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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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  On 12/13/2015 at 11:08 PM, Tynrael said:

I've been away a bit, played KSP since 0.23 and clocked over 900 hours... Burned out on it and threw it away and set it on fire- too many issues (not with New Horizons, just KSP in general). 1.0.5 seems better but I really want 1.1 with x64 fixed! Oh well, the game seems smoother than 1.0.4 and it looks like a lot of mods while updating to 1.0.5 have improved. Orbital visuals seem much better, and a sunset at the KSP view? That's better than the old, its either day or its night- and either doesn't reflect what it actually should be.


I see New Horizons is on CKAN now and is still being frequently updated, awesome! Keep up the great work Ash.


if you want 64 bit, try dualbooting linux, because with ETAs for updates like 1.1 being unclear, like most updates for KSP, i think that just dualbooting linux with whatever your running now, and installing ksp on linux is a more worthwhile investment then waiting for 1.1 to come.

But to avoid being completely offtopic, does this modify Eeloo in any way? a mod, infact 2 other planet packs, both move eeloo, and im planning on getting one of them (already have the other) but they might conflict because both move eeloo.

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  On 12/22/2015 at 8:39 PM, 123nick said:

if you want 64 bit, try dualbooting linux, because with ETAs for updates like 1.1 being unclear, like most updates for KSP, i think that just dualbooting linux with whatever your running now, and installing ksp on linux is a more worthwhile investment then waiting for 1.1 to come.

But to avoid being completely offtopic, does this modify Eeloo in any way? a mod, infact 2 other planet packs, both move eeloo, and im planning on getting one of them (already have the other) but they might conflict because both move eeloo.


OPM and Kerbol Origins, right? Well, you can just remove Eeloo.cfg in those mods. In OPM it is located in OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Configs and in Kerbol Origins it is located in KerbolOrigins/SarvinSystem/Eeloo. That should make them compatible.

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The White Guardian: "Scatterer needs special configs to work with NH and as far as I know nobody has made those yet. Don't look at me, I tried but it's way too confusing for my taste."


I am using Scatterer in NH for quite a while now and it works like charm. You mean configuring Scatterer on the other non-stock planets with atmosphere?

Edited by Thomassino
New forum system twitchiness
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  On 12/25/2015 at 11:52 AM, Thomassino said:

The White Guardian: "Scatterer needs special configs to work with NH and as far as I know nobody has made those yet. Don't look at me, I tried but it's way too confusing for my taste."


I am using Scatterer in NH for quite a while now and it works like charm. You mean configuring Scatterer on the other non-stock planets with atmosphere?


No, I mean making configs for Scatterer. It's way too confusing for me. I meant that as far as I know nobody had made configs for the planets New Horizons adds.

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please note:

although i have been kinda absent from this mod for quite a while I am still here and am hoping to give a good going over and sorting out all planets once and for all some point soon.


however until further notice i will be removing my mod from Kerbal Stuff, as the ridiculously restrictive download speeds they are imposing make me sick. (seriously? i get 65kbps MAX). The download will still be mirrored on Curse while my main preference will be GitHub, and it will also still be available on CKAN, but until KS can reliably allow all users from all over the world to download properly then i will have no part in it.




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Hello guys.

I am planning to create those scatterer configs for New Horizon planets. I will download that scatterer config tool and try something. As I really like this mod and want to contribute to it a bit if possible. Just I can start working on it after 1st of January as I am away from my home right now.

Thank you Kill for really great mod.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 9:56 AM, Jovzin said:

Hello guys.

I am planning to create those scatterer configs for New Horizon planets. I will download that scatterer config tool and try something. As I really like this mod and want to contribute to it a bit if possible. Just I can start working on it after 1st of January as I am away from my home right now.

Thank you Kill for really great mod.


