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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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10 minutes ago, Commander Zoom said:

I'd say the better question is, where in time is Jebediah Kerman?

Yeah it would be funny to find him sitting somewhere with broken comms and complaining why has nobody been searching for him for so long.

Speaking of locations, he once jumped into KSC Munolith, might as well fall out of it. Or one of the others

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44 minutes ago, Parkaboy said:

You might be onto something there, sir... But where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?


29 minutes ago, Commander Zoom said:

I'd say the better question is, where in time is Carmen Sandiego?

Just had to pull that reference, lol :)

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11 minutes ago, PotentiallyHabitable578 said:

I have a feeling that Jeb might be found in Kuzzter's graphic novel series... Perhaps emerging from the 'Tylo Anomaly' found in the Kerbahashi Maru Sim?

Wouldn't that be a trip? Nah, with Jeb's luck he'd end up in orbit around Kerbulus, just in time to get torpedoed/agonied/anomalized to death :D 

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22 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

aw, what's not cuddly about Kenly?

Weeeelll, For one he's the only kerbfleet officer that even knows the meaning of the word 'murder'. But come to think of it, so does ϰ-Jeb, from the Fabian episode if nothing else. Perhaps he's just the person to help Kenly sort it out. 

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I have been squealing like a pre-teen girl talking about Justin Beiber ever since I saw the orange writing of Jeb in Kerbfleet: A Jool Oddysey. And now I read the Plan Kappa side and it's given a badS explanation. An awesome crossover, I have to say.

Edited by GregroxMun
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On December 16, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Sanic said:

Nice job with the letter, Parkaboy :) You manage to invoke the feels.
On a side note, randomness detector detects clone mayhem. And more time travel witchcraft.

Nailed it. Sort of.

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