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[1.3](Jun08/17) ModActions: Control your vessel (including other mods) via ActionGroups.


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This mod is designed to allow you to control your vessel entirely via action groups, no more having to right-click on parts and control things through the part menu.

This allows you to do such things as change the thrust limiter on all engines on your vessel via a single action group command.

In addition to many stock actions, you can also control several mods via action groups in this fashion.

Download Version 1.6 here. (Github)

Version 1.6: KSP 1.3 update.

This is licensed under the GPL 3 license.

Module Manager is a required dependancy and must be present, Version 2.5.13 or later is required.

Terminology note: If an action uses the "Set" keyword, that is directly setting the associated value. If the "Change" keyword is uses, that action modifies the associated value. (Use negative numbers to decrease the value.)

Supported actions:

Vertical Velocity Control

Landing Aid


Ferram Aerospace Research

Control Surface Deflection/Axis control in stock.

Wheel control (steering/brake/traction/friction/etc) in stock.

Saturable Reaction Wheels Momentum Dump

(Planned)TAC Fuel Balancer

(Planned) MechJeb


To use:

1) Go to the Action Editor mode in the Editor and click the Mod Acts button (will appear on the toolbar mod if installed, otherwise on the stock toolbar). Note that this mod will not show except on the actions editor screen in the editor and that in both the editor and in flight, the mod is hidden by default and will not show until the ModActs button is clicked.

2) Select your part to edit actions on.

- Directly click the part in the 3D editor game space.

Or, if you are not sure which parts can be controlled by which mod, make sure no parts are selected and select a mod to see all parts that can be edited for that mod. The selected mod's button with turn green and all parts that mod can control will be indicated by the purple circles. Click on the desired part in the 3D editor game space to select a part.

3) An unassigned action will have a "Click to select" button. When in this state, the action is hidden from the action group editor and if you somehow manage to activate it, it will do nothing.

Click the "Click to select" button to view a list of mods that can be controlled from this part and select the desired one. The "Clear Action" button is always present and when selected deletes the action and returns it to the "Click to select" state. When a mod is selected, the first action in that mod will be chosen to fill the fields in this action in. At this point, the action will become visible in the action selector to add it to an action group.

4) Keep narrowing down your selection in the third and fourth columns (Thrust Limit and Thrust Limit#:). While each column only has a single selection at the moment, once larger mods are implemented they will be grouped and filtered by these columns.

5) Enter the desired percentage for the thrust limiter in the right-most column. The value is in percent, so a value of 50 will set the engine thrust limiter to 50%.

6) Enter an appropriate description in the left-most field. This is a free-text field that you can use as you desire to remember what the action does. The text that shows here will be the text visible as the action name when adding the action to an action group. Note that this field resets any time the fourth column changes because that means the action in this slot has changed and so your old description is no longer valid.

7) Click the Mod Acts button again to hide this window and go to the action group editor to assign your Thrust Limiting actions to an action group to be usable in flight.

Note: This mod adds new actions to a part's available actions list. You must still select the action and assign it to an action group as you do with any other action.

Copying Actions:

If you enable the "Copy" options in the top right (turns red when enabled), when you click on another part to select it, the actions on your current part will attempt to be copied to the new part. (All actions on the target part will be deleted before hand.) Only actions usable by the target part will be copied.

Copying actions is still experimental, engines will quite possibly have issues as there are multiple different types.


- - - Updated - - -

Supported Stock Actions:

Set/Change Main Throttle (Found on the Command button)

Directly set, or change, the main throttle percentage. (Use a negative number to reduce the throttle.)

Set/Change Engine Thrust Limit

Directly Set or Change an engine's Thrust Limiter.

Set/Change RCS Thrust Limit and toggle control directions (Roll/Pitch/Yaw/X/Y/Z axis)

Directly Set or Change an engine's Thrust Limiter.

Control From Here in right-click menu (ModuleDockingNode, ModuleCommand)

-Control From Here: This will shift vessel control to the part this action lives on, the same as right-clicking the part and selecting Control From Here from the right-click menu in flight.

Lock/Unlock control directions on wings (ModuleControlSurface for default, FARControllableSurface if FAR is installed)

-Toggle Pitch: Does this wing attempt to control in the named direction?

-Enable Pitch

-Disable Pitch

-Toggle Yaw

-Enable Yaw

-Disable Yaw

-Toggle Roll

-Enable Roll

-Disable Roll

Go on Eva (part CrewCapacity >= 1)

-Go on EVA: Each part with a crew capacity will have this action available. When activated, it sends the first Kerbal in the pod on EVA. Each time it is activated it will send the next kerbal in the pod out. When there are no kerbals left it will print a message to the screen saying so. It will not search other parts on the vessel, it will only send kerbals in the part with the action on EVA.

