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KSP 1.0.1 is GO for launch! Thanks Squad :)


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Very shiny, but we will poke holes in any problems we find.

* Lowered heat production on LV-N.

But a quick check of the CFG files shows that it went from 240 to 432. o_O

Emissivity is up from 0.8 to 0.83, though.

Anyone (regex?) in a position to do detailed tests?

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Not just bug fixes, but features. eg:

* Solar panels now use the proper inv square from FI's solar flux.

* Added Part temperature gauges/highlighting (toggle with F10).

* Part temperature overlay can now be toggled with F11

* Part aerodynamic forces overlay can now be toggled with F12

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  UmbralRaptor said:

* Lowered heat production on LV-N.

But a quick check of the CFG files shows that it went from 240 to 432. o_O

A quick glance seems to indicate that the heatProduction scale was completely revised, since other engines also had their numbers change.

... which is fun because I changed all of my mods' heat numbers to correspond to the stock changes... which have now changed again.

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I'm away from my gaming rig, so I won't be able to test this for myself for a while. Does this mean that parachutes won't cause 200g deceleration in the upper atmosphere anymore? That was really the only thing that bugged me about the initial 1.0 release, and if they fixed that, I'll be one happy customer!

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  NecroBones said:
A quick glance seems to indicate that the heatProduction scale was completely revised, since other engines also had their numbers change.

... which is fun because I changed all of my mods' heat numbers to correspond to the stock changes... which have now changed again.

Yep, this is exactly it; its also true of thrust calculations re: Isp as well. I was in the middle of working on NP as well, going to have to do some backtracking.

I'm still fuzzy on the math of it all, but the major change; Maxthrust is one again actually the maxthrust (IE, the thrust you'll get at IspVac, whereas in 1.0 is was the thrust you get at IspSeaLevel, and then then actual 'maximum thrust' you achieved in a vacuum was based on doing the math (maxthrust * currentIsp/SealevelISP -- Note, no longer valid)

Heat production is also tied to this scaling, so that's why the LV-N number appears larger but its going to work out to less (I think, again I haven't done the math, its possible that the heat value got regressed during the change as well)

I'm gonna consult the experts and get some documentation written up on it later hopefully.

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  Warzouz said:
The Launcher is still stuck. No update.

The Launcher is a pain in the butt because it gives no connection status what-so-ever... just "Updating", when it isn't. If the connection times-out, you'll never know it.

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Yep, in KSP 1.0:

maxThrust described thrust at the Isp you had at Kerbin sea level (1.0 on the atmosphereCurve)

heatProduction was the heat production at that thrust.

In vacuum, thrust = maxThrust * IspV / IspSL and heat = heatProduction * IspV / IspSL. At sea level, the numbers are as given.

In 1.0.1 maxThrust describes thrust in vacuum (0 on the curve).

So thrust in vacuum = maxThrust, thrust at sea level = maxThrust * IspSL / IspV, and same for heat production (heat production is always given in reference to 'maxThrust' thrust).

If you have already balanced your engines for 1.0, just multiply both maxThrust and heatProduction by IspV/IspSL to keep all numbers ingame the same.

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  UmbralRaptor said:
Very shiny, but we will poke holes in any problems we find.

* Lowered heat production on LV-N.

But a quick check of the CFG files shows that it went from 240 to 432. o_O

Emissivity is up from 0.8 to 0.83, though.

Anyone (regex?) in a position to do detailed tests?

So this came in at a fortuitous moment right after I blew up a rocket not knowing that was a thing now. Relaunched the same rocket and succefully burned a 1 minute 14 second maneuver node at 100% (the last explosion was on a 49 second node). Looks like the change they were talking about is it now spreads the heat all over the rocket instead of just the fuel tanks, cause the whole rocket was glowing red hot by the end.

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1.0.2! lol


v1.0.2 ==================================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:


* Fixed ships potentially overheating when splashed down.


* Small tweak to Mk16 parachute drag.

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