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At the rate I'm going, I should be set for the next year... :(

Here's my question for the moderators: Of all the mods out there, what are the top FIVE you would recommend to both new and old KSP players as being the essential mods to help maximize game play?

I recommend un-modded play to learn the game and basics, I'm a firm believer that you should get your space program able to get to other planets before you look at adding mods, so you understand the basics before expanding on it, I', like this with most games really, once you have fundamentals down, then mod it all you want, you will be in a better position to chose what you need or want then i would.

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Ok, kind of behind the knowledge curve - what is ACTUALLY meant by part clipping? I have seen many discuss it but it always has a little bit of differences in the meaning according to what forum thread you read...

Quite literally, whenever two parts share the same space - even a tiny bit - the second part is said to "clip" into the first, and you have part clipping.

Before... 0.25? 0.90? I don't remember. When they removed that inane inability to clip that was semirandomly enforced. But before that, part clipping was considered evil. Cheating. Horrible. If you had to go into the Alt-F12 menu to turn on clipping to build your ship, it was not worthy of consideration and likely would summon the Kraken.

After they started allowing clipping by default, things got more grey. Most people now consider all clipping okay except fuel tanks, and many consider clipping "a little" (the exact amount varies) of even those to be okay.

With the proposed new model for the jet engines, clipping is not only enforced and required, it seems to also most likely entail clipping into a fuel tank, which is the last bastion of taboo in that regard.


Edited by 5thHorseman
Removed some vague wording and I had "cheating" where I meant to say "clipping"
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Quite literally, whenever two parts share the same space - even a tiny bit - the second part is said to "clip" into the first, and you have part clipping.

Before... 0.25? 0.90? I don't remember. When they removed that inane inability to clip that was semirandomly enforced. But before that, part clipping was considered evil. Cheating. Horrible. If you had to go into the Alt-F12 menu to turn off cheating to build your ship, it was not worthy of consideration and likely would summon the Kraken.

After they started allowing clipping by default, things got more grey. Most people now consider all clipping okay except fuel tanks, and many consider clipping "a little" (the exact amount varies) of even those to be okay.

With this, clipping is not only enforced and required, it seems to also most likely entail clipping into a fuel tank, which is the last bastion of taboo in that regard.


I don't remember the same stigma as you about part clipping. AFAIK it was wildly used by most people that either wanted to get creative, do some space management, or get around the game being unable to do symmetry correctly without it being active. It really wasn't a big deal.

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I don't remember the same stigma as you about part clipping. AFAIK it was wildly used by most people that either wanted to get creative, do some space management, or get around the game being unable to do symmetry correctly without it being active. It really wasn't a big deal.

I distinctly remember all the challenge threads had "no clipping" rules, which meant you could do whatever the game allowed without enabling clipping in the cheat menu. I also remember a fairly... interesting time during the sea change from a never-do to what it is now, just another part of ship building.

I don't know about the exchange or "show off your craft" threads, as I don't (and didn't back then) frequent those.

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So let's say I start a forum game where one person builds a replica of an aircraft (or perhaps car, tank, boat, or rocket), takes several pictures of it and posts a download for it without ever giving a name. Everyone else has to guess what the plane (or other vehicle) is by asking questions and searching online for similar looking aircraft or vehicles. Whoever guesses correctly first gets to build the next one.

So I assume this would go in the forum games subsection, but since it requires creating and sharing craft I just want to quickly ask if it would belong in a different section.

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Is it true that there are plans to add clouds into the stock game? Why were they not added earlier in the game?

I'd have to see some source (or know who said it) to add to it's credibility. As to why they aren't in earlier...idk. I suppose Squad decided they wanted to get to some other things first.



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Is it true that there are plans to add clouds into the stock game? Why were they not added earlier in the game?

Please know we moderators are under a non-disclosure agreement about coming features. Even in case we were actively testing them for the upcoming release, no hint should be given.

There's actually a good reason, developers know all too well features they are developing can be scraped even at the very last moment, often because tied to a major bug which requires a lot longer to fix than the time left before release. Or, because their efforts had to be diverted to something more important. Any feature announced can be source for serious hype, but if not delivered that turns into bashing.

Squad employees are the only who can make such public announcements.

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