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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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30 minutes ago, paul23 said:

Hmm so I'm not sure which pack of USI adds the extra kerbal classes (miner, technician etc). I'm guessing this mod, otherwise tell me and I'll post this is the correct thread.


Anyways; is it possible to make the extra kerbal classes available from other "missions" that give kerbals? - rescue, and with tourism plus I've got the space campe missions. If this is "hard" - would it be possible to allow "retraining" certain classes to the specialisms? IE, there are 10 specialisms, allow retraining of "pilot" to "kolonist, quartermaster or scout". "engineer" to mechanic or technician and "scientist" to Miner, geologist, farmer, biologist or medic.


Those missions easily give me more than enough kerbals, so it's weird that I have a few dozen pilots but no specific classes.

It's not USI-LS but MKS. Your error is unterstandable since MKS uses USI-LS  and was written by the same modder.

I have a similliar problem in my career (without MKS), which I'm fixing by editing my safe file. 

Make a backup and try it yourself, I don't see any reason that woudn't work.

Edited by jost
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2 hours ago, paul23 said:

Anyways; is it possible to make the extra kerbal classes available from other "missions" that give kerbals? - rescue, and with tourism plus I've got the space campe missions.

There's an option in the MKS difficulty settings to enable the new classes in rescue contracts. 

The space camp option is slightly more tricky and would require a patch to be written for the T+ contract. It looks possible based on the contract cfg file. Possibly best to create

a clone of the original contract to give a choice between a "basic" camp that would give three Kerbals a random specialism each or an "advanced" camp that would give the more powerful stock classes.

2 hours ago, paul23 said:

If this is "hard" - would it be possible to allow "retraining" certain classes to the specialisms? IE, there are 10 specialisms, allow retraining of "pilot" to "kolonist, quartermaster or scout". "engineer" to mechanic or technician and "scientist" to Miner, geologist, farmer, biologist or medic.

Again possible with contracts or some sort of custom part mod extension (similar to Field Training Facility/Lab mod perhaps) but you're effectively demoting them since the core classes are supersets of the specialisms.


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19 hours ago, pippo_jedi said:


I have the same issue you had: every time a kerbal becomes grouchy or whatever it corrupts the game file, when they return to ksc they don't do XP and then disappear.
Were you able to find a solution to this bug? Editing the save file afterwards? I'm not well versed in the editing of ksp file, I have downloaded KML but could not figure out what to do...

Hi, I tried to see if it was a compatibility issue with other mods, I made a clean install and tried to replicate del bug with less and less mods installed, on the last I have installed only usi mods and mecjeb2 and it does still the same thing: i put a rocket on sand bax for a couple of weeks, crew becomes tourist, when returning to duty at 25m they are active but portraits are still labeled tourists and when they return to KSC they get experience, they disappear and strange things happens to roster crew.

To make a clean install I have to first disinstall through steam, then erase all content of ksp folder, yes? or do i forget something that leaves some hidden game file corrupted?

I would hate to have to play without Usi mods as I love them very mutch... :-\

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On 12/19/2019 at 1:08 AM, pippo_jedi said:

To make a clean install I have to first disinstall through steam, then erase all content of ksp folder, yes? or do i forget something that leaves some hidden game file corrupted?

You don't have to uninstall from Steam first.  If you're playing from your Steam download, the default directory is "Kerbal Space Program" under your Steam apps directory.  Rename this directory and then download from Steam again - it'll make a new, clean KSP directory.  I recommend to never play from this directory directly.  Instead, copy it as many times as you like to create clean installs with different names for playing/testing mods and troubleshooting.  There are a couple of options you should change Steam-side to inhibit Steam from updating your clean download unless you want it to.

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2 hours ago, Brigadier said:

You don't have to uninstall from Steam first.  If you're playing from your Steam download, the default directory is "Kerbal Space Program" under your Steam apps directory.  Rename this directory and then download from Steam again - it'll make a new, clean KSP directory.  I recommend to never play from this directory directly.  Instead, copy it as many times as you like to create clean installs with different names for playing/testing mods and troubleshooting.  There are a couple of options you should change Steam-side to inhibit Steam from updating your clean download unless you want it to.

Thank you for the tip but, saved time aside (which is precious ofc), my procedure should give me a clean install, doesn't it?
because i always get this bug, and i dont know how to avoid it or get around it with some other tool...

