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[1.8.x] DMagic's Modlets - Most KSP 1.8 Updates [10-29-2019]


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@Dodovogel I think I see the problem. The stock experiment results window does some exceedingly silly things to the data when there is no science left to collect, it sets the data's transmission value to zero.

I can't see any purpose for this, and I think I can just use Science Relay to reset the transmission value to its original. This would only work for newly created data, it wouldn't be able to go back and figure what the transmission rate should be for something that is already set to zero. But that should only be a temporary problem.

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I just wanted to ask a quick question about the science relay mechanics. I've read through the forum and still am slightly confused. So if an experiment can transmit 100% to ksc, but I send that data to a science lab to be processed first, that experiment receives no penalty for transmission to the lab? It's equivalent to docking the vessel with that experiment to the lab, and manually transferring it to the lab for processing? But if the experiment can only transmit less than 100% then the data received is docked according to the transmission percent? I saw a post from DMagic from October (it's a huge post so I wont repost it to keep this short and sweet) that used the mystery goo on Laythe as an example. If the goo was sent to a lab, only 4.2 data would be sent. But if the data was resent, there would be 100% transmission to the lab. Does this compound with the initial test that was run? As far as I knew, labs can't process duplicate readings, so does that mean it needs to send to another lab? Or will it group it as one reading and process all of the data?

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Anything with 100% transmission level will be sent without penalty.

Anything below that will only send the data amount (the "Data Size: x Mits section of the results window) * transmission level, that data will then be set to have a 100% transmission level. So further transmissions of that limited data set will not be reduced.

The science labs only care about the science id, so if you transmit a result at less than 100% and process it, the lab will consider that science result as finished, even if you manually bring in another copy of that result at the full data size at a later time. There isn't much that can be done about that, so you'll just have to consider whether you want to research the limited data set in the lab now, or whether you will be able to physically bring the result to the lab at some future time.

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Okay I understand now. And there is no way to minimize transmission penalties right? Like better antennas, solid connection, distance, etc? You just set the transmission percent in the settings and all transmissions follow that rule?

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@derekmw The transmission reduction value in the Science Relay settings menu is just for the transmission boost, it doesn't affect the base transmission level (which is set by each experiment's part config file).

And the transmission boost value is calculated using stock methods. I suppose I could allow for an increased level of boost transmission, though.

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Science Relay version 3.0 and EVA Transfer version 6.0 are out.

Science Relay preserves the science data transmission level for experiments with 0 remaining science, allowing you to continue transmitting such science between vessels or to transfer it to a lab.

EVA Transfer now ignores disabled resource containers by default. A new field has been added to the transfer line part config file: ignoreInactiveTanks, when set to false it will work as before, when set to true (or deleted) it will ignore inactive containers.

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@ev0 For some reason I thought I put tooltips on those. When you set those to true it will save your current settings to a file on disk and use those the next time you start a new game. Most of these options aren't really related to difficulty, and so there is no reason to have to keep updating the settings, so you can just set them how you want and use those as defaults.

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4 hours ago, DMagic said:

@ev0 For some reason I thought I put tooltips on those. When you set those to true it will save your current settings to a file on disk and use those the next time you start a new game. Most of these options aren't really related to difficulty, and so there is no reason to have to keep updating the settings, so you can just set them how you want and use those as defaults.

Oh, clever!

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New modlet incoming: Maneuver Node Evolved; get it on Space Dock.

This is my take on an improved version of the stock maneuver node tool.

It offers several features:

  • Intelligently offer locations to create the maneuver node based on where you click on the orbit path
    • Apoapsis, periapsis, equatorial asc and desc nodes, target relative asc and desc nodes, and target closest approach 
  • A keyboard shortcut to open maneuver nodes
    • Based on which node is focused on, or which node was last opened
  • UI scaling of the maneuver node gizmo
    • Base line scale value can be set
    • Dynamic scaling can be activated, increasing the scale of the gizmo based on the camera's distance
  • A post-maneuver orbit orientation for the DeltaV changes
    • No more launching an escape trajectory just by yanking on the orbit-normal handle
  • Replace the Orbit +/- buttons on the maneuver circle gizmo with manual DeltaV input and maneuver snap windows
    • Manual DeltaV adjustments can be made to each component with variable increments
    • DeltaV adjustments will follow the same orbit-orientation rules as the standard gizmo handles
    • Maneuver snap window allows for moving the node to one of several orbital locations
      • All of the locations described above are available
      • Orbit +/- buttons provide the same function as the old stock buttons
      • Patch +/- buttons allow for moving the node to the next orbit section when on and Escape or Encounter trajectory
      • Only locations that are available given current orbit conditions are shown
    • The windows look and function like the standard part context menus (they aren't actually the same)


Current features that this lacks which may be added at some point are:

  • Some way to cycle through multiple maneuver nodes
    • Keyboard shortcuts are possible, though this can get dicey with all of the mods out there providing their own shortcuts
    • Additional buttons on the gizmo, button circle thing may be added
  • The maneuver gizmo doesn't actually rotate to match the post-maneuver orbit orientation, this may cause confusion after large radial or inclination adjustments
    • KSP doesn't seem to allow this, it just rotates it back if you try to change it
    • A separate, non-interactable UI element could be added to show the post-maneuver orientation
  • Some way to adjust or disable the mouse-wheel scaling for the maneuver node handles
  • Some type of manual increment for moving the maneuver node; something similar to how the manual DeltaV input window works






More pictures (is it really so hard to have some type of gallery support :mad:):








I am aware of the other threads suggesting improved stock maneuver node functions, though I wasn't when I had this particular epiphany a few weeks ago :D. I'm not crazy about the idea of adding a separate, fixed maneuver gizmo somewhere near the NavBall, though I can see why it would be useful.

