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The decay of threads, a Walrus Report


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Hey all, I don't know where this should go, so sorry if this is in the wrong spot.

Threads; the basis of forums, they stay here until they are locked, but what can get them locked?

  • Necromancing
  • De-railment (mostly in the forum games)
  • Or if the thread does not comply with the rules

We will be looking at no.2 today.

Usually threads are de-railed when the rules of the game are not broad, or the rules are to specific, or if one is not willing to agree (See Kerbal History 1, 2, 3, 3 (2), X, ReMastered, and reborn). That "disaster" happened because the first one (posted by Goodgle) got out of hand, so I posted KH 2, which ended up having the same results as KH1, then 2 other forum users along with me tried posting the third one, since we had 2 KH3s, one of them got locked, and the other got out of hand because the owner of the locked one de-railed it, the same happened with KH X, and KH remastered got old and forgotten until it was locked due to necromancing. KH Reborn is going very smoothly, Megatiger79 is doing a good job with the rules.

I will try to write more in the future. (Sorry for my poor writing skills)

Einstein said that doing the same thing again and again while expecting a different result is insane, (paraphrasing).
Edited by MrWalrus123
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Einstein said that doing the same thing again and again while expecting a different result is insane, (paraphrasing).

No, he didn't; the quote is widely misattributed to him, but also to other people, and it's silly anyway. Flip a coin again and again. If it came up heads the first time, you don't expect heads every other time.

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No, he didn't; the quote is widely misattributed to him, but also to other people, and it's silly anyway. Flip a coin again and again. If it came up heads the first time, you don't expect heads every other time.

He said he might have said that. In Science, it makes sense. If you do the same experiment over and over again but expect a different result, it doesn't make sense.

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He said he might have said that. In Science, it makes sense. If you do the same experiment over and over again but expect a different result, it doesn't make sense.

Einstein also disliked Quantum Mechanics and the Copenhagen Interpretation which might prompt him to make the quote, but it is still silly. If the experiment depends on QM, it likely has a probability component to it, and trying it over again will give different results. "Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.".

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Seriously, guys? Are you derailing this one on purpose? Please get back on topic.
Please stay on topic guys, only discuss ideas related to the subject

The topic is threads going off-topic. It's on-topic for this thread to be off-topic.

Aside from that, this wasn't really a call for discussion, it was simply a single person's observation that multiple threads that started the same way ended going off-topic the same way. What discussion is there to be had?

My questions would be:

Why do you expect a conversation to not wander off-topic in the first place?


How far off-topic is off-topic?

Edited by razark
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How far off-topic is off-topic?

If only I knew the answer to this, I might have got a better grade in English. The number of times I got told "it's good, but why is there a cat eating mcdonalds?..."

EDIT: Oh wow, just realised how far off topic I just off-topiced this, all by accident.

EDIT 2: Attempt to re-on-topic, the main reason I see threads go off topic is people arguing whether the thread is a good idea/question/etc. or not.

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He said he might have said that.

Citation needed.

In Science, it makes sense. If you do the same experiment over and over again but expect a different result, it doesn't make sense.

Because science is never about things that behave somewhat unreliably.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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