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Galactic Neighborhood


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  On 11/26/2016 at 2:25 PM, Crashonaut said:

would you know if the solar panel problem is still around. I just launched a ship with solar panels, and they tell me that they are blocked by the sun?


it can be the bug on kopernicus, there is newer build that solves this but i remember that it had some issues with RT so if you have stations on the ground ignore the solars for time being until this conflicting problem is being solved

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@Sigma88 so I added flightGlobalsIndex to my configs to mitigate any issues with ships moving or disappearing in future updates.  I know it's it sort of frowned upon since kopernicus issues index numbers randomly now for better compatibility within planet packs and having them in the config can hurt that compatibility.  What I'm here to ask is,  is it possible to add something to your configs to remove the flightGlobalsIndex from my cfgs when GPP is loaded in GN? That way,  I won't have to remove it from my cfgs. 

Edited by Galileo
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  On 11/26/2016 at 9:13 PM, Galileo said:

@Sigma88 so I added flightGlobalsIndex to my configs to mitigate any issues with ships moving or disappearing in future updates.  I know it's it sort of frowned upon since kopernicus issues index numbers randomly now for better compatibility within planet packs and having them in the config can hurt that compatibility.  What I'm here to ask is,  is it possible to add something to your configs to remove the flightGlobalsIndex from my cfgs when GPP is loaded in GN? That way,  I won't have to remove it from my cfgs. 


I think I already have a cfg removing those in GN

And even if I don't it probably won't have any effect, don't worry

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does M-Kel require some zoom modification? Because I can see the barycenter, but not the suns themselves- even at max zoom (as far as I can tell) nothing shows up ;.;

Or is it possibly a known issue when launching KSP through CKAN? (Because I know this is manual download) I'm fairly certain I have no mods besides part mods and visuals, and certainly nothing that altered the stock systems in any way afaik.

On an unrelated note if someone COULD point me to the map view zoom mod that I swear everyone else has (they seem to be able to zoom into orbits a lot closer to swap control of very close vehicles!) that would be absolutely astounding!

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@Blackheart KICA-1398 I had a look at the plugin code and it doesn't require Kopernicus, which means it cannot be an issue with the kopernicus update.

could you please try a clean install with only:

KSP 1.2.2 + MM (latest) + Kopernicus (latest) + ModularFlightIntegrator (the one shipped with kopernicus) + GN (latest)

if you still experience the bug, please send me some screenshots and also the files you will find listed in this post



thanks :)


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  On 12/19/2016 at 11:27 AM, Sigma88 said:

@Blackheart KICA-1398 I had a look at the plugin code and it doesn't require Kopernicus, which means it cannot be an issue with the kopernicus update.

could you please try a clean install with only:

KSP 1.2.2 + MM (latest) + Kopernicus (latest) + ModularFlightIntegrator (the one shipped with kopernicus) + GN (latest)

if you still experience the bug, please send me some screenshots and also the files you will find listed in this post



thanks :)



Actually, I don't know what I did beyond install all the dependents for Stock-alike Solar System, but they're there now, although they don't have individual target markers (only the barycenter) but they're visible now!


Given how fast they're dancing, though, I think I'd get squashed if I came near anyhow!

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  On 12/19/2016 at 7:22 PM, Blackheart KICA-1398 said:


Actually, I don't know what I did beyond install all the dependents for Stock-alike Solar System, but they're there now, although they don't have individual target markers (only the barycenter) but they're visible now!


Given how fast they're dancing, though, I think I'd get squashed if I came near anyhow!


The system is unnavigable and will make your ship explode if you get to close.

Careful, Icarus

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Sorry I am too lazy to check right now but does anyone know the maximum distance between any of these stars? E.g what's the biggest point A to point B distance? I want to know how powerful an antenna would have to be to be guaranteed strong enough to reach anywhere. 

And while I'm at it, the stock (and modded) antennas' power is measured in G. Is this Gigameters? Or something else? If it is something else, what is the conversion rate?