It is entirely possible that there are still bugs in this version. If anyone notices changes in the way maneuver nodes work that they think shouldn't happen (maneuver nodes opening or closing when they shouldn't, refusing to close, being not functional, etc...) please let me know. Also let me know if the Node Movement window is offering orbital positions that shouldn't be possible, or that don't do anything when clicked on. Or if there is any odd behavior in the windows, not closing when they should, not staying open when they should, not closing when a maneuver node is deleted, etc...

Let me know if there are any suggestions or questions. CKAN and Curse availability should be forthcoming.

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19 hours ago, DMagic said:

New modlet incoming: Maneuver Node Evolved; get it on Space Dock.

I'm not crazy about the idea of adding a separate, fixed maneuver gizmo somewhere near the NavBall, though I can see why it would be useful.

Let me know if there are any suggestions or questions. CKAN and Curse availability should be forthcoming.

Congrats for new modlet release and happy thanksgiving to everyone who celebrate such thing today! :) Haven't tested it yet but i'm sure it's fantastic and going to be essential for me like all other modlets already do.

If you ever going to implement separate gizmo or if this would be possible to do with current state of this modlet... i would like to suggest sensitivity slider or any other way to change/set sensitivity of gizmo like its done for example with Precise Manouver Editor. Cant speak on behalf of another but i've found it pretty useful to set at least lower sensitivities than it is with stock gizmo. 

Anyways take this only for suggestion and this was pretty much only feature i'm going to miss compared with some other manouver node editing mods. Going to add "Evolved" right now along with other modlets and give it ago!

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@DMagic I've found an issue with Maneuver Node Evolved :

  1. Place a maneuver
  2. Right click on it, click on the right button
  3. Set it to a next orbit
  4. Move the maneuver
  5. It's reset to the current orbit

It's a very useful mod I hope you can fix this as it makes planning rendez-vous pretty much impossible.

Edit :

A little suggestion : can you make it so right clicking anywhere on the screen close the manual DeltaV input and maneuver snap windows ? Like the right click menu on part behave.

Edited by Li0n
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@Murdox @Waxing_Kibbous Some kind of sensitivity slider is a good idea. I don't want to clutter up the UI, but there is probably a simple way of doing it. Maybe add a button to the button-circle thing (I think it could probably hold 6 at most, though the existing buttons might need to be shrunk a bit) that would open a slider below the gizmo. This might also be used to affect the mouse wheel sensitivity.

Also, when I say that I want to add an indicator to show the orientation of the post-maneuver node orbit, I don't mean a separate gizmo (I actually tried that, KSP wasn't happy), I just mean some kind of non-interactive, visual indicator, so that you know which direction is which, it can get quite confusing if you make really large change to the orbit.

@Li0n That's not so much a bug as a replication of the existing behavior. It can probably be changed to keep the time within the current orbit (though it wouldn't work with the closest approach nodes, those can't be predicted past the initial orbit).

As for right clicking to remove the windows, yes, that could be added, though I would have to make sure that right clicking on the maneuver node doesn't close the windows. Another option to add might be opening the windows automatically whenever a maneuver node is activated. Also, right now you can right click anywhere in the windows to switch the maneuver node between the button-circle and the gizmo handles.

@monstah That's already on the list. I would add them to the maneuver position snap window, though there probably isn't much need for 0.01s intervals (I thing maybe 1, 10, 60, 100, 1000, and 3600s might cover most situations).

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1 hour ago, DMagic said:

@Li0n That's not so much a bug as a replication of the existing behavior. It can probably be changed to keep the time within the current orbit (though it wouldn't work with the closest approach nodes, those can't be predicted past the initial orbit).

I have to disagree.

To explain better here is how I make my rendez-vous : Let's say there is a station in a non-eccentric, 1000km orbit. And a ship at 500km which orbit aligned with the station.
I place a maneuver node anywhere on the ship's orbit, pull prograde  until the apopsis cross the station's orbit. I check ("+"/"-" button) future orbit until I find the closest approch, then I move the maneuver until the distance is less than 1km. And it works, in stock game.

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So it does, did it always do that? I thought it always snapped back to the current orbit when you moved it.

Since that feature is built in and public it should be easy to fix, and relatively easy to make all of the orbit movement buttons do the same.

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Maneuver Node Evolved version 2.0 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It adds buttons to cycle through maneuver nodes and adds a manual position increment to the maneuver snap panel.

It also properly accounts for orbits added using the next/previous orbit buttons. This applies to manually dragging the maneuver node and to the position options available in the maneuver snap panel (except for the closest approach nodes, which can't be predicted further out). And it adds an option (disabled by default) to close the maneuver node windows when right clicking outside of any unlocked window, this works like the part context menus and won't close them when using the right click to drag the camera view.




@ZobrAA That certainly looks better than the junk I cooked up in about 5 minutes. If I ever have a reason to update it I'll might include that toolbar icon.

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