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[1.12.x] Mk2 Expansion v1.9.1 [update 10/5/21]

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  SuicidalInsanity said:
@KroShan; In the update from 1.3 to 1.4 CRP was added as a dependency. I updated the netkan metadata yesterday evening to include the new dependency, so depending on when pull requests are done, the netkan might not yet be up to date.

@LitaAlto; CKAN's Mk2Expansion netkan wasn't up to date.

Thanks for checking on that! I'm really enjoying the expansion set, and the new parts look amazing.

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  SuicidalInsanity said:
@vardicd;That is weird. I've never seen that before when I was testing the engine. I can poke at it some more, though. What mods are you running?

okay, you asked for it. :sticktongue:

Toolbar, Active texture management, Adjustable landing gear, Antenna range, Awolf perfectrons, BahaSP[don't remember what this one is], chatterer, Community resource pack[i think not a mod by itself?], contract configurator[2 packs, anom surveyor and tourism], Crowd sourced science, CTN, actiongroups extended, DMagic Orbital science, Extraplanetary launchpads, Fieldexperience, firespitter, flagpacks[just flags, no possibility for conflict here?], GPOSpeedfuelpump, Heat control, Interstellarfuelswitch, JFJohnny5[2 kerbal command pod] Kerbal attachment system, Kerbal aircraft expansion, Kerbal construction time,Kerbal Flight indicators, Kerbal Inventory System, Klockheed_matian_Gimbal, Historian screenshot system, KSI hiring master, Mechjeb2, Mk2 Expansion, ModuleRCSFX, nearfuturesolar, Nereid's FF, Portrait stats, Precise node, Proc fairings, Ravien's temp gauge, Realchute, Scansat, SH_mods, Stage recovery, Stock bug fix modules, Temp gauge killer, Toadicus tools, Trigger tech's{alarm clock, alternate resource panel, and transfer window planner}, RoverDude's full USI catalog, waypoint manager, and that's the full list.

Output log available on request.

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I must say i'm not a fan of stock MKII parts, especially the command pod looks like a civilian airliner to me.

But this mod makes MKII really cool!

thanks for making it, please keep going!

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@LitaAlto et al; CKAN users, it looks like the CKAN masterlist was updated a few hours ago, so 1.4.2 will download properly now

@vardicd; From the mod list I'm not seeing anything that seems immediately obvious or conflicting. Could you post the output log? Also, was this a one time thing for that plane, or is it happening for any plane using that engine?

Edit: Poking at the engine some, I know what happened - the engine is running out of Intakeair, and rewatching your video it looked like you were using a single radial Air intake; while the resource panel looks like it has a decent supply, it was showing .03 of .05 Intake Air. The stutter is the engine flaming out, then getting enough IntakeAir since the engine isn't running, using it all and flaming out again over and over. Throttling down slightly, flying slightly lower, or using more intakes will solve the stutter.

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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  Toyotawolf said:
So is it a known bug that the SR-71 cockpit doesn't allow you to access the kerbals? there aren't even any portraits

Not a bug. That means it has no iva your kerbals are in there just click the door ;)

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I love this mod but some parts seem a bit unbalanced for example the hypersonic cockpit being able to carry 3 crew when the slightly larger stock cockpit can only carry 2 crew. I would also like it if the hypersonic cockpit looked even more pointy but that's just my opinion.

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@Toyotawolf;The R-71 cockpit does have an IVA. As to why it isn't appearing, can you post your output_log?

@volcanicshrimp;the HS-X cockpit comes later in the tech tree; it's supposed to be a more advanced cockpit. What other parts did you have in mind?

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Okay, I've got a bit of a big request. And by 'bit of a big request,' I mean a pretty huge one.

Custom textures for all the parts.

I love these parts. They massively expand the things you can do with the MkII fuselage (I especially like the rover cockpit, wonderfully designed part). But the little seams where the stock textures are stretched or stitched together bug me too much for me to really feel happy using most of them.

Even if you don't brew up custom textures I'll still use a lot of these because they are superbly designed, but still... Pretty please?

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@01010101lzy;RF engine config, nice. Mind if I stick a link to it in the OP?

@Horus;Eye-like one? You mean a tail that has an integrated attach point for an engine?