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@Benji13 this is the only thing I know about this topic

  On 11/21/2016 at 8:27 AM, Sigma88 said:


I've checked the orbits and I've calculated the distance of the most distant star from kerbin,

it is 3.39*10^13 meters

so, depending if you want an antenna that can cover everything from kerbin (which is in the center) or an antenna that can connect the two most distant stars, you will need to have a range of either ~3.5e13 meters or ~7e13 meters

which means you don't really need Petameters, "only" 35 Tera meters to connect everything to kerbin and 70 Tera meters to connect any two stars


keep in mind that I haven't really checked that these numbers are correct, I've just calculated them using the orbital parameters


maybe @FreeThinker looked further into it

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  On 12/21/2016 at 10:55 AM, Sigma88 said:

@Benji13 this is the only thing I know about this topic

maybe @FreeThinker looked further into it


Well, I haven't verified either but KSPI-E does contain data transmitters with a range of 1.0e+14  That should be enough to reach anything in the Galactic Neightbourhood

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Very much hyped to get started with a big career game using this mod, but I'm hoping to start in the Galileo system (the pack was made to replace the Kerbol system). I installed it and it appears as a separate system just fine, but is it possible to configure things to make that the home system instead of Kerbin?

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  On 12/22/2016 at 6:45 AM, billybob579 said:

Very much hyped to get started with a big career game using this mod, but I'm hoping to start in the Galileo system (the pack was made to replace the Kerbol system). I installed it and it appears as a separate system just fine, but is it possible to configure things to make that the home system instead of Kerbin?


actually I asked the very same thing some time ago and the answer was that the system will maintain as it is right now, I just that some day, developers will decide to give a second config in an Extra folder to replace the home planet system to the one that comes with galileo pack and make the kerbol the other system around in space.

Edited by Jiraiyah
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Well, tried GN and it totally killed my install. Could not start and old game, or create a new. Trying a fresh install to see if this works. If so I am more than happy to test out @Freethinker's assertions.

  On 12/21/2016 at 12:33 PM, FreeThinker said:

Well, I haven't verified either but KSPI-E does contain data transmitters with a range of 1.0e+14  That should be enough to reach anything in the Galactic Neightbourhood



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  On 1/1/2017 at 7:57 PM, zanie420 said:

Well, tried GN and it totally killed my install. Could not start and old game, or create a new. Trying a fresh install to see if this works. If so I am more than happy to test out @Freethinker's assertions.



I am guessing you have planet packs installed. try on a clean ksp install, with just GN and its requirements. if that works you'll need to find which of the planet packs breaks GN. after that, I can look if GN is causing the issue or the planet pack

good bug reports are always apreciated (click on the nyan cat in my sig for more info)

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  On 1/1/2017 at 8:26 PM, Sigma88 said:

I am guessing you have planet packs installed. try on a clean ksp install, with just GN and its requirements. if that works you'll need to find which of the planet packs breaks GN. after that, I can look if GN is causing the issue or the planet pack

good bug reports are always apreciated (click on the nyan cat in my sig for more info)


no planet packs yet... actually, a search for one led me to this thread. I went to try GN first before attempting any planet packs. However, I did have KSPI-E installed....

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  On 1/1/2017 at 8:32 PM, zanie420 said:

no planet packs yet... actually, a search for one led me to this thread. I went to try GN first before attempting any planet packs. However, I did have KSPI-E installed....


well, last time I checked GN was working on a clean install of ksp + requirements

so either something went wrong in the meantime or there's something not compatible in your install

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Looks like it was ETT that was my issue. So after much troubleshooting I have just finished installing GN. I was able to start a new game, but I don't see any new stars in the tracking station. Am I missing something?

Ok, I didn't have Kopernicus installed it seems. Now that I do, I can zoom out to see the other star systems, so that works. HOWEVER, Kerbin is.... black, and seems to be in perpetual nighttime.....GyrMhEI.pngvwOJxDt.png

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Hi sir, sorry for sending this log way too late, i was in vacation and didn't have access to my pc at office, if you recall in your Pluron Khato thread I mentioned that MM throws and error and you asked for a cleaner log file, so why am i sending it here? take a look :


I think the config has some issue on galactic neighbor itself?

here is the new log file


Right now these are the only mods i have : Squad, GalacticNeighborhood, Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, sigma Binary, sigma Dimensions, and sigma PluronKhato

thanks for your attention.

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