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My experience has been that logging in from a new device causes all of my other logins to expire. So, when I bought a new phone and logged in to the forums using it, my laptop and gaming desktop browsers got logged out. But after logging those back in everything was back to normal.

I think the stay logged in feature eventually times out as well, but it's long enough that I've never gotten a handle on whether that's what was happening or not.

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45 minutes ago, stibbons said:

I think the stay logged in feature eventually times out as well, but it's long enough that I've never gotten a handle on whether that's what was happening or not.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I logged in on this computer in August, and I haven't been logged out yet.

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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I logged in on this computer in August, and I haven't been logged out yet.

Looks like it does, but only if you don't log in for over a week, as that's the expiry date I see on my browser cookies.  Presumably they get extended each time you login, as I've never had to relogin either.  I only use one device/browser though.

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9 hours ago, munlander1 said:

On my computer, I did not have it on. On my phone, I did have it on. I was getting loged off on my phone though. That's why I am so confused.

So, maybe when you logged in your computer, with the 'stay logged' off, it over...rid? overrode? um, had the phone settings overridden?

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I have both my Android smartphone and laptop logged into the forum all the time. I will say the forum does not play well when I switch from the Google mobi web browser to Firefox on the smartphone. Google always will log me out, then I have to log back in again on Firefox. The notifications "BINK" is universal. So whatever you set the forum settings to, such as notification sound off, carries across the platform.

Google's logging off on my Android smartphone has no effects on my laptop's open web browser/forum access. The only issue I have then is when I am using my tablet; for some reason, it will terminate my laptop connection to the forum as I use the tablet to access the forum. (Just to clarify, I use the tablet during office hours because I own the tablet and cannot be accused of using university assets to access "social media for private purposes..."  and I even use my own wireless data plan when I do.


This is a question about the single status update screen within the forum. Is there any way we can be given an option to assign tags to the updates? This way, for example, when I post a quote of the day, I can tag it with <quote of the day> to make it easier to search statuses for just quotes.

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Moderators are here to enforce rules and keep the forum friendly and polite. Sometimes that means warning posts and people we agree with, or even find humorous. It's not personal. 

Also, this thread has been merged into Ask a Mod, since there's starting to be some overlap and repetition. 

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When there's a major announcement like today's, do the mods and staff all work together ahead of time to develop a game plan with specific responsibilities?

Asking because I'm exhausted just browsing today... can't imagine having to read and moderate it all.  (I've moderated communities before but none near this big.)


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10 hours ago, paulprogart said:

When there's a major announcement like today's, do the mods and staff all work together ahead of time to develop a game plan with specific responsibilities?

Asking because I'm exhausted just browsing today... can't imagine having to read and moderate it all.  (I've moderated communities before but none near this big.)


To a certain extent, yes. It's not as detailed as you might think-- after all, the forum rules stay the same, it's not like there's anything special and different to do. Mainly it's just to make sure we've got enough hands on deck to cope.

Also bear in mind that although we do try to keep an eye on things, we can't be everywhere all the time. As always, to a large degree we depend on the community itself to be our eyes and ears, by reporting inappropriate posts. It's hard to overstate how valuable (and vital) that is.

That said... actually, I've been very pleasantly surprised by the last day or two. We've had remarkably little work to do. People have been quite civil and, well, law-abiding. :)

Certainly there's been a fair amount of "friction", in the sense of expressing, shall we say, enthusiastically opposed opinions... which is, of course, perfectly fine and appropriate, as long as it's not done abusively. Which it generally hasn't been. People have been darned decent, even in disagreement. So, speaking for myself, allow me to say: Thanks, KSP forums!

(hope I haven't jinxed it, now...)

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often noticed theyre a refresh delay between post showing, and last poster and stuff of that kind, not rare the last poster show, while the post is not already seeable, or like just self reported, an old post still showing before merging.

just bringin' thoose delay stuff to your attention (some auto control loop i guess, but it's a bit weird)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
kk thks for the answer ^^
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1 hour ago, munlander1 said:

Will sigs ever be visible on the mobile version of the fourms? 

Most likely not. The narrow version of the forum (there is no separate mobile version) distills as much of the actual content from the other info typically shown on a forum page, in the interest of better readability. 

At any rate, it's not something we control directly as it's a feature of the software itself. 

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