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[WIP][1.9.x-1.12.x] Scatterer-atmospheric scattering (0.0838 - 14/08/2022) Scattering improvements, in-game atmo generation and multi-sun support


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I'm having some trouble getting sun flares to work on bodies other than the sun, which was supposed to be a feature added recently to Scatterer. I edited and added the appropriate configs, but when I load up the game, it is extremely laggy and freezes resulting in me having to restart my computer.

This is the sunflare config for my star (Proxima Centauri)

	Proxima Centauri
		//path to sunflare textures
		assetPath = scatterer/config/Sunflares/Proxima Centauri

		//Flare and spikes: Centered on the sun
		flareSettings = 0.45,1,0.085
		spikesSettings = 0.6,1,.1
		//distance under which the flare is faded out
		//to make the sun surface visible up-close
		sunGlareFadeDistance = 250000
		// Ghosts, variable position along the sun to screen-center line
		// each row is an instance of a ghost
		// 8 instances of each ghost maximum
		// if you want more ghosts or instances just contact me
		// for each row: intensity, aspect ratio, 1/scale, position on sun-screenCenter line
		// position on sun-screenCenter line: can be positive or negative
		// 0 is sun position, 1 is screen center
		ghost1SettingsList1  //2 used slots, 2 unused
			Item = 0.54,0.65,2.3,0.5
			Item = 0.54,1,6,0.7
		//4 more unused slots for ghost 1
			Item = 0.135,1,3,0.9
			Item = 0.054,1,8,1.1
			Item = 0.054,1,4,1.3
			Item = 0.054,1,5,1.5
		//4 more unused slots for ghost 2
		//8 unused slots for ghost 3
		//I include this additional ghost for modders
		//A texture needs to be included so I included a 1x1 texture
		//you can replace it with a texture of your own size


And this is the edited planetsList config

	mainSunCelestialBodyName = Sun
			celestialBodyName = Kerbin
			transformName = Kerbin
			loadDistance = 100000000
			unloadDistance = 200000000
			hasOcean = True
				Item = Mun
				Item = Minmus
					bodyName = Mun
					color = 1,1,1
					intensity = 0.0799999982
					isSun = False
			celestialBodyName = Duna
			transformName = Duna
			loadDistance = 100000000
			unloadDistance = 200000000
			hasOcean = False
				Item = Ike
			celestialBodyName = Laythe
			transformName = Laythe
			loadDistance = 300000000
			unloadDistance = 500000000
			hasOcean = True
				Item = Jool
				Item = Vall
				Item = Tylo
				Item = Bop
				Item = Pol
					bodyName = Jool
					color = 0.600000024,1,0.400000006
					intensity = 0.25
					isSun = False
			celestialBodyName = Jool
			transformName = Jool
			loadDistance = 500000000
			unloadDistance = 1E+09
			hasOcean = False
				Item = Laythe
				Item = Vall
				Item = Tylo
				Item = Bop
				Item = Pol
			celestialBodyName = Eve
			transformName = Eve
			loadDistance = 300000000
			unloadDistance = 500000000
			hasOcean = True
				Item = Gilly
			bodyName = Mun
			color = 1,1,1
			intensity = 1
			isSun = False
			localRange = 1
			scaledRange = 1
			fadeRadius = 1
		Item = Sun
		Item = Proxima Centauri


Is there something I am doing incorrectly?

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1 hour ago, V8jester said:

Are those AVP clouds I see? (Wish'n for an epic return)


23 minutes ago, Astronomer said:

Yes. Ignore those for now :P it's not nearly finished.

The storm is brewing though :)

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Right, I can barely keep up with the thread, so apologies if I don't answer someone's post.

I uploaded a new version, fixes the map view error spam, includes a switch which should fix the halo issue (for some people it might fix it to have it off, and others to have it on, try it and report on what works for you). Also, the sky shaders have been switched to soft additive, planets may look a bit different from orbit, let me know if the old blending is better.

Links in the OP.

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Say Blackrack, do you think it would be possible to do this sort of thing through Scatterer?


Multicolored glow on planets, in this case Eve having a green tint around it's edges. I created this planets config (and textures for that matter) just yesterday inside of old EVE, but the new 1.2 continuation by @Waz doesn't support atmospheres and as thus I can no longer make planets glow like this. It's the only major thing that EVE 7.4 had which isn't in the new remake.


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13 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Say Blackrack, do you think it would be possible to do this sort of thing through Scatterer?


Multicolored glow on planets, in this case Eve having a green tint around it's edges. I created this planets config (and textures for that matter) just yesterday inside of old EVE, but the new 1.2 continuation by @Waz doesn't support atmospheres and as thus I can no longer make planets glow like this. It's the only major thing that EVE 7.4 had which isn't in the new remake.


you can do all of this with the config tool in the op :)

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18 hours ago, blackrack said:

Right, I can barely keep up with the thread, so apologies if I don't answer someone's post.

I uploaded a new version, fixes the map view error spam, includes a switch which should fix the halo issue (for some people it might fix it to have it off, and others to have it on, try it and report on what works for you). Also, the sky shaders have been switched to soft additive, planets may look a bit different from orbit, let me know if the old blending is better.

Links in the OP.

Thanks for the update. Still experiencing the halo bug on my end, however.


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38 minutes ago, Cromwell said:

Thanks for the update. Still experiencing the halo bug on my end, however.


Sorry to here that. You'll need to supply us some info though if we are to help. Specs? Logs? OS? 64/32 bit? Mod list? Still present when it's the only mod installed?

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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I'm having an issue that I thought had been fixed some time ago.  Kerbin has an ugly haze over it when viewed from space (or the map) that removes clarity from surface features and makes the planet look far too light blue instead of an earth-like deep blue.  I know I had a version of this at one time where this was fixed.  Is this a setting to turn this awful haze off?  That haze kept me from using or recommending this mod for a very long time and I'd hate to have to go back to that, but for me that is an incredible deal breaker.

Edited by Alshain
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Is there a way to load different planet configs into the editor? I.E. I want to edit Jool so I load it as the default planet instead of Kerbin in the config tool?

Actually I've got a couple of questions related to the tool :/

* Any way to make the haze stronger or weaker separately from how strong you set scattering? As in to have the atmosphere appear from orbit as the "lite" image, but from the surface have it appear the same color as default?

* Any way to make the sunset edge more exaggerated?

* Can I create multicolor atmospheres? I.E. Purple Eve with a green fringe around it's edge?

- I might find my own answers in time but I'm out of time for experimenting today.

I wish I could make Kerbin more red as it feels rather bland right now, but I can't make it more red without the atmosphere become red on the ground. This is the best I could get:



- There's probably a setting I can change but I'm not sure what?


Edited by Avera9eJoe
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20 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Sorry to here that. You'll need to supply us some info though if we are to help. Specs? Logs? OS? 64/32 bit? Mod list? Still present when it's the only mod installed?


I still have exactly the same problem. I am using the very latest version just downloaded again, version 0.0256, clean install: No other mods, no replacement .dll, nothing...

I haven't upgraded to the latest MacOS version, though...

System spec as per ksp.log:

OS: Mac OS X 10.11.6

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4980HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz (8)

RAM: 16384

GPU: AMD Radeon R9 M370X OpenGL Engine (2048MB)

SM: 41 (OpenGL 4.1 ATI-1.42.15)

RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8, ARGBInt, RGInt, RInt, RGB111110Float


And this is what scatterer reports:

[LOG 13:54:45.195] [Scatterer] Detected OpenGL 4.1 ATI-1.42.15

Edited by Epoxid
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