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[1.8.x] DMagic's Modlets - Most KSP 1.8 Updates [10-29-2019]


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@FirroSeranel Velocity components is something I've gone back and forth over, but I'll probably add it. I also want to add a phase angle when the target is another planet, and add the phase angle and angle to prograde to the maneuver node panel when necessary.

As for KER, well, Basic Orbit isn't supposed to be a replacement for KER, it just does the things that I want it to do. :D

@Li0n I left the Portrait Stats crew transfer function as it is mostly because it is much simpler to do it that way. I might get around to skipping the popup at some point.


I updated Celestail Body Science Multiplier Editor to version 8; get it on Space Dock.

It updated the Toolbar wrapper and fixes some problems with hiding the window.


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Science Relay does not appear to work for me. I have a base on the mun with a research lab and a relay-network around the mun providing it permanent connectivity, when I send science to it - I get a message on screen that it was recieved - but the data on the lab never increases. It's like it dissapears into the aether. Any ideas what could be wrong ? I have not changed any difficulty settings so should be entirely default values.

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@metalpoetza What do you mean by the data doesn't increase? It doesn't send science data directly to the lab for processing. It just sends science to the chosen vessel. If there is a lab on that vessel then you should be able to process that data the same as any other; review the data, then click on the lab processing button. It also won't necessarily be transferred to the lab itself, it could end up on any science container on that vessel, this includes all command pods, some probe cores, and the new science container part.

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I noticed a potential error in calculation for Basic Orbit. I was in orbit around Kerbin with a apoapsis of 100(ish) km and a periapsis of 75(ish) km. The Semi-Major Axis measurement was listed as 700(ish) km. I would expect it to be nearly 90 km, no?

Edit: Upon further reflection, I think I'm incorrect. I forgot to add Kerbin's radius to my apoapsis and periapsis altitude. That would explain the discrepancy. Space math is hard.

Edited by Epiphanic
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I got a giggle out of this. 

I tried to use your Celestial Body Science Editor. So I downloaded it from spacedock, installed it, fired it up - no toolbar. I checked the output - yep, it's getting loaded. Weird. Checked a few different scenes. Reloaded the game. Started a fresh game to see if it was a conflict. Still nothing. 

So I went to github, grabbed the source, and started looking through it. It compiled on the first try. For the life of me, I couldn't find anything wrong. Nothing to indicate the problem. Stock toolbar support (I don't use blizzy's anyway), everything looked fine. So I verified the integrity of my game cache. Tried again. Still, no button. So I started looking through the thread. No sign of problems with this release. 

At this point, I'd been at it for about half an hour, and was scratching my head. I was about to give up when I thought I might as well try replacing the .dll with the one that compiled, just in case. 


There's no .dll in the release. Needless to say, it's working fine now. 

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I'd like to clarify the warning on using the Celestial Body Science Editor:


Warning: The contract system uses the "Recovered Craft Data Value" extensively for calculating rewards, penalties, deadlines and other factors when generating new contracts. I would recommend not changing this value if you are playing on standard career mode.


Does this refer to the "RecoveredData" value in the configuration files? 

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@Kielm Correct on RecoveredData. And I'll need to update the download package.

@Jimbodiah That depends on your settings, they can be changed in the stock difficulty options panel. There is one universal requirement for valid receiving vessels, a science data container, which is present on all command pods, some probe cores, the new science container, and the lab. 

Receiving vessels can be further specified as only those with a science lab (only the stock science lab module counts), and/or only for vessels with a relay antenna (otherwise only a direct-to-direct, or direct source-to-relay target connection is required). If CommNet is turned off then no antennas or connections are required.

Edit: @Kielm The download package seems fine. Where did you get it from? Maybe the GitHub source package, instead of the release?

Edited by DMagic
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These all seem to be working fine in KSP 1.2.1; Basic Orbit will get an update soon, it would seem to be the most likely to have problems, but it looks ok for now. It looks like the .version file for Science Relay also needs to be fixed, but the mod itself seems fine.

Let me know if anyone runs into problems.

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Basic Orbit version 3.0 is out; get it on Space Dock. Science Relay version 2.1 is also out, but it only changes the .version file for AVC support, no code changes were made.

A few new readout modules were added to Basic Orbit: Surface velocity components, and orbit phase angles; angle to prograde and phase angle readouts were also added to the maneuver node panel, they show that information for the maneuver node position and time, as opposed to the current position, which is shown in the target info panel.

The toolbar window can be dragged now, though it will always snap back to the toolbar the next time it is opened.

There are also fixes to inaccuracies in the distance, terrain height, radar altitude, and relative velocity calculations. Terrain height and radar altitude should be accurate in all situations now, and aren't displayed by default for planets without a surface. The encounter distance and relative velocity readouts being displayed outside of map view when they shouldn't be has also been fixed.

