prevent storing them without bought them from research in hard mode
  • Add decimals to maxVolume for the inventory module tooltip
  • Prevent a part to be mounted on itself
  • Fix grab not working in some specific situations
  • Fix crash when dragging a container from a mount to another mount
  • Fix crash when attaching a docking node
  • Fix container mass calculation
  • Fix inventory click-through not working correctly
  • Fix framerate drops while hovering inventory in flight
  • Fix debug menu not working
  • Fix exception thrown on first time entering VAB
  • Fix exception thrown after loading
  • Fix exception thrown when using release on empty mount

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Is there a specific way to add the KisInventory module to a part? When I add it to a part, it increases the mass by 2 tons. I'm only adding the module (see below), not anything else. Not even adding anything to the inventory. My flux capacitor is finally right side up, so that's not causing an issue anymore.

This is how I'm adding it with Module Manager. Kod forbid I messed up my MM config. If everything looks good to you KIS guys, I'll hit up the MM forum just in case. My last resort is to shave 2 tons from the part.

name = ModuleKISInventory
maxVolume = 1
externalAccess = true
internalAccess = false
slotsX = 6
slotsY = 4
slotSize = 50
itemIconResolution = 128
selfIconResolution = 128
openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

Also, is there a way of taking a KAS item out of the KIS Kerbal inventory and attach it to the Kerbal KAS style? Otherwise, we have to drag the KAS part onto the kerbal, "place" part (which means it falls onto the ground, but not the way I want it to), grab with KAS grab key, then right click place. More steps than Joe Average can handle >.> Further explanation can be given with pictures if requested.

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Need some help. keep getting the error: "KIS/Sound/containeropen has not been found. I must have messed up in the installation. Not sure what I've done wrong. I put all the folders into the ksp folder, merged them. not sure what to do with the settings.cfg. It's been annoying me for a while now and since there's no actual tutorial anywhere on how to install it I just assumed merging the folders would be fine.

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Need some help. keep getting the error: "KIS/Sound/containeropen has not been found. I must have messed up in the installation. Not sure what I've done wrong. I put all the folders into the ksp folder, merged them. not sure what to do with the settings.cfg. It's been annoying me for a while now and since there's no actual tutorial anywhere on how to install it I just assumed merging the folders would be fine.

It should look like this:


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Also, is there a way of taking a KAS item out of the KIS Kerbal inventory and attach it to the Kerbal KAS style? Otherwise, we have to drag the KAS part onto the kerbal, "place" part (which means it falls onto the ground, but not the way I want it to), grab with KAS grab key, then right click place. More steps than Joe Average can handle >.> Further explanation can be given with pictures if requested.

Do you mean you want to attach a part to the ground like we did with pylons in KAS? ground attachment has no yet been implemented in KIS.

If you mean your parts don't attach at all - you're not using a screwdriver or a wrench. Use X key while a tool is equipped to attach parts.

P.S. really hoped the Attach to Ground would be implemented in this release.

Edited by Enceos
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Released KIS 1.0.1 :)

Change log :

  • Change volume unit from M3 to L
  • Check kerbal skill instead of trait name for tools
  • Added default kerbal mass parameter in settings.cfg
  • Disable drag for greyed parts in the editor to prevent storing them without bought them from research in hard mode
  • Add decimals to maxVolume for the inventory module tooltip
  • Prevent a part to be mounted on itself
  • Fix grab not working in some specific situations
  • Fix crash when dragging a container from a mount to another mount
  • Fix crash when attaching a docking node
  • Fix container mass calculation
  • Fix inventory click-through not working correctly
  • Fix framerate drops while hovering inventory in flight
  • Fix debug menu not working
  • Fix exception thrown on first time entering VAB
  • Fix exception thrown after loading
  • Fix exception thrown when using release on empty mount

Thank you! Testing now.

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Btw, one more thing was not mentioned by KospY - you can drag items from the editor screen to the inventory. This way you can tweak items before you store them.

@KospY, would you please place the mod on Kerbalstuff as well? so could access it via CKAN.

Edited by Enceos
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This may sound like an odd request, but could you add text download links? I browse the forums without images because people love posting 1920x1080 images of their ships all over the place and I spend a lot of time tethered to a cell phone. The forum changes those images to links, erasing the links to the download pages.

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