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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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  • 3 weeks later...

Working on a new template:


Omni converters let you configure individual converters. Instead of, say, configuring the Casa into a Pigpen just for the soil recycler and never using the Sabiter reactor, you can set up the omni converters to soil recyclers for faster recycling, or to whatever you need. The above is the first pass; it needs some of the features of the template switcher, but it's a good start. :)

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On 4/10/2018 at 11:45 AM, MaverickSawyer said:

Nice. Time to start planning the bases in earnest.

Take your time... But be sure to get rolling soon;) I've stalled for months but I'm finally getting somewhere.


I kinda wish I brought a Hogan. I don't have one, or any Pipeline parts in the inventory here...And I didn't expect the resource scarcity I now have to deal with but that makes it fun here.



Edited by JadeOfMaar
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@Norcalplanner I'm on Loki.



I've been putting in a fair share in the background to help @Angel-125 and his awesome mods to be even more awesome. This is totally not an attention-grab lol, but with the way things are going, with Pathfinder at the center, it's time to reveal yet another very awesome thing.

The classic stock resource system developed by NovaSilisko and HarvesteR has been quite fun to tinker with and to bring up to contemporary standards. It is entirely opt-in by other modders, but requires mods to come with support for the WBI Play mode system which already changes the resource chains for WBI parts. Full support is already in for all of my part mods and will serve as shining examples for others.

Classic resource distributions are already available for the stock planets to enable full use of Pathfinder's Lasso series harvesters but is still WIP in Pathfinder's converters and I'm eager to try it all out myself with the release of the Omni Converter system.

The following image is roughly 90% on point, and a great guide to (mined only) resource flows and resource availabilities (see the colored tabs under resource boxes matched with source situation (Oceans, Subsurface etc) boxes).

  • I've also introduced (unreleased) the raw resource Hydrokerbon which refines into two new propellants "RHK1" (Refined Hydrokerbon 1) for LiquidFuel, and Raptium which answers for Methane, all of which pair with Oxium (when needed) for rocketry.
  • Rock, available in crust and in exosphere, intends to serve as the bulk constituent of landable worlds and as space dust, fill the rings (or spherical regions) of ringed planets and ringed stars or stars that host proto-systems, and to be refined for small fractions of Ore.


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@JadeOfMaar's help revising the resource chains have been invaluable, and the next major mod update will likely switch to Classic Stock as the default play mode for new games instead of CRP. If you've been using Pathfinder or other WBI mods for awhile with CRP, don't fret, your existing games are safe. The change only affects new installs of WBI mods.

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2 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

@JadeOfMaar's help revising the resource chains have been invaluable, and the next major mod update will likely switch to Classic Stock as the default play mode for new games instead of CRP. If you've been using Pathfinder or other WBI mods for awhile with CRP, don't fret, your existing games are safe. The change only affects new installs of WBI mods.

When I finally roll into 1.4.3, the only thing I will be carrying over is the saved game. Every mod has been stripped out and is now in the process of having a clean install. Will this cause a problem with what I do? I'm unsure how to interpret your most recent comment...

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Just now, adsii1970 said:

When I finally roll into 1.4.3, the only thing I will be carrying over is the saved game. Every mod has been stripped out and is now in the process of having a clean install. Will this cause a problem with what I do? I'm unsure how to interpret your most recent comment...

It shouldn't affect your game. There's a file that tells WBI what play mode you're using and if it's not there, it'll ask you to select a play mode. At worst you'd have to select CRP and restart the game.

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2 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

When I finally roll into 1.4.3, the only thing I will be carrying over is the saved game. Every mod has been stripped out and is now in the process of having a clean install. Will this cause a problem with what I do? I'm unsure how to interpret your most recent comment...

Changing to Classic Stock won't break anything. Nothing outside of WBI will be affected. The only thing you need to do is to keep CRP installed for any mods that need it. The only danger you'll have is when KSP hangs while trying to compile a part using an undefined resource.

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12 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

It shouldn't affect your game. There's a file that tells WBI what play mode you're using and if it's not there, it'll ask you to select a play mode. At worst you'd have to select CRP and restart the game.

Ok, that will work. As I mentioned before, I will still be using a majority of the mods I do now, but I am cleaning up the mod folder by doing fresh installs for all of them. I'm also losing the mod, Maritime Pack, which is another reason why I'm doing a fresh install.

9 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Changing to Classic Stock won't break anything. Nothing outside of WBI will be affected. The only thing you need to do is to keep CRP installed for any mods that need it. The only danger you'll have is when KSP hangs while trying to compile a part using an undefined resource.

