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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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  On 4/24/2017 at 7:26 PM, Terwin said:

If you mean USI-MKS when you said USI-Kolonization, then you can have all  3 installed and manage the resources for both LS mods at the same time.

If you do not want to manage Supplies from USI-LS then set the effect of not having supplies to None, and just never send any.(this can be done in the USI configuration UI available from the USI button at the space center screen)

You can do the same with Electricity and/or Habitation as well.

(I do not think you can actually turn off electricity consumption from the UI though, you may need to edit the config for that)



was not expecting a fast answer, alright i'll do what you said

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When I was doing some LS calculations, I noticed a small oddity in the habitation values-I think LS defines a Kerbin year as 425 days, not 426. I tested it by adding a 2.5m kerbitat on common mode onto the end of a Mk3 pax module and the calculation should have given me 18*0.25*3.35=15.075k-m habtime for one kerbal, which equates to 452.25 days, which is (ignoring the 32.5 minutes on the end of the year) 1 year, 26 days, 1 hour and 30mins. However, in the VAB LS window it gave that as 1y, 27d, 1h and 30m.

Is this due to LS defining a year wrong, or has my maths gone wrong instead somewhere?


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  On 4/26/2017 at 3:02 PM, voicey99 said:

When I was doing some LS calculations, I noticed a small oddity in the habitation values-I think LS defines a Kerbin year as 425 days, not 426. I tested it by adding a 2.5m kerbitat on common mode onto the end of a Mk3 pax module and the calculation should have given me 18*0.25*3.35=15.075k-m habtime for one kerbal, which equates to 452.25 days, which is (ignoring the 32.5 minutes on the end of the year) 1 year, 26 days, 1 hour and 30mins. However, in the VAB LS window it gave that as 1y, 27d, 1h and 30m.

Is this due to LS defining a year wrong, or has my maths gone wrong instead somewhere?



You're right. USI defines Kerbin year as 425 days. I noticed it, when I was making my own life support planner sheet, but I wasn't sure, which value is the right one.

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  On 4/26/2017 at 7:03 PM, maja said:

You're right. USI defines Kerbin year as 425 days. I noticed it, when I was making my own life support planner sheet, but I wasn't sure, which value is the right one.


One Kerbin year is 426 days long, so this is wrong. Logging on the bugtracker.

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  On 4/27/2017 at 6:40 AM, KerbolExplorer said:

Im looking it in all the filters.I have  the bases mod installed


They are supposed to be in their own life support tab. If not, something is wrong and we need to get some more info to help you. 

Start with a pic of you Gamedata folder and the umbraspaceindustries folder. 

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  On 4/28/2017 at 9:50 AM, Johould said:

This has been asked a few times but never answered: what, if anything, does "Crew Affected" mean on parts that provide only simple hab time such as the Hitchhiker?


If I'm not mistaken, it's the maximum number of Kerbals the part will support with its given bonus.  Additional Kerbals present in the craft beyond that number will not be able to take advantage of the multipliers.

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  On 4/29/2017 at 10:12 AM, Brigadier said:

If I'm not mistaken, it's the maximum number of Kerbals the part will support with its given bonus.  Additional Kerbals present in the craft beyond that number will not be able to take advantage of the multipliers.


Sure, that's how multipliers work (well, multipliers apply fully up to the limit and then divide evenly, took me a while to figure out too), but the Hitchhiker container doesn't have any multiplier. It just has a straight +21 months hab time, which seems to apply to a single kerbal crew, or divide evenly between crew members. That's why I'm so confused that it has a "Crew Affected" number in the habitation information.

Edited by Johould
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  On 4/29/2017 at 12:08 PM, Johould said:

Sure, that's how multipliers work (well, multipliers apply fully up to the limit and then divide evenly, took me a while to figure out too), but the Hitchhiker container doesn't have any multiplier. It just has a straight +21 months hab time, which seems to apply to a single kerbal crew, or divide evenly between crew members. That's why I'm so confused that it has a "Crew Affected" number in the habitation information.


In those - if I remember correctly - they are the number of crew who would get the full hab time.  If you put in less crew, you get more hab time than that, if you put in more crew then you get more hab time.

It's a bit less meaningful there. :wink:

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  On 4/29/2017 at 2:57 PM, DStaal said:

In those - if I remember correctly - they are the number of crew who would get the full hab time.  If you put in less crew, you get more hab time than that, if you put in more crew then you get more hab time.

It's a bit less meaningful there. :wink:


With the Hitchhiker a single Kerbal gets the 21 Kebal-months (plus 1 for 4 seats), and with more crew it is divided evenly, like getting 330d each with two Kerbals.

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@doogie1987, this is a patch to replace TAC LS resources with USI resources keeping the same duration.

//Patch made by MarceloSilveira;02-may-2017

//Gets the original amounts of supplies and mulch for eachpart that has some of them.
	origFood = #$RESOURCE[Food]/maxAmount$
	origWaste = #$RESOURCE[Waste]/maxAmount$

//To keep the same duration the coefficients are 29.538607 and 324.78077
//To keep the same resource mass the coefficients are 1.08472 and 11.9279077
	@description ^=:$: Has TAC LS patch.:

		name = Supplies
		amount = #$../origFood$
		maxAmount = #$../origFood$
		@amount *= 29.538607
		@maxAmount *= 29.538607
		name = Mulch
		amount = #$../origWaste$
		maxAmount = #$../origWaste$
		@amount *= 324.78077
		@maxAmount *= 324.78077





This patch will apply to EVERY part that has Food or Waste

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On the topic, I am thinking of writing a patch to add some LS functionality to parts from SXT-where should I submit the patch to?

EDIT: Looks like there is a "Patches" folder in SXT, I'll submit it there.

And @RoverDude where are these balance guides?

EDIT 2: I made a PR with it in to the SXT git, hopefully linux will merge it in. Get it here in the meantime (it goes under SXT/Patches/ModCompatibility).

EDIT 3: Compatibility is in :).

Edited by voicey99
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  On 5/10/2017 at 7:01 AM, KerbolExplorer said:

is there a way to make fertilazer:/


You will need MKS to manufacture fertilizer. They have at least three different ways to manufacture fertilizer


  On 5/10/2017 at 2:26 PM, kcs123 said:

I belive it is called "mulch" in KSP and already exist in USI.


Mulch is different than fertilizer. The MKS wiki has a lot of information that describes these resources.


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I may be overlooking it, but is there an indicator somewhere of how long a Kerbonaut needs to R&R at KSC after coming home in a homesick state?  I apparently relaunched a couple of Kerbals I didn't realize were still suffering from homesick effects...  I looked at the Crew Rotation mod to see if that would help, but linuxgurugamer's notes indicate that it's probably not compatible with Kerbal Construction Time, which is a key element for me.  Where can I see who's actually ready and rarin' to return to space and who needs a bit more downtime?

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