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On 7/13/2018 at 4:17 AM, DunnoAnyThing said:

When does a thread turn into a 'dead' thread?

Answer:  As soon as it's dead.  :sticktongue:

Just to add on to @Val's excellent explanation above:

There's nothing wrong, per se, with posting in a long-dormant thread... what matters is why, and whether it's the right thing to do.

For example:  As Val mentioned, it's a pretty common thing for people to post in a many-years-dead thread without realizing how old it is.  Such posts are very often mistakes.  ;)  For example, practically anything in Technical Support or Gameplay Questions should probably be left alone if they've been silent for a really long time.  Reason:  Threads there are because somebody has a problem they're trying to solve and needs help.  If the last post in the thread was a year or more ago... I think it's pretty safe that whatever problem they once had, they long ago got an answer one way or another.  So it's not useful to post there.  It's not helpful to post an answer (because they almost certainly don't need one anymore), and it's also not helpful to post a "me too!" kind of question (because if you've got a current problem, it's better to just post your own thread).

Even if it's not a gameplay question or technical support issue, posting in an ancient, years-dead thread in, say, KSP Discussion is likely to be unhelpful, if for no other reason than that everyone else in the discussion was talking about a very different previous version of KSP, so anything said now is likely to be moot relative to what was said then.

On the other hand, there are some cases where it's perfectly reasonable to post in a thread that hasn't had a post in a while.  For example, a mod's thread in Add-on Releases.  Just because nobody has posted there in a few months doesn't necessarily mean it's dead-- it may simply be that nothing new has happened in a while and nobody had any questions until you came along.  So it maybe perfectly reasonable to ask.  (On the other hand, if it's been multiple years, and the mod author hasn't logged on to the forum since forever... then it's probably a safe bet that the mod's dead and there's no need to resurrect the thread.)

Every case is different, and "is it appropriate to post in an old thread?" will vary on a case-by-case basis.  That's why there's no forum rule "don't necro!", and that's why threads don't auto-lock themselves whent they lie dormant for a long time.  It's a matter of judgment and etiquette, not strict "correctness".

So basically, it's up to you to judge whether you think it makes sense.  Just make sure that you don't necro a thread accidentally due to simply not noticing how old it is.  That's what that little warning banner is for, as an aid to notice that sort of thing.  :)  Don't worry too much about whether you "get it wrong", it's kind of a gray area and about the worst that can happen would be if some moderator thinks "well, this really shouldn't have been necroed", they may lock the thread with a friendly explanatory note to prevent further confusion.  No harm done!

As avid forum user H.P. Lovecraft said, "That is not dead which can eternal lie."  Truth.

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On 7/16/2018 at 9:07 PM, Snark said:

So it's not useful to post there.  It's not helpful to post an answer (because they almost certainly don't need one anymore), and it's also not helpful to post a "me too!" kind of question (because if you've got a current problem, it's better to just post your own thread).

Not necessarily. KSP forum is indexed on Google, and so it's common to reach such dead threads while looking for solutions for my problems.

If someone else with the answer had post it there, I would be able to find a solution earlier instead of keeping looking for a Stand Alone Complex thread where the solution is posted.

If this is indeed the desired behaviour (not post answers on old questions), then such old threads should be hidden and omitted from the searches (both internal and external), as they hinder the quest for a solution.

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13 minutes ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Was there a small update or something to the forums a couple of days/weeks ago? Something looks different...

If it looks less blurry, that's because we changed the prescription on your glasses. Don't worry, it's part of your yearly checkup. 



I don't think there was any update recently.

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Au contraire, Dman979. 

1 hour ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Was there a small update or something to the forums a couple of days/weeks ago? Something looks different...

There have been a series of small updates in recent weeks. 

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Are you guys able to see who reported a post or is it an anonym procedure?  If it is anonym: Some threads are locked by a moderator, i.e. outdated mod release threads where people keep asking for an update even though the mod creater is absent for 2 years, but usually you guys write something like 'if you (the mod creator) want the thread to be unlocked again, report this post'. Is it necessary for the person who actually report this post to identify as the OP of the locked thread?


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... I could be a lot of places, couldn't I? Hi, and welcome to the forums! Honestly though, I'm pretty new here. Keep a lookout for me, Kerbonauts! A mash-up! Project Seeker! You havechecked the staging, right?  

Creator of the Eeloo-Dres (and LSU) Appreciation Society, Ridiculous Building Game Mark IIBrain Teaser game, and more!


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4 hours ago, HansonKerman said:

Can you put a quote (like a  user quote under their post not the quote button on the post typing box thing) inside another (user) quote?

6 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Like this? 

No, like this.


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8 hours ago, Dman979 said:

No, like this.

20 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

So, how do I do that?


Multi-quote both quotes, then use the square button with the arrows on the upper left corner of the quote box to click and drag one quote into the other. You should see a dashed line showing where the quote will dropped. Also, do you get pinged by this?


Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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11 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Multi-quote both quotes, then use the square button with the arrows on the upper left corner of the quote box to click and drag one quote into the other. You should see a dashed line showing where the quote will dropped. Also, do you get pinged by this?


Both of us got notifications saying Mad Rocket Scientist quoted you in a topic Ask the Mods Questions about the Forums! You will too.

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