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I'm just gettin back into Kerbal Space Program and decided to try using this mod as part of my career play-though. Couple questions have arisen though... I thought that The Orange suited Kerbals, Jeb, Bob, Valentina et. al were immune from these requirements. I now have a Mun mission stranded because Valentina is homesick.

Is there a good concise post that explains the Habitat and Home requirements and what will sustain my Kerbals?  I did search this thread and didn't see what I was looking for.

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5 hours ago, Havan_IronOak56 said:

I'm just gettin back into Kerbal Space Program and decided to try using this mod as part of my career play-though. Couple questions have arisen though... I thought that The Orange suited Kerbals, Jeb, Bob, Valentina et. al were immune from these requirements. I now have a Mun mission stranded because Valentina is homesick.

Is there a good concise post that explains the Habitat and Home requirements and what will sustain my Kerbals?  I did search this thread and didn't see what I was looking for.

I'll echo the wiki, but the short version on the particular issue you have: That was changed to be an option.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For what it's worth... I have set the standard orange suited Kerbal's to NOT need any of the Life support stuff.  Accepted a contract to take 4 tourists into space. Got into a good orbit and the standard contract display showed all was well after letting them complete their orbit time. Landed and the contract didn't get completed. Checked the in flight contract configurator display of contracts and found that their orbit timers stopped with :14  left. NO matter how many orbits I completed that refused to change. Added a tank of noms and reran the mission and all was well. I guess even tourists get peckish enough to stop vacationing when the in-flight meals dry up.

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Hi, all.

Sorry if this issue has already been discussed. Could not find an answer.
I have a problem with an inaccurate hab calculation. In VAB, one value, while flying another.
KSP 1.8.1 Russian localization


My mod list:


    "kind": "metapackage",
    "abstract": "A list of modules installed on the portable KSP instance",
    "name": "installed-portable",
    "license": "unknown",
    "version": "2020.",
    "identifier": "installed-portable",
    "spec_version": "v1.6",
    "recommends": [
            "name": "DistantObject-default"
            "name": "CommunityResourcePack"
            "name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements"
            "name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR"
            "name": "KerbalEngineerRedux"
            "name": "CommunityTechTree"
            "name": "KerbalJointReinforcementContinued"
            "name": "NearFutureConstruction"
            "name": "NearFutureElectrical"
            "name": "NearFutureElectrical-Core"
            "name": "NearFutureElectrical-DecayingRTGs"
            "name": "NearFutureLaunchVehicles"
            "name": "NearFutureProps"
            "name": "NearFuturePropulsion"
            "name": "NearFuturePropulsion-XenonHETs"
            "name": "NearFutureSolar"
            "name": "NearFutureSolar-Core"
            "name": "NearFutureSpacecraft"
            "name": "NearFutureSpacecraft-OrbitalLFOEngines"
            "name": "StationPartsExpansionRedux"
            "name": "CryoEngines"
            "name": "KerbalAtomics"
            "name": "B9PartSwitch"
            "name": "DynamicBatteryStorage"
            "name": "CryoTanks"
            "name": "CryoTanks-Core"
            "name": "DeployableEngines"
            "name": "DistantObject"
            "name": "PatchManager"
            "name": "ConfigurableContainers-Core"
            "name": "FilterExtensions"
            "name": "PhotonSailor"
            "name": "BetterBurnTime"
            "name": "HideEmptyTechNodes"
            "name": "AT-Utils"
            "name": "TweakScale"
            "name": "ToolbarController"
            "name": "GroundConstruction-Core"
            "name": "UKS"
            "name": "USI-ART"
            "name": "USI-Core"
            "name": "USI-EXP"
            "name": "USI-FTT"
            "name": "USI-LS"
            "name": "USITools"
            "name": "FirespitterCore"
            "name": "CommunityCategoryKit"
            "name": "Konstruction"
            "name": "ClickThroughBlocker"
            "name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core"
            "name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch"
            "name": "RealPlume"
            "name": "SmokeScreen"
            "name": "RealPlume-StockConfigs"
            "name": "DMagicOrbitalScience"
            "name": "ContractsWindowPlus"
            "name": "ProgressParser"
            "name": "ContractParser"
            "name": "KSPInterstellarExtended"
            "name": "ModuleManager"
            "name": "Chatterer"
            "name": "FerramAerospaceResearchContinued"
            "name": "ModularFlightIntegrator"
            "name": "AlcubierreStandalone"
            "name": "MechJeb2"
            "name": "CryoEngines-NFAero"
            "name": "MaterialExtensionsForRealChute"
            "name": "Toolbar"
            "name": "SCANsat"
            "name": "ContractConfigurator"
            "name": "DangItContinued"

UPD: I set the hub = 0.5 (it was 0.1) and the values in VAB and in flight began to match.