Crossfeed (all parts in your GameData folder, including mods)

-Toggle Crossfeed: See caution below about Resources Lock and Crossfeeding.

-Enable Crossfeed

-Disable Crossfeed

Lock Resource level on Part (all parts with resources)

-Toggle Resource: See caution below about Resources Lock and Crossfeeding.

-Allow Resource

-Lock Resource

Lock Electricity level on Part (all parts with electricity)

-Toggle Electricity: See caution below about Resources Lock and Crossfeeding.

-Allow Electricity

-Lock Electricity

Add/Remove brakes from braking action (B key) (ModuleWheel)

-Add/Rem Brakes: These actions add or remove the wheel the action is attached to from the Brakes action group. (B key by default.) It does not actually activate/deactivate the brakes itself.

-Add Brakes

-Remove Brakes

New Wheel System

-Control Steering/Differential Steering/Motor/Brakes direction/force/enable and such for the new KSP 1.1 wheel system.


Crossfeed and Resource Lock Caution

Crossfeeding and Resource Locking have a couple of particulars you need to know about.

Electric Charge is a resource and follows the rules for Resource Locking, but as it is a special case I gave it it's own set of actions separate from the general Resource Actions. (Enabling the Resource Lock will not Lock Electric Charge.)

Edited by Diazo
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  • 3 months later...

Came here looking for something to let me assign "Control From Here" to an action group (switching from horizontal to VTOL thrust)

1 - if Actions Everywhere has been deprecated in favor of this, maybe update your sig?

2 - installation is just drop the folder in GameData? I'm no code expert but the contents look different than other mods I've used

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@fourfa: Good point on the signature, I've gone and updated it. I have big plans to significantly increase the number of mods supported so hopefully my sig will actually be true sometime soon(ish).

Installation is the same as any other mod. Merge the GameData folder in the .zip file with your KSP\GameData folder. All the extra files are the text visible on the buttons in game. I did that so if you want to change the text (different language maybe?) or the defaults you can do so without having to recompile the .dll file.

Note that from what I've seen, everything in this mod should work fine in KSP 1.0.5 without needing an update but I have not been able to test this mod yet, AGX is being a pain and I'm still working on that one.


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I guess that was the confusion, when I unzipped it there wasn't a GameData folder like I'm used to, just the ModActions folder. Which looked like it should drop into GameData, only the contents looked strange so I wasn't sure.

Thanks for checking in!

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Really? Oops, sorry about that.

That is actually an issue because I actually put my mods inside a subfolder because I have so many of them.

Everything should end up at so: KSP\GameData\Diazo\ModActions\ModActions.dll

If you put it at KSP\GameData\ModActions\ModActions.dll everything should still work, just the texture for the toolbar button won't be found and will be a solid gray.


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  • 2 weeks later...

KSP 1.0.5 Compatible as is

Compatible with KSP 1.0.5 as is, no redownload required.

Note that there are too many actions in this mod for me to check everyone so it's quite possible another mod changed things on their end and broke an action. If you find one of these let me know and I'll fix it right away.


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  • 1 month later...
On 11/24/2015 at 11:02 PM, Diazo said:

KSP 1.0.5 Compatible as is

Compatible with KSP 1.0.5 as is, no redownload required.

Note that there are too many actions in this mod for me to check everyone so it's quite possible another mod changed things on their end and broke an action. If you find one of these let me know and I'll fix it right away.


hey will you add IR sequencer support? so i can activate IR-sequences via a action group?

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@Stone Blue I know the feeling, TAC Fuel Balancer is actually the mod that gave me the idea to do this one. It is however very complex internally so I've added support for some simpler mods first to make sure things are working.

@123nick I ended up not having any time after work last night, have not looked at IR Sequencer yet.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This mod is great, just hard to find since it doesnt get many replies. Anyway, i have some issues:

1. There are 2 buttons for this mod in the stock toolbar. One seems quite useless, the other one works as intended.

2. Lots of parts have "crossfeed = enabled" two times in their rightclick menu. No idea what causes that.

3. This mod seems to add about 30 actions to every part (even if none is used), which doubles the file size for most of my crafts...

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@Elthy Hopefully as I manage to find the time to add more mods it will get more exposure.

On the issues you are seeing, I would first ask that you check the install.

I've packaged up the .zip file for version 1.1 here, can you make sure to uninstall your current ModActions directory and then merge the GameData folder in the .zip file with your KSP\Gamedata folder. That should put the .dll file at KSP\GameData\Diazo\ModActions\ModActions.dll

You will not lose any configured actions by doing this.

