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[1.12.5] Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle


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There will be a short tank or two for extended ET designs, but no adapters. As you said there's other mods out there that care way more about the SLS/Jupiter than I do. The Block II shuttle will have some options for ET engines, so there would be the potential to hack similar designs together if you wanted

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How big is that ET, and what is the part breakdown on it? I'm currently using the DIRECT parts configged with SPT, but I'd love to see how these look when they're finished too.

SPT makes the ET... 5.2m I believe, which is niche, though I am fine with that. I'd like to know if this ET would still be a size that looks good with the extended SPT bay, and, if not, will @MrMeeb make that his dependency instead?

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On 9/19/2016 at 7:20 PM, awsumindyman said:

@Pak, What happened to the satellite release thing?

It was just kind of a lark and not really a priority right now. While it's kind of cool, I wouldn't release it with the pack since it uses buggy mechanics to work. I'll probably put it up on github whenever I get a chance to texture it though.


20 hours ago, SpaceBadger007 said:

Would it be possible when you add the et to give it fuel switching to hydrolox like what you to the othe ca parts if crp is installed?

Probably not from me, but if a motivated community member puts together a patch I'll include it.


5 hours ago, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:

How big is that ET, and what is the part breakdown on it? I'm currently using the DIRECT parts configged with SPT, but I'd love to see how these look when they're finished too.

SPT makes the ET... 5.2m I believe, which is niche, though I am fine with that. I'd like to know if this ET would still be a size that looks good with the extended SPT bay, and, if not, will @MrMeeb make that his dependency instead?

Most part questions can be answered by my road map (also posted on the front page). I keep it up to date most of the time.

Roadmap Link

I can't speak for Meeb, but I think his plans were to rescale CA parts when they're done.

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34 minutes ago, Goat Master said:

I just got the 1.1.3 version and now none of my shuttles work because the underside panels (the ones attached to the engine mount) are too long and I can't find anything to put on my shuttle to compensate for that added length. If anyone has suggestions for my problem please reply. Thanks.

You wouldn't happen to have Shuttle Payload Tech installed as well?

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3 hours ago, Goat Master said:

I just got the 1.1.3 version and now none of my shuttles work because the underside panels (the ones attached to the engine mount) are too long and I can't find anything to put on my shuttle to compensate for that added length. If anyone has suggestions for my problem please reply. Thanks.

Sounds like your module manager or firespitter is messed up in some way

Edited by Pak
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7 hours ago, Sgt.Shutesie said:

You wouldn't happen to have Shuttle Payload Tech installed as well?


4 hours ago, Pak said:

Sounds like your module manager or firespitter is messed up in some way

I do have Shuttle Payload Tech installed, however I have multiple other versions of a shuttle (short, long, heavy payload, etc.) but I'll just have to do for now. Thank you @Sgt.Shutesie

I will check up on those and see if that helps. Thanks @Pak and keep up the great work!

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50 minutes ago, Goat Master said:


I do have Shuttle Payload Tech installed, however I have multiple other versions of a shuttle (short, long, heavy payload, etc.) but I'll just have to do for now. Thank you @Sgt.Shutesie

I will check up on those and see if that helps. Thanks @Pak and keep up the great work!

Shuttle payload tech I believe has a config in it that activates the longer tiles to accommodate the longer bay provided by the mod.

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44 minutes ago, Sgt.Shutesie said:

Shuttle payload tech I believe has a config in it that activates the longer tiles to accommodate the longer bay provided by the mod.


6 hours ago, Pak said:

Sounds like your module manager or firespitter is messed up in some way


8 hours ago, Sgt.Shutesie said:

You wouldn't happen to have Shuttle Payload Tech installed as well?

Thank you guys for your help. I re-launched KSP and now the part is back to normal. I don't know why and I really don't care; all I know is that my shuttles are back in action. Once again thank you guys so much.

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On 29.7.2016 at 0:13 AM, JoseEduardo said:

does anyone else have a problem where stuff inside a payload bay overheats and blows up during re-entry? it seems that I'm not getting any shielding inside any bay (stock or Meeb's 150) and usually the docking port is the first one to explode

I have this issue too. Stock Game and no Real Heat.

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Whoa whoa, you're making Energia parts too? There's already AB Launchers. Still, though, I'd love to see your work when you're ready to show it. (Though I'm waiting on the ET and SRBs mostly). What's the part breakdown on those? Is the ET 1 part, or is it multiple? SPT preferred to have it in multiple parts for fuel flow, which can be done easier in 1.2 now. And, if I can put in a small request for the SRBs, I would love it if you also included parachutes in the nose. DIRECT doesn't have that.

Finally, since these are part of one mod pack now, maybe eventually the shuttle will be as balanced as KSO was.

Edited by Z3R0_0NL1N3
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5 minutes ago, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:

Whoa whoa, you're making Energia parts too? There's already AB Launchers. Still, though, I'd love to see your work when you're ready to show it. (Though I'm waiting on the ET and SRBs mostly). What's the part breakdown on those? Is the ET 1 part, or is it multiple? SPT preferred to have it in multiple parts for fuel flow, which can be done easier in 1.2 now. And, if I can put in a small request for the SRBs, I would love it if you also included parachutes in the nose. DIRECT doesn't have that.

Finally, since these are part of one mod pack now, maybe eventually the shuttle will be as balanced as KSO was.

No, I think Cobalt was trolling.


(Real talk: I would love Energia parts by Pak).


(Real talk 2: KSO still works in 1.1.x).

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6 minutes ago, Avalon304 said:

No, I think Cobalt was trolling.


(Real talk: I would love Energia parts by Pak).


(Real talk 2: KSO still works in 1.1.x).

Oh Cobalt! I continue to wonder how you can work on that Sarnus while you're so active on the forums.

I'm fine with AB Launchers (I hardly use the Buran anyway). They're high quality Beale parts. I honestly was just fine with the DIRECT LV, until I saw how gorgeous Pak's parts look.

And yeah, KSO still works, but it looks distinctly stubby when using it beside Tantares, which is where I use my Shuttle most of the time. Plus this pack is more stockalike in general (if still a little bit Lego).

Edited by Z3R0_0NL1N3
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Hi @Pak,


Made a new video on how to make a Buran with Energia (using Cormorant aeronology and AB launchers). Enjoy:

I have tested it (the launch and orbital operations part - works like a charm), The landing part i did not yet try.

Suggestion, could you also make the lifting body components pull the COM little bit more down so that COM and COL are slightly more aligned. If you want to download the craft, just make sure you have also AB launchers mod and download it from Kerbalx - the link is in the description

Edited by Grunf911
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