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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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@Starhawk Don't worry,  I don't think it's disrespectful, as long as everyone is polite about it. I want to hear what people want from the story, and will try to give it to them if it fits the overall plan. And a crossover with Kuzzter isn't off the table, but you'll have to wait and see, it's not fun if I tell what will happen in advance. 

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1 hour ago, Parkaboy said:

And a crossover with Kuzzter isn't off the table, but you'll have to wait and see, it's not fun if I tell what will happen in advance. 

And it's not fun if I tell either. :D 

Regarding a crossover...you mentioned it and you tagged us both enough times for us to notice. We noticed. @Parkaboy stated it "isn't off the table". He's more generous than I am, I won't even say whether there IS a table. But I will acknowledge the possibility of a table. I can't tell you any more without violating General Orders.

Now, I would like very much to see this thread to get back to this story and its awesome author. And I have work to do: capital ships don't build themselves. @Kuzzter OUT.

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5 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

And it's not fun if I tell either. :D 

Regarding a crossover...you mentioned it and you tagged us both enough times for us to notice. We noticed. @Parkaboy stated it "isn't off the table". He's more generous than I am, I won't even say whether there IS a table. But I will acknowledge the possibility of a table. I can't tell you any more without violating General Orders.


The table is still on the table?  Sorry, I couldn't resist. :P


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  • 2 weeks later...

happy new year, very nice chapter, love the last image which was the future before you took a break. Two typos i found while reading the story, third image of the story you forgot the t from planet, also KSC should deem Fabien too unstable to work with Kerbals not people :wink: Keep up the great job.

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The chat about ksp physics at the Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey thread was my cue to present some of the concepts behind Plan Kappa:















And I have absolutely no clue about why one of the engines is heating up.

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