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[1.1.3] Orbital Decay v1.5.2 (17/07/2016) - Total Overhaul


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  On 8/18/2017 at 2:16 PM, ZAJC3W said:

Yes, if you go to my github you'll find version for 1.2.2. Link few posts back.


Hi ZAJC3W , I have tested many differents settings and (in a non modded ksp too) to find a solution of the issues in my precedent post, but it doesn't work. Am I alone to have that problem ? I have also noticed that the mods say me the good decay rate and time when I put a vessel from a <300km to a >300km (just during the burn). But It say me >1000 years and no decay rate when the mod is refreshed after the end of the burn.

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Only one of the interface icon is showing content for me, the other shows the Orbital Decay Manager window but nothing inside of it. Does this mean the mod is working but there are interface bugs, or it isn't working at all? The icons aren't showing up at all either.


So I just found out you have to put the whitecatindustries inside of the Gamedata without pulling the contents out. That is working with 1.2!

I'd like to thank @ZAJC3W and @Whitecat106 for their work on this, thank you!


Edited by Sxldierman
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  • 3 weeks later...


I may have a bug report here.

I am playing on KSP 1.3 with Orbital Decay 1.5.4 (the 1.3 version from your GitHub, dd. 8 Aug 17).

The issue I'm constantly having is that on all my vessels' (only 5 thus far) orbits the LAN parameter gets set to zero (or some value very close to it) after some time.
Immediately after launch everything seems fine (LAN retains its value as it should). It usually when I leave the vessel to go to the KSC and check on all my vessels in the Tracking Station when LAN jumps to zero.

I have temporarily removed Orbital Decay from my GameData and the issue stopped appearing entirely. So I figure it has something to do with it.

In Whitecat106's GitHub I have noticed that there was an issue #42 "LAN updating to zero!" which was closed on 30 Jul 2016. What I can't see, however, is whether the issue was actually resolved at the time.

I will happily provide more information concerning my KSP installation/mods if required. Perhaps I'm not the only one fighting with this problem. Thanks in advance to anyone finding the time to consider this issue.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, so does this work on 1.3.1? It's a lovely mod which really adds interest in renewing of orbital constellations when they're depleting their fuel. I played with it all the time.

@ZAJC3W downloaded your version on Github, will see how it works.. Thanks for trying to keep it up :wink:

Nope, game crashes on loading if I put GameData contents from your Github to it. What a pity.

Edited by 1valdis
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  On 11/25/2017 at 9:25 AM, 1valdis said:

Hey guys, so does this work on 1.3.1? It's a lovely mod which really adds interest in renewing of orbital constellations when they're depleting their fuel. I played with it all the time.

@ZAJC3W downloaded your version on Github, will see how it works.. Thanks for trying to keep it up :wink:

Nope, game crashes on loading if I put GameData contents from your Github to it. What a pity.


Its up, https://github.com/zajc3w/OrbitalDecay/releases/tag/1.54_1.3.1

Orbit LAN updating to zero is still happening, very rarely but sucks when your RT network gets disabled. Did some tweaks to hopefully eliminate this.

Edited by ZAJC3W
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I noticed that the total decay rate shown in the Manager window is inconsistent with the rates shown in the Breakdown Display. The screenshot below is of a probe orbiting the Moon in RSS. As you can see in the screenshot, the Manager shows the value for Radiation Pressure Decay only and ignores the Gravitational Effect decay rate.

I use v1.5.4 from ZAJC3W (Thanks!) on KSP 1.2.2 with RO.

  Reveal hidden contents


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I played with this mod back in like KSP 1.1.3 with RO and I had thought that this mod had died because on Spacedock the last update was for 1.1.3. Now knowing that this mod is still alive I can't wait to play with it on 1.3.1 with RO because I love having some station keeping without all the complexity of Principia. Although I do have one worry, how well with the automatic station keeping work with RealFuels? If it doesn't work with RealFuels that's fine I can do it myself it's just nice to have that extra feature :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the most part yes. I would need to launch something further out than just above the atmosphere to know for sure. Can do that while I wait for korpernicus to update.

Edited by demibear
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  On 3/25/2018 at 2:09 PM, SynthWeaver said:

Thanks for making this mod playable again all versions.
But I have a question, when does this mod gets available on CKAN?
I can only download the 1.5.2 version and I need the 1.5.4 versionright?


That's because there is no officially Update of this mod, only a community update by @ZAJC3W

You need to download and install it manually. Link is a few posts above.

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@MaximumThrustLan updating to zero seems to be game not returning correct values, same error happens with mass,area and fuel left. it's beyond my capability to eliminate those. Might be game issue or mod requesting data at the wrong moment, no idea.

I did run 50 debris and 20-ish satelites before it bogged down fx8350

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