Edited by omG?!
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On 1/11/2020 at 1:38 AM, omG?! said:

Sorry if this issue has already been discussed. Could not find an answer.
I have a problem with an inaccurate hab calculation. In VAB, one value, while flying another.
KSP 1.8.1 Russian localization

Did you turn on the hab function on the lab?

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9 hours ago, DStaal said:

Did you turn on the hab function on the lab?


Do you mean in PPD-10? Yes, I did. The HUB value increases, but does not become equal in VAB. In the USI LS settings, the default value was 0.1. Changed by 0.5 the values began to coincide.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good morning!

Is there any possibility to add habitation parameters to different station parts? For example, stockalike station parts have some very decent and handsome modules that, however, dont add anything to habitation. For example, large 2.5m crew tubes are amazing to form a great station and obviously provide a lot of room to live inside (despite the fact that no seats are available. They can play Ker-ball there!) but absolutely useless in terms of extending living lime. 

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On 2/11/2020 at 2:38 AM, Lan_Morehell said:

Good morning!

Is there any possibility to add habitation parameters to different station parts? For example, stockalike station parts have some very decent and handsome modules that, however, dont add anything to habitation. For example, large 2.5m crew tubes are amazing to form a great station and obviously provide a lot of room to live inside (despite the fact that no seats are available. They can play Ker-ball there!) but absolutely useless in terms of extending living lime. 

You can certainly do a patch.  I even have a spreadsheet that you can use to calculate appropriate values and have parts be balanced with any other USI-LS compatible part.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello @RoverDude

I have being using several USI Mods :) and along side with civilian-population MOD version from (  @linuxgurugamer )


I understand that the Astronauts can feel the need or missing:

  • Habitation (due confined space ) and
  • Homesickness (  the strength of a person's attachment to home )


But for those that born in Orbit and that can happen with civilian-population, I have a challenge question to you, if possible :)

For those that born in Orbit why they feel Homesickness from Kerbin?


( I assume that this was not anticipated/foreseen ) but can you as USI Life Support System, support those orbit/space borns ?

  • It means that they will suffer of Homesickness, if they are not in orbit of the planet that they born ?
  • Or they will suffer Homesickness when they fill gravity
  • Or this don't applies at all and they should have home: Unlimited like a 5 stars Astronaut
Edited by pmborg
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48 minutes ago, pmborg said:

Hello @RoverDude

I have being using several USI Mods :) and along side with civilian-population MOD version from (  @linuxgurugamer )


I understand that the Astronauts can feel the need or missing:

  • Habitation (due confined space ) and
  • Homesickness (  the strength of a person's attachment to home )


But for those that born in Orbit and that can happen with civilian-population, I have a challenge question to you, if possible :)

For those that born in Orbit why they feel Homesickness from Kerbin?


( I assume that this was not anticipated/foreseen ) but can you as USI Life Support System, support those orbit/space borns ?

  • It means that they will suffer of Homesickness, if they are not in orbit of the planet that they born ?
  • Or they will suffer Homesickness when they fill gravity
  • Or this don't applies at all and they should have home: Unlimited like a 5 stars Astronaut

@RoverDude loves pull requests.

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On 3/2/2020 at 5:35 PM, pmborg said:

Hello @RoverDude

I have being using several USI Mods :) and along side with civilian-population MOD version from (  @linuxgurugamer )


I understand that the Astronauts can feel the need or missing:

  • Habitation (due confined space ) and
  • Homesickness (  the strength of a person's attachment to home )


But for those that born in Orbit and that can happen with civilian-population, I have a challenge question to you, if possible :)

For those that born in Orbit why they feel Homesickness from Kerbin?


( I assume that this was not anticipated/foreseen ) but can you as USI Life Support System, support those orbit/space borns ?