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Hi @DMagic

I absolutely love your Portrait Stats mod and it is a must have on my KSP...

I have seen on your change logs that you support other mods with Portrait Stats, would it be possible to support the new mod Colonists! with a generic planet-like icon.

Many Thanks, and love your work.

Feel free to tell me no! lol


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Love all your stuff! Way to many mods are big collections, it's SO nice to see little independent do 1 thing mods like these! Quick request, don't suppose you could make EVE Resource Transfer respect tanks you close and not transfer fuel to them? (or a checkbox for disabling transfer to closed fuel tanks) I've got a submarine that mines fuel from the ocean floor then carries it to the surface to transfer into a carrier, but the carrier is 90% empty disabled fuel tanks, with just a couple tanks actually designed to store fuel. However it appears that the mod just fills tanks in the reverse order that they were added to the craft, even if those tank have had fuel flow disabled in the right click menu.


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I am playing with Science Relay 2.1 but it behaves mysteriously.

Is there any debug output that could help me understand what is happening? I don't know if I am experiencing bugs or if I don't understand how it is supposed to behave.

Specifically, I seem to have inexplicable situations when my Xmit value is 0% despite having connection on all ships. But sometimes only for some experiments (but the same experiments will have xmit >0% at some other, seemingly random time). Anyway I can't recreate the problem as I can't figure out the circumstances when it occurs - and it might not actually be a bug at all.

It would be nice if we could see somewhere how the Xmit value is derived - for debugging.

Anyway, thanks for this fantastic little mod.

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@spoonyboobah Yes, I was trying to come up with an idea for a colonist icon and couldn't think of anything, but a planet would work well enough. There was also some talk about a medic class, which would be easy to make an icon for, but I'm not sure if that went anywhere.

@Yargnit Yes, should be a simple change. Also, there a few options to change the tank fill order, you can edit the fillMode field in the included part config file. 0 is smallest to largest, 1 is the reverse, 2 is no order (but probably matches the basic part order).

@Dodovogel Do you mean the Xmit value shown in the Science Relay popup shows 0%, or the boost (the value in ()) is 0%, or both? What is shown in the stock results window? It's possible that there is something going wrong with figuring out the vessel links. There would be too many debug logs to include them with the mod when it calculates connections (even a dozen or so vessels could generate hundreds of lines). One thing you could check is to turn on the "Requires Relay Antenna" option in the settings menu. This will limit the mod to only look for connections that should match up with the stock connection lines.


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  On 11/14/2016 at 5:42 PM, DMagic said:


@Yargnit Yes, should be a simple change. Also, there a few options to change the tank fill order, you can edit the fillMode field in the included part config file. 0 is smallest to largest, 1 is the reverse, 2 is no order (but probably matches the basic part order).


The hull of the ship is quite literally over 300 MK3 tanks (here's my submarine transferring fuel to it after mining it from the ocean floor http://i.imgur.com/Jrcm1wl.png ) so size order wouldn't do any good, but good to know anyways. That change would be great though, even if you just added 3 for an option to the part config after the 0, 1, 2 you already mentioned that disabled filling closed tanks. Luckily I only checked about 30 of them before I found where it went to, but you can see how that could take a while to check them all. :P

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  On 11/14/2016 at 5:42 PM, DMagic said:

@Dodovogel Do you mean the Xmit value shown in the Science Relay popup shows 0%, or the boost (the value in ()) is 0%, or both? What is shown in the stock results window? It's possible that there is something going wrong with figuring out the vessel links. There would be too many debug logs to include them with the mod when it calculates connections (even a dozen or so vessels could generate hundreds of lines). One thing you could check is to turn on the "Requires Relay Antenna" option in the settings menu. This will limit the mod to only look for connections that should match up with the stock connection lines.


About the readouts of the window and popup:

I think I can only trigger it with experiments that have 0% science value remaining. Yet the lab in question could still use their data value for processing. Anyway in these cases there's no boost being shown.

Also I can partially recreate the problem. It does not work in each case so i must be missing some condition but when it does, it is triggered in the following manner:

1. Perform experiment that has been transmitted/recovered before (0% science value in the tooltip when hovering over the blue dish icon).

2. Click the greenish science relay button; check the popup; it should say Xmit: <some value larger than 0>%.

3. Click "Cancel Transfer".

4. Click "Keep Experiment" (Green Stock Button)

5. Click "Review Data" in the action menu of the experiment.

6. Click the greenish science relay button; check the popup; it should say Xmit: 0%.

Hope this helps.


About the debug log: I understand that debugging all possible paths in the network would be too complex to make sense out. But perhaps there would be some way to at least log the link it uses when it finds one (as in when the Xmit is >0%). Then I can check if that link is theoretically valid if later it shows me 0%. Also.

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