The crossfeed thing might also be another mod, there was a "Crossfeed Enabler" mod that did that and I think one of the big resource mods (KSP Interstellar?) add crossfeed control also.

If reinstalling the mod does not fix this I will ask for a copy of your KSP\KSP_data\output_log.txt file so I can see any errors being thrown.

As for the 30 actions thing, that is necessary. With how KSP handles actions, actions must exist at boot time for them to work correctly. As this mod allows you to configure actions in the editor after boot time, I make 30 placeholder actions so they are handled correctly, then once in the editor I only actually show the ones the player is using.

That means this mod has a hard limit of 30 assigned actions per part, but I went that high because I can't imagine a player actually using 30 actions where-as I could imagine 20 actions being used, even if that would be highly unlikely.


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Sadly is still have those 2 buttons in the toolbar. Also i checked, i dont have crossfeed-enabler installed, but deleting "moduleName = ModuleFuelCrossfeedActions2" from "KISConfig.cfg" and "@PART[*]:Final { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelCrossfeedActions2 } }" from the "part.cfg. did solve it, only one action in the right-click menu remaining.

If you realy need the output_log.txt i have to find a way to upload it, no idea where (anything that doesnt need an account and stuff).


Also i have another problem: I cant uninstall this mod. I only need it for the part that controll FAR controll surfaces, and Dynamic Defelctions seems to be a better choice for that. But if i delete the "Diazo" folder i cant load my craft files, they are extremly broken (just a few parts remain). How do i properly uninstall this?


Ignore this, cant be deleted:



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Been playing with this for a bit now (had your Action Groups Extended mod for ages and a huge, huge fan of it) and I love how much control it gives me over my engines, and especially that it lets me bind a hotkey to orienting to maneuver nodes, something I couldn't do before. Suggestion, which might be on your list already: add similar thrust adjustments to RCS blocks/nozzles. I also noticed the copy feature (which is nice) didn't work work on all my engines; it worked on two stock engines, a modded engine, but not another modded engine.

Some other feedback:

- I can't help compare it to AGExt, your other mod, which I have used a ton, and it suffers in comparison. Simply put: it's not as feature rich. Granted, they fill different, but complementary roles, but I was a little disappointed on first blush. Granted, what it does provide (i.e. node alignment hotkey and thrust hotkeys) have earned it a spot in my library alone, but I have all these other mods that have exposed all these tweakable settings and I'm dying to fiddle with them more (and make moar hotkeys!). Glancing over the thread briefly, it looks like time has been an issue lately, which is understandable, and comparing the two mods probably isn't entirely fair either.

- Something I came across with AGExt, but more relevant here: I find myself making the same commands over and over again, namely setting Thrust to specific intervals. The copying feature is nice, but if there were some way to make it global (apply to all craft) or act as a preloaded/preset that I could configure, that would be neato. Maybe there is a config file somewhere or...?

Anyway, so far, I'm a fan. Hopefully, it will be fleshed out a bit more, but I like what I see so far.


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@Elthy First, I will confirm that deleting what you did from the .cfg files will cause you no issues.

However, the ship no loading thing is odd. Deleting the 'Diazo' folder is the correct uninstall process. (I'm assuming this is the only mod of mine you had installed.)

What has happened is that KSP's loading routine for ships is not as robust as it needs to be and if it hits a serious enough error it just gives up. So parts before the error load fine, parts after just don't.

You'll need to parse the output_log.txt for which part and/or partModule is throwing the error to figure out the next steps to proceed. (I can do this if you are able to upload a copy.) I'm not sure of a site that would allow you to just upload it though, I use google drive for file transfer but that came with my Gmail account.

The GUI button doubling up also needs the output_log.txt before I can trouble shoot it if you still have one that shows that error.


@Deimos Rast This mod has very much suffered from lack of time unfortunately, I haven't even gotten to add the mod that I made this mod for yet, just haven't had the time. (TAC Fuel Balancer if I can ever get to it.)

On the copy feature not working, can you link me the engine that isn't copying? I'll need to look at what it's doing different.

I'll have to look at adding thrust adjustment for RCS nozzels, those use a totally different system and I'll have to see what's possible.

Do you have a list of commands you feel are missing from the action groups that are in the events list? I'll add them to the list of things to add to this mod, but if they are mods themselves, you could ask that mod author to add the actions as well. It's quite simple code-wise and feel free to send them my way if they ask any questions.

