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How are you going to play 1.0


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The only 2 mods I install all the time when they are updated: Kerbal Engineer and Clouds.

probably Sandbox for a few hours to design my launchers, then Science all the way.

I'll prolly do a career later, but I hate upgrading buildings.

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To me just MechJeb for a while. Then maybe some life support mod like TAC or maybe Snacks... Then maybe Remote Tech (I love the concept, hate the bugs!) and the DTobi Smart Parts, if they got updated... and finally KAS... Kethane will RIP together with a bunch of other things...

Maybe, if people update that little cute shuttle, I would love to have it again.

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I'm going to start a fresh career, probably with very minimal mods (KER, KAC, maybe Trajectories). Very interested to try out the new parts and new aero system. I don't care for building planes (I find it very frustrating) but launching rockets should be more interesting, and thermal effects improves the challenge. I expect it will be a lot like using FAR and DRE, which was fun for a while too.

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I think I am going to install Outer Planets and will try to set my space program up in such a way, that the exploration of Sarnus will be the main goal. I'll probably limit my use of Kerbal Engineer. I will only use data for TWR for planets as soon as I have explored them with a probe and gravioli detector to analyse their properties.

So yeah... I think this will be a new YouTube series for me, kicking off with v1.0 - all fresh, all new :)

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I'm going to start in vanilla, in sandbox. I'm going to build several rockets and try to get them into orbit via various means, to determine the best ascent path.

By the time I'm done with that, I hope KER will have updated so I can then find out how much dV it takes :D

THEN, I'm going to record the best ascent path and put it on YouTube.

By then, I hope SETI and a ton of other mods are updated, and then I'm going to start a new series.

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Its basically going to mean that I won't have any need for NEAR/FAR, DRE is basically included. Karbonite is basically included. In many ways, the functionality of most of the popular mods is included in some way. They've done part rebalance, so I'll try that (since I previously did my own part rebalances).

I plan for fueling stations on:

* Minmus or the Mun, can't decide yet. The Mun's faster orbital period is much more useful for Bi-eliptic transfers, but its escape velocity is higher, and its PE is lower, its also much harder to land on. Transfer times are must shorter though, it doesn't have the eccentric orbit probelms of Minmus... need to experiment

* Duna (or Ike?) - because its a fun planet with an atmosphere to explore, and it can serve as a transit hub for craft going to Jool or further out (If I put a craft into LKO that has a single stage DV of only 1,500 m/s... it cant go directly to jool, but it can get to Duna, aerobrake, refuel, and then go to Jool).

But I think those savings can be even better if I refuel in orbit of Ike, drop me PE down to just above duna's atmosphere, and then go to Jool/Eelo, etc.

* Gilly - a good place to fuel an Eve lander (so I can send those big arse eve landers empty, and then fill them up prior to dropping them down one Eve). Also a good place ot refuel a craft going to Moho.

*Laythe - because its a fun world with an atmosphere to explore, and it can serve as a transit hub for craft exploring the Jool system or departing it.

If I'll have craft with <1,500 m/s of dV going to jool (coming from Duna/Ike/Minmus/Mun), they'll need a place they can refeul at...

And maybe:

* Kerbin? no more paying for fuel? :P

* Eve - why land a fueled lander, when I could land an empty lander and be less likely to break things -then- fuel it up after it landed

* Moho... because even if one departs from the Eve system... it still takes a lot of dV to reach, and then get back from it.

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I went through my list of mods yesterday, to see which ones I could skip now. So, the first game will be a sandbox to test the following:

  • If there's a stock TWR and Delta V indicator, I won't be needing Kerbal Flight Engineer. Well, we'll see, I've grown quite fond of the HUD overlay to see my orbital stats lately.
  • Test stock aero. I don't need it to be as realistic as FAR, I just want:
    • Swept wings to work
    • Wings in general to work, regardless of orientation
    • Bonus points for lifting body effect

    [*]Reentry heat test. If accepable, I'll skip deadly reentry.

    [*]Stock fairings. I'll probably not need procedural fairings anymore.

    [*] Figure out the resource system, as I've never used carbonite and its scanners.

In addition, I'll probably go with these mods:

  • Action Groups Extended - Because I like having the ability to edit groups post-launch
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator - Because it makes docking a lot less painful
  • Enhanced Navball - So that I can move it to the side
  • Kerbal Attachment System - Mainly for the struts, but I also like the pipe endpoints.
  • Kerbal Inventory System - Maybe in combination with, or as a replacement for the above
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock - Because I suck at keeping track of upcoming maneuvers
  • Kerbal Flight Indicator - Because I hate landing without seeing my flight path
  • Joint Reinforcement - We'll see if I still need this. With FAR my planes had a tendency of turning into crumbs.
  • Mechjeb - Automating loooooooooong burns and fine-tuning maneuver nodes. The latter is 99% of my use cases for mechjeb
  • Realchutes - Proper drag chutes for aircrafts, plus I do not like having my landers yanked apart
  • TAC Fuel Balancer - Because it's so much less painful than right clicking one tank at a time
  • TAC Life Support - Realism
  • Toolbar - So that I have a tidy place for all of the mod-buttons
  • Trajectories - My atmospheric landings are rubbish without it

As for beautification mods, my computer is a bit too potato for that, so I've never bothered with these.

Once I have this properly set up, we'll see if I can manage a career game this time around, without going broke all the time, grinding for funds. If this becomes the case, I'll restart a science game instead.

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First things first, I'm going to load up all of my planes, and laugh at how horribly they probably fly now. Then, I'm starting over, just keeping Kerbal engineer and alarm clock. I'll probably test out new aerodynamics a bit, and then start a new science game. There is something about Stock/near Stock KSP that just feels "right" to me, even if mods are a ton of fun.

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Well, I don't know how am I going to play the game, but I'm 100% sure of what I'm going to do first: the exact same as i did when I first played the game :D In other words, strap a capsule to a RT-10 and light it up. That will give me intel in the new drag mechanics and ( most likely ) on the reentry heat damage as well :P

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Like many people, I will start vanilla in creative, test the new aero and reentry heat, and any new parts. This should give me some time until mods are updated. After this I will probably install a few mods I usually use(KER, TAC lifesupport, FAR, procedural parts ...) and start a fresh hard mode career.

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I will start off as many others will playing stock, then will add mods as and when I decide to.


- Infernal Robotics

- Remote Tech

Stuff to make life easier:

- Mechjeb

- Kerbal Alarm clock

And then more as i find them again as I have just deleted my ksp folder ready to install on linux.

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