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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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Would it be possible to allow starved kerbals to EVA, but not do any special EVA functions like plant flags, etc? I think it would be appropriate to let them transfer themselves into a well stocked rescue craft in situations when docking is not an option.

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Is "supplies" just a generic resource, or is it broken down into parts like food, water, O2, etc.?

I'm asking because I was going to release a Snacks! part as a KIS-compatibile life support resource, and while Snacks! Life Support is a natural fit for this, I'd like to have MM files for all the existing life support systems. That now includes this one. :)

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Read through the WIP thread and never saw a mention of this idea/request. Did see a lot of "Why not harder?" and related drama.

Rover, since you're good at frameworks, why not make this mod a configurable framework as well?

The config for USI-LS would consist of a single file, setup like a resource converter definition.

Resource- Name of the resource to track.

Amount- Amount of the resource 1 kerbal consumes in 1 kerbal day.

Waste- Resource produced, converted with mass conservation. (optional)

Survivaltime- Amount of seconds before the penalty is applied after the resource runs out.

Penalty- Which penalty to apply once the resource runs out.

Survival timer is reduced from current timer amount (limited to the max time) back to 0 in reverse when supplies are restored, or in the case of partial generation will increment by partial amounts. So say you generate half the amount of resources needed, the timer will go twice as long before fully running out.

This way enabling/disabling resource flow for life support doesn't instantly reset the counter. If you went 12 days out of 15 without supplies then gave them more, it would take 12 days of letting them use supplies before the counter was fully reset.

Penalties: Death, Hibernation, Temporary skill loss (skill redused to 1), Temporary skill reduction (counted as 1 skill level lower)

Ship with the basic config then let people who really want it make an alternate config to add whatever resources they want.

Example: One simple idea someone could do to make things a little harder would be a Legroom resource. Produced in varying amounts by anything that holds crew (free production, no output resource, little storage of it), it would be tuned so you might need 1 extra empty seat per 2 kerbals to have enough Legroom for them not to go cranky and drop a skill level.

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Would it be possible to allow starved kerbals to EVA, but not do any special EVA functions like plant flags, etc? I think it would be appropriate to let them transfer themselves into a well stocked rescue craft in situations when docking is not an option.

Thought about it, and given they can only do each of these things once before hitting a capsule, path of least resistance is to just let them do their thing.

Is "supplies" just a generic resource, or is it broken down into parts like food, water, O2, etc.?

I'm asking because I was going to release a Snacks! part as a KIS-compatibile life support resource, and while Snacks! Life Support is a natural fit for this, I'd like to have MM files for all the existing life support systems. That now includes this one. :)

Just one - Supplies :)

Read through the WIP thread and never saw a mention of this idea/request. Did see a lot of "Why not harder?" and related drama.

Rover, since you're good at frameworks, why not make this mod a configurable framework as well?

<.. lots of work for me ..>

Because that sounds like WAY too much work ;)

This is one of those cases where a framework really is not the right answer. I have a pretty specific vision in mind, and want to run with it. There will be some config choices, but limited in scope.

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Awesome. Absolutely awesome. TAC-LS is great and I loved it but it was like 50 parts and I don't recall ever having used just oxygen/water/food containers and setups. Also I only ever set up closed loops on ground bases; trying to get 100% self sufficient in orbit was an insane hassle and I always just counted on over-producing groundside and shipping up multi-year supplies.

This reduces complexity all around on MKS/OKS and a significant swath of modded in part libraries. Good choices, good design. If I want to send my Kerbals to their deaths from starvation I can do so but the default just seems more... well, KSP.

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This looks great! I have a few technical questions for modding purposes:

1) The OP says "The old C3 (now renamed to the Pioneer Module) will have a basic mulcher and greenhouse and can do recycling at 50% efficiency for up to four Kerbals," whereas the Pioneer Module's in-game description mentions "a modest greenhouse (25% efficiency) that can help replenish the initial supplies of your expedition." Which is correct, 50% or 25%?

2) What are the actual supply consumption and mulch production rates (in terms of the "ratio" units used by the ModuleResourceConverter)? E.g., 0.0001? 0.00005?

3) I noticed that the Pioneer module does not have any mulch storage. Is mulch storage unnecessary for the mulcher to function properly?

4) You mentioned that the Mk-IV modules will have different efficiencies for surface vs off-world. How is this accomplished, in regard to fields for the ModuleResourceConverter?

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Congrats on this, Roverdude! This is just the kind of life-support mod I want: an obligation to supply the troops, but consequences short of death. I had been thinking of trying "Snacks," but I'm not sure how active the support is for that mod, and one thing about you is that you're always active. :) Anyway, congrats, and I look forward to trying it.

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So if I don't put any tanks on my ship, I have 15 days to supply them? So it basically simulates some supplies in the capsules and cockpits. It's in the yellow when I do that, so its fine as long as it doesn't go red?

Why I say that I have the Ship Manifest mod installed. I have no tanks on my test ship (Kerbal Stock X). On launch pad I am able to toggle on and off Ship Manifest. After I launch I am fine, but once I get higher up almost in sub-orbital, I can't turn Ship Manifest on. Its like I am not allowed to use it. It works fine if I put a tank of supplies on. Keep in mind this is all done with normal Kerbals, no oranges.

If this is a bug, I can upload my log files tomorrow.

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So if I don't put any tanks on my ship, I have 15 days to supply them? So it basically simulates some supplies in the capsules and cockpits. It's in the yellow when I do that, so its fine as long as it doesn't go red?

Why I say that I have the Ship Manifest mod installed. I have no tanks on my test ship (Kerbal Stock X). On launch pad I am able to toggle on and off Ship Manifest. After I launch I am fine, but once I get higher up almost in sub-orbital, I can't turn Ship Manifest on. Its like I am not allowed to use it. It works fine if I put a tank of supplies on. Keep in mind this is all done with normal Kerbals, no oranges.

If this is a bug, I can upload my log files tomorrow.

Do a test using orange kerbals. That should tell if it is a USI-LS issue.

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Because that sounds like WAY too much work ;)

This is one of those cases where a framework really is not the right answer. I have a pretty specific vision in mind, and want to run with it. There will be some config choices, but limited in scope.

Fair enough. Dunno what hooks into the XP system would even be available for temporarily altering levels.

1 resource pairs nicely with remotetech without a crapload of clutter. I just figured it would be less of a headache to toss a bone at the hardcore players and let them drown themselves in resource production chains instead of demanding changes to the baseline.

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I like the idea of life support but I'm always turned off by the extra "challenge" it adds without any benefit. Do you think that something like "super food" would be viable further down the tech tree that boost Kerbal performance etc or maybe specific foods that improve jumps/walking speed alone? Not sure if you like the idea but this is still a great sounding mod, thanks! :)

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Am I right to assume this does not apply to Kerbals on EVA?
While on EVA, they will not quit. But if they are brought back aboard a ship and have been starved (and can't find a hot meal waiting) they will promptly go in strike, and begin their self imposed vacation immediately.

I'm glad that LS thing made it to public release! Thank you so much Sir, RoverDude!

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