Good luck with that :)

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  On 12/22/2015 at 8:58 PM, The White Guardian said:

OPM and Kerbol Origins, right? Well, you can just remove Eeloo.cfg in those mods. In OPM it is located in OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Configs and in Kerbol Origins it is located in KerbolOrigins/SarvinSystem/Eeloo. That should make them compatible.


thanks, but one more thing. both this mod and kerbol origins changes the main menu picture, with a different gas giant from kerbol origins instead of the new horizions one. will they be compatible?

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  On 1/1/2016 at 1:55 PM, Alexoff said:

Surprising contract!



NH has the code to prevent that from happening (this)

so either:

1- you are using some other mod that have some compatibility problems with NH, or

2- that's an old contract for another planet that had the flightglobalsindex Sonnah has now, this may happen when a mod removes the flightglobalsindex from its planets, or when you install a mod that adds planets between the sun and (in this case) sonnah.

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  On 1/1/2016 at 11:24 AM, 123nick said:

thanks, but one more thing. both this mod and kerbol origins changes the main menu picture, with a different gas giant from kerbol origins instead of the new horizions one. will they be compatible?


That I honestly do not know, sorry. But I do expect some sort of tug-of-war between N.H. and K.O.

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Hello can I ask you one thing ?

I am getting this error for evry planet in my debug file: 

[Log]: [OD] ERROR: getting pixelFloatD with unloaded map New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Lave/PluginData/Lave_height.dds of path New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Lave/PluginData/Lave_height.dds, autoload = True

But next lane is this :

[Log]: [OD] Map New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Lave/PluginData/Lave_height.dds enabling self. Path = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Lave/PluginData/Lave_height.dds


Whad does it mean ?  

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I'm wondering if there will be more planets in this mod, ones that are based off of real exoplanets (like how Vanor seems to resemble Epsilon Eridani b/Aegir, and Sonnah resembles planets like Mu Arae b/Quijote). Funny how the exoplanets that resemble Vanor and Sonnah are both already named. Here are some other NH-Planet and exoplanet connections:

  • Kerbin (New Horizons): KOI-433.02 b m (A hypothetical moon with an estimated ESI of 0.92!)
  • Laythe (New Horizons): GJ-1214 b
  • Ernus: CoRoT-7b
  • Moh: WASP-12b
  • Moho (New Horizons): WASP-12b m (A possible, large exomoon of WASP-12b)
  • Arin: Kepler-62c
  • Titanius: K2-3d (A huge rocky planet that could have water on it)
  • Lave: Gliese 581d
  • Eeloo (New Horizons): OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb
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  On 1/9/2016 at 5:33 PM, Alexoff said:

Why mechjeb cannot calculate trajectories in Sonnah region?


Because Aptur.

The Aptur-Kerbin relationship is one of those wonderfully unique things that MechJeb just can't figure out. And unlike docking and rendezvous, you can't just throw more fuel at it. You have to do it yourself.

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  On 1/9/2016 at 5:33 PM, Alexoff said:

Why mechjeb cannot calculate trajectories in Sonnah region?


It has a hard time with transfers from Kerbin orbit, but once you're out into actual Sonnah orbit it does fine. The part that I found the most difficult was simply adjusting to the idea that I can't just launch from Kerbin and go straight to the Mun any time I want, I have to wait for a decent window (or burn a lot more fuel than is necessary). It's still possible to get to the Mun and back on roughly the same amount of delta V as in stock if you leave at the right time. It's even possible to do a fly-by of the Mun and head straight back to Kerbin nearly (had to do about 90 m/s burn) free.

One thing I would suggest is to put a small and inexpensive transfer window probe in orbit, something you can test various escape trajectories with by plotting maneuver nodes without having a ship sitting up there for days.

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  On 1/12/2016 at 8:29 AM, Astraph said:

Has anyone managed to get system rescaling mods work with NH in 1.05? I'd love to take a shot at career mode in a rescaled NH system, but when I tried installing the 64k scale system, all non-stock planets glitched...


ill look into that at some point, thanks for letting me know. By the way, have you tried SigmaDimensions? it might be better to try out as it rescales everything perfectly..

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