@naf5000; I would prefer to stick with stock textures for two reasons. First, it keeps the RAM footprint down, and second, I'm not a texture artist; I'm passingly competent at getting my ancient copy of PaintShop to do what I need of it, but any attempt at custom textures has a good chance of looking worse than what things are like now. That said, I understand your concerns, and I have remodeled and retextured several parts already; I can take a look and see where UV map improvements can be made, or where possible custom textures might work, but any texture improvements wouldn't appear before version 1.5 at the soonest.

@Kolago;Aargh! I'll get that fixed.

Edit: Hotfix for the 5-way RCS and a few other minor things is now up on Kerbalstuff

Edit: Version 1.4.5 for KSP 1.03 is now up on Kerbal Stuff

[Version 1.4.5


KSP 1.03 update

-thrust of all jet engines nerfed ~30% to bring them inline with stock jets

-Isp of all jets nerfed ~30-50% to bring them inline with stock jets

-Velcurves of jets tweaked slightly

-'Afterburn' TRJ now uses the new shockdiamond jet FX

-Pluto thrust buffed slightly and heat production reduced slightly

-'Wedge' Aerospike weight reduced slightly

-cockpits now have appropriate breakingforce/torque values

-all engines now have a skinInternalConductionMult value

-all parts max temp increased slightly to be inline with stock mk2 parts

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
1.03 compatibility update released
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Do you have plans for a ramp? I always wondered how I can safely deliver stuff. Yep I could just rotate the cargo part to open downwards but that also means I have to make sure there's enough clearance. I somehow have the skill (aka luck) to make a mess by either blowing stuff up on drop or getting stuck with the gears.

Also some KIS inventory parts would be nice. You could take the service compartment and science lab and change the texture a bit. No need to come up with completely new part models.

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@Eskandare; Coincidence; I didn't know about your nuclear stuff until a few days ago. A shame it took me so long to find out about them; they look like they would be quite fun to use.

@LitaAlto;Technically, yes. The old NTR and Project Pluto research gave me some inspiration back when I was making the Pluto NTR. I needed a name for it, so I used Pluto as a working name, which stuck. Of course, later, when I'm making a NTJ which is much closer to the original PP spces, and need a name, Pluto is already taken... I suppose I could switch the names, so Rontgen becomes the NTR, and Pluto becomes the jet, but that might result in some confusion.

@*Aqua*; Becoming stock would be nice, but that is ultimately Squad's decision. As for a ramp, I was considering several possible variations for my upcoming Mk3 expansion pack, but I never thought about one for Mk2. That said, it shouldn't be all that difficult to adapt a design for the mk2 form.

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I have an issue with your Mk2 MPL-SM-2 science lab. Attempting to right click the part during flight causes it to bug the craft, not allowing me to right click any other parts. I also cannot process scientific data through it. This is all I could find in log.

I am using 1.0.2 with your latest 1.0.2 update for the mod.


[EXC 15:39:51.804] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ModuleScienceLab.updateModuleUI ()

ModuleScienceLab.onPartActionUI (.Part p)

EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data)

UIPartActionWindow.CreatePartList (Boolean clearFirst)

UIPartActionWindow.Setup (.Part part, DisplayType type, UI_Scene scene)

UIPartActionController.CreatePartUI (.Part part, DisplayType type, UI_Scene scene)

UIPartActionController.SelectPart (.Part part, Boolean allowMultiple)

UIPartActionController.HandleMouseClick (UnityEngine.Camera cam, Boolean allowMultiple)

UIPartActionController+.MoveNext ()

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  DrSinn said:
I have an issue with your Mk2 MPL-SM-2 science lab. Attempting to right click the part during flight causes it to bug the craft, not allowing me to right click any other parts. I also cannot process scientific data through it. This is all I could find in log.

I am using 1.0.2 with your latest 1.0.2 update for the mod.

I've also been having this issue. Only workaround I know is to exit to the space center then go back into the game.

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Testing this on my test copy of 1.02, with M2X version 1.4.3, I was unable to replicate the error, the lab worked as it should. M2X Version 1.4.5 for KSP 1.03, on the other hand, I can replicate your error, and after two hours of experimentation, I'm no closer to discovering why. The only thing I've managed to discover so far is that in 1.03, KSP apparently really dislikes the Module Sciencelab being on or added to any part other than the stock science lab. I'll keep poking at it, but I don't know how long it'll take to solve.

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