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[1.8.1 - 1.12.5] Interstellar Fuel Switch (IFS) 3.29.5


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6 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

@cicatrix Damn, I wasn't aware there was a problem. I need a well repeatable scenario on how to repeat the problem

Does my rover from my initial post get loaded normally at your machine? Because it doesn't at mine.

Each pair of tanks it has has different fuel setup (LqdAmmonia, Hydrazine, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Water).

When it loads all tanks are loaded with hydrogen for some reason, except one. And whereas the .craft is saved with empty tanks, it is loaded with full.

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6 minutes ago, cicatrix said:

Does my rover from my initial post get loaded normally at your machine? Because it doesn't at mine.

Each pair of tanks it has has different fuel setup (LqdAmmonia, Hydrazine, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Water).

When it loads all tanks are loaded with hydrogen for some reason, except one. And whereas the .craft is saved with empty tanks, it is loaded with full.

I loaded it, but I'm not sure what it is supposed to be, I see 1 big Hydrazine, 8 medium hydrogen, 2 amonia. most hydrogentanks are empty

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1 hour ago, FreeThinker said:

I loaded it, but I'm not sure what it is supposed to be, I see 1 big Hydrazine, 8 medium hydrogen, 2 amonia. most hydrogentanks are empty

If you load the craft into notepad you'll see it should also have water tanks and nitrogen tanks:

		name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
		isEnabled = True
		selectedTankSetup = 14
		inFlightTankSetup = -1
		configuredAmounts = 0,
		configuredFlowStates = True,
		selectedTankSetupTxt = Water
		configLoaded = True
		initialTankSetup = LqdHydrogen
		storedVolumeMultiplier = 1
		storedMassMultiplier = 1
		traceBoiloff = False
		stagingEnabled = True


		name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
		isEnabled = True
		selectedTankSetup = 12
		inFlightTankSetup = -1
		configuredAmounts = 0,
		configuredFlowStates = True,
		selectedTankSetupTxt = Liquid Nitrogen
		configLoaded = True
		initialTankSetup = LqdHydrogen
		storedVolumeMultiplier = 1
		storedMassMultiplier = 1
		traceBoiloff = False
		stagingEnabled = True

I attached the log file from the process before.

I can give you my save when I return home, but I'm afraid I'm using too many mods. 

The problem is that after upgrade existing crafts that have interstellar fuel tanks changed fuel type. I even tried to manually edit them in the save game but when any of those ships are loaded into the flight scene, the tanks get re-fuelled with LqdHydrogen again (even though their initial setup was for differen fuel - hydrazine mostly).

Edited by cicatrix
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@cicatrix Well this was totally not my intention. The goal was to make it more reliable ,, not less

For the moment I change my adviced version to the previous version

11 minutes ago, cicatrix said:

If you load the craft into notepad you'll see it should also have water tanks and nitrogen tanks:

		name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
		isEnabled = True
		selectedTankSetup = 14
		inFlightTankSetup = -1
		configuredAmounts = 0,
		configuredFlowStates = True,
		selectedTankSetupTxt = Water
		configLoaded = True
		initialTankSetup = LqdHydrogen
		storedVolumeMultiplier = 1
		storedMassMultiplier = 1
		traceBoiloff = False
		stagingEnabled = True


		name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
		isEnabled = True
		selectedTankSetup = 12
		inFlightTankSetup = -1
		configuredAmounts = 0,
		configuredFlowStates = True,
		selectedTankSetupTxt = Liquid Nitrogen
		configLoaded = True
		initialTankSetup = LqdHydrogen
		storedVolumeMultiplier = 1
		storedMassMultiplier = 1
		traceBoiloff = False
		stagingEnabled = True


Hey, where are the resources declarations?

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9 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

@cicatrix Well this was totally not my intention. The goal was to make it more reliable ,, not less

For the moment I change my adviced version to the previous version

Hey, where are the resources declarations?


I did not include them, but they're there (you can see them in the .craft file):

        name = Water
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 8400
        flowState = True
        isTweakable = True
        hideFlow = False
        isVisible = True
        flowMode = Both


        name = LqdNitrogen
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 8400
        flowState = True
        isTweakable = True
        hideFlow = False
        isVisible = True
        flowMode = Both


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@cicatrix  Alright, after analyzing the you log, I beginning to understand what is going wrong. somehow, the default resource is comming back from the grave which depending on is name create more or less havoc, I need to keep him back in the coffin.

This also explains why stock tanks with IFS don't have this problem so much, LiquidFuel is reasonbly high in the list, only Xenon tanks might get messed up..

18 hours ago, th3AddY said:

Would be nice if anyone found a solution for that :)

Now that I understand what is going wrong, I also know a hack to foce it to use the correct tank, simply change the default resource to the last one in the IFS resource list, which is Water.  Effectly this means you need to change the resource LqdHydrogen into Water.

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22 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Now that I understand what is going wrong, I also know a hack to foce it to use the correct tank, simply change the default resource to the last one in the IFS resource list, which is Water.  Effectly this means you need to change the resource LqdHydrogen in to water.

Could you elaborate a bit more? Where should I change it? In my existing craft? In the save file or only in new ones?

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5 minutes ago, cicatrix said:

Could you elaborate a bit more? Where should I change it? In my existing craft? In the save file or only in new ones?

You need to change it in the part defenition file or script which adds IFS. At least in IFS tanks, the  initial resource is LqdHydrogen,

Another solution would be to remove the resource all together, this should be a fool proof method

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Version 2.2.8 for Kerbal Space Program 1.2.1

Released on 2016-11-09

  • Fix: disabled adaptiveTankSelection by default which was causing problems when an existing resource is present on the rank
  • Fix: disabled verbose Log messaging
  • Included Module Manager to 2.7.3
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On 13-11-2016 at 3:25 PM, Likon Diversant said:

@FreeThinker, where just an empty tank? Why cut?

well because of 2 reasons:

A switching caused the switch buttons to jump arround

B:  I assumed no one was actualy using the empty tanks

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Is there a way to prevent some models from showing in the editor list when making a part with Interstellar Mesh Switch? Right now all the models are showing in the little icon in the editor list and it looks kind of weird. Thanks,


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2 hours ago, Benji13 said:

Is there a way to prevent some models from showing in the editor list when making a part with Interstellar Mesh Switch? Right now all the models are showing in the little icon in the editor list and it looks kind of weird. Thanks,


In unity you need to add the "Icon_Hidden" tag to every mesh you want to hide.

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3 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Version 2.2.9 for Kerbal Space Program 1.2.1

Released on 2016-11-20

  • Added ability to jettison all fuel in a container to all Fuel switches
  • Increased resource amount IFS storage container
  • Added PolyvinylChloride to IFS storage container

Can we have ability to store all liquid fuels including Diborane/Kerosene/Helium 4 in standard Interstellar tanks?

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