At the moment, there is no way of settings defaults. I simply use the default values of the code object behind the scenes when I make it. While not a huge deal to add it would be a question of how. I could make it so there was a default value when a part was placed, but that way you'd have to cycle all the parts multiple times. (Set default value, add actions A, set other value, add all actions B) The other possibility would be to set by name, so all actions with the same name could be set to a value. I don't want to simply set all actions of a type, if you added multiple thrust limiters all that would do is set them all to the same value. Or maybe a list of 5 saved default actions that you could add as-is?


I won't promise anything, life is settling down but it's still quite busy.




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How exactly do you want me to link it? Like a craft file? Link to Gdrive Craft

It's the Excursion Engine, from what appears to be the Tantares mod (the Soyuz mod). Craft file is just a Mk1 Pod on top of a Thumper with the Excursion Engine slapped on top of it. I created a thrust limit on the Thumper, hit copy, tried to copy it to the Excursion Engine, and nothing happens. It might be because one is a Rocket and the other is an SRB? Or Stock vs Modded? No idea really, but the copy feature seems to cut in and out a lot, where it will work, then not, and the copied results will disappear and then I have to redo them manually, or wait until space to redo them (this is an issue independent or in addition to the Excursion Engine issue).

There is also a chance other mods are conflicting here, since I do have a lot of mods.

Regarding the rest of your response: I'm really not trying to add to your workload, but yeah, if I can think of anything.

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Just the name of the engine so I can look into it, I need to get a copy locally on my machine so I can look into the differences. Excursion Engine it is, I'll grab Tantares pack and see what's up.

I'm also puzzled by copied results disapearing, I can't think of what could cause that.

My first guess is something weird is going on with symmetry, I'll poke at it and see if I can get it to go wrong on my end.


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On 15.2.2016 at 4:30 PM, Diazo said:

@Elthy First, I will confirm that deleting what you did from the .cfg files will cause you no issues.

However, the ship no loading thing is odd. Deleting the 'Diazo' folder is the correct uninstall process. (I'm assuming this is the only mod of mine you had installed.)

What has happened is that KSP's loading routine for ships is not as robust as it needs to be and if it hits a serious enough error it just gives up. So parts before the error load fine, parts after just don't.

You'll need to parse the output_log.txt for which part and/or partModule is throwing the error to figure out the next steps to proceed. (I can do this if you are able to upload a copy.) I'm not sure of a site that would allow you to just upload it though, I use google drive for file transfer but that came with my Gmail account.

The GUI button doubling up also needs the output_log.txt before I can trouble shoot it if you still have one that shows that error.

Complete reedit:

1. Log with 2 buttons:


I deleted all actiongroups from a file that used your mod before in that session and pressed both buttons several times.


2. Log after i deleted you mod and tried to load the craft i edited before:


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@Elthy Alright, what looks to be happening is that you have two installations of ModActions somehow.

It was installed at KSP\GameData\Diazo\ModActions as well as KSP\GameData\ModActions

The 2 buttons log is with both copies of the mod present so because the mod is effectively loading twice, it generates two buttons. However, I use code in my mod that can only exist once so when the second copy of the mod loads, KSP tries to jam them together into one mod and just breaks everything.

This also explains the loading failure. In the second log file ModActions is still present at KSP\GameData\ModActions but it is looking for all its files at KSP\GameData\Diazo\ModActions which doesn't exist because you've deleted that folder.

This causes the mod to never finish loading and get stuck, so when you load a vessel and KSP tries to load the ModActions data associated with that craft, ModActions doesn't reply to KSP and so KSP stops the load process leading to the behaviour you see.

If you make sure both the KSP\GameData\ModActions and KSP\GameData\Diazo\ModActions folders are deleted you should be good to go. To make sure you can search for the ModActions.dll file and delete all copies of it you find.


I will also note this means the mod has probably never actually worked correctly for you. If you are still willing to test it, here is the download like to Version 1.1  I'm just waiting on this SpaceDock/KerbalStuff issue to settle down some more before I make the official release.


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Damn, that explains a lot. I suspected a second install, i used the windows search for "Diazo", but that found nothing because i messed up the first installation. Well, such stuff happens when installing 20 mods at once -.-

Thanks for your help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I noticed you at one time had support for the mod "GPO Speed Fuel Pump", but it seems to have fallen by the wayside. Or more specifically, the other mod has, but it recently got an update (an unofficial one) to get it working with 1.0.5. It works fine, but Mod Actions doesn't quite work with it (everything works - setting up hotkeys and such, but when you go to pull the trigger, nothing happens). It's a bit of an unusual situation, I'll admit, but I thought you might know what the issue is.

If you have a moment, here are the links to the release thread, and the git repo of the unofficial release (courtesy of hab136):


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