  • It means that they will suffer of Homesickness, if they are not in orbit of the planet that they born ?
  • Or they will suffer Homesickness when they fill gravity
  • Or this don't applies at all and they should have home: Unlimited like a 5 stars Astronaut

Homesickness even in Kerbin Orbit is by design.  The way to get rid of it is:


1.  Be in the lower atmosphere (I believe the default is like 25km or so).  i.e. be home :)

2.  Have enough hab to remove the effect (add enough and the helper in the VAB flips to 'unlimited').

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8 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Homesickness even in Kerbin Orbit is by design.  The way to get rid of it is:

1.  Be in the lower atmosphere (I believe the default is like 25km or so).  i.e. be home :)

2.  Have enough hab to remove the effect (add enough and the helper in the VAB flips to 'unlimited').

Hello @RoverDude

"The way to get rid of it is", yes there are probably, several ways to do that, but these ideas applies to Kerbin and to Kerbals, I was not referring neither of those things.


I think that I was not very efficient explaining the contextualization of the scenario:

"for those that born in Orbit and that can happen with civilian-population" what I mean with this is, was the following, imagine for those that Born for example in orbit of the Saturn don't needed to be orbit of Kerbin.

Here we are talking about Civilians (from civilian-population) and not Kerbals, they never have put a feet on Kerbin and probably they will never visit Kerbin, why should they miss Kerbin?

What I was proposing was a better application of the Rules for these cases.


What do you think?




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On 11/17/2019 at 1:06 PM, bob_kelso said:


First thx for the update to 1.8 this is a great news :)

Nevertheless, i discovered that if you get your kerbal grouchy (life support time limits like hab for instance) the save gets corrupted with a excrementsload of NullRefException and makes the Kerbals unusable anymore. Am i the only one getting this issue? I tried several things to fix it but didnt manage to succeed. If you guys have any hints ^^.


just found that in the astronaut complex.


Tried as well to EVA Jeb and it kinda fixes the thing but the nullref is still there. So means i have to forget about jeb and let it stay in orbit forever. 

If i destroy him then the astronaut complex becomes empty on the left column that is specialized for hiring.


On 12/18/2019 at 2:06 PM, pippo_jedi said:


I have the same issue you had: every time a kerbal becomes grouchy or whatever it corrupts the game file, when they return to ksc they don't do XP and then disappear.
Were you able to find a solution to this bug? Editing the save file afterwards? I'm not well versed in the editing of ksp file, I have downloaded KML but could not figure out what to do...

I think I fixed it!

It seems there is a problem with non-english trait-names (i.e. Engineer = Techniker). So all you have to do is rename your Kerbals traits to the english name.

Sorry for bad english and Good Luck!

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On 3/8/2020 at 6:00 PM, Kleea said:


I think I fixed it!

It seems there is a problem with non-english trait-names (i.e. Engineer = Techniker). So all you have to do is rename your Kerbals traits to the english name.

Sorry for bad english and Good Luck!

i just realized how badly explained my fix is ^^'
so to make things clear:
the simplest way is to just reinstall your game in english.

the slightly less simple way is as follows:

- open your current save with the texteditor of your choice

- at the bottom of the file are the kerbal-configs. Find all Kerbals with non-english trait identifier an substitute them with the correct english trait identifier (for Pilots: trait = Pilot, for Scientists trait = Scientist and for Engineers: trait = Engineer)

- save the file and load the save in KSP. You dont need to restart the game, just load the savegame.

- i guess, whenever you get a new Kerbal of the 3 standard classes, you have to rename his trait in the savefile.

i hope this is more of an instruction!

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5 hours ago, dlrk said:

Sorry for all the questions, but would it be possible to view Life Support time/status in the KSC screen?

isnt there a green square in the stock buttons that does that already? think you need to be in the tracking station for it to work like that though. 

one that is usually next to it has a green square and planet and that one shows the planetary logistics system and all of your transfers. 

Edited by COL.R.Neville
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11 hours ago, dlrk said:

It opens the settings menu



17 hours ago, COL.R.Neville said:

isnt there a green square in the stock buttons that does that already? think you need to be in the tracking station for it to work like that though. 

one that is usually next to it has a green square and planet and that one shows the planetary logistics system and all of your transfers. 


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