No, no, no... play classic stock game... never. I wouldn't know how to do that... :) Just wanted to make sure that my games will port over without major issues.

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Pathfider 1.26 is now available:

Omni Converters
For Classic Stock only, Pathfinder's base components (Casa, Ponderosa, and Hacienda) can now use the new omni converters. Instead of templates like Watney, OPAL, and Nukeworks that have fixed converters, omni converters let you configure your base components however you like. Need 3 Haber processors? No problem. Need the complete resource chain to go from Ore to MaterialKits to Equipment and finally RocketParts? You can do that to. While traditional templates are still around, omni converters offer much more versatility.

In addition to the Omni Converters, the new Omni Storage template lets you store any number of resources desired up to the maximum available storage volume. Omni Storage is even smart enough to handle resource ratios like LFO; no need to fiddle with the storage capacity sliders to get just the right ratio of LiquidFuel/Oxidizer in the tank. As with Omni Converters, the traditional storage templates are still around, but Omni Storage offers much more versatility.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- Recompiled for KSP 1.4.3
- Fixed NRE issues with the WBIProspector.
- Classic Stock's Hot Springs has a resource scanner to help locate GeoEnergy.
- Improved resource summary in the geology lab.
- Fixed missing resources in the Classic Stock's GeologyLab.
- Fixed a situation where resource distribution wouldn't distribute resources.
- Added new templates to Classic Stock Play Mode: OmniShop (Casa/Ponderosa), OmniLab (Doc), and OmniWorks (Hacienda).
YOUR EXISTING CLASSIC STOCK TEMPLATES ARE SAFE! These are new templates that offer more versatile configurations, but they take more work on your part to set up.
- Added new Omni Storage template to the Classic Stock Play Mode.
- Moved the Recycler Arm to Buffalo. The existing arm has been deprecated.
- Adjusted Classic Stock resource densities to reflect the 5-liter standard used by most stock resources.
- Adjusted Classic Stock storage capacities to reflect the 5-liter standard used by most stock resources. These changes will affect new parts and when you reconfigure an existing part.
- Classic Stock is now the default Play Mode for new installs of WBI mods. Existing games are unchanged.

Edited by Angel-125
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4 minutes ago, Lisias said:

I just downloaded the file linked, but while installing I found no "Pathfinder" subdir in the zip's GameData/WildBlueIndustries. Just the auxiliary ones.

Is this correct?


Try the link again.

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One note on the Classic Stock Resources, ScanSat, and CRP:

It looks like even having the Classic Stock Resources installed (even if WBI is in CRP mode) disables being able to use CRP resources in ScanSat.  Kind of unfortunate, as it'd be interesting to run parallel careers.

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Hi there! I'm new to the forum here but I love the game and am enjoying your mod so far, however I have been running into issues with the UI crashing. When I try to manage operations through the Pathfinder menu, or from a Ponderosa, a blank window will pop up, like this: 


And I have no way to close it. If I go to the pause menu and go back to the tracking station or space center, oddly enough the proper window will display in the black loading screen, but then the game camera will lock into place upon loading either the space center or my save from the tracking station, with no way to control anything or open any menus. The game will be running, sounds, physics, animations and all, but with no interactivity or camera control. This doesn't happen when managing operations from a Conastoga for example, but the same crash will happen when doing it from either the toolbar accessed Pathfinder menu, the Ponderosa, or the rec center.


Also this may be a dumb question but sometimes when I recycle a part for equipment I don't see my equipment count rise in the Conastoga, and the Top Off Resources cheat in the Pathfinder menu doesn't seem to function. Am I doing something wrong?

Edited by Prettyman
URL broke, I hope this fixes it
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/16/2018 at 6:10 PM, Prettyman said:

Hi there! I'm new to the forum here but I love the game and am enjoying your mod so far, however I have been running into issues with the UI crashing. When I try to manage operations through the Pathfinder menu, or from a Ponderosa, a blank window will pop up, like this: 


And I have no way to close it. If I go to the pause menu and go back to the tracking station or space center, oddly enough the proper window will display in the black loading screen, but then the game camera will lock into place upon loading either the space center or my save from the tracking station, with no way to control anything or open any menus. The game will be running, sounds, physics, animations and all, but with no interactivity or camera control. This doesn't happen when managing operations from a Conastoga for example, but the same crash will happen when doing it from either the toolbar accessed Pathfinder menu, the Ponderosa, or the rec center.


Also this may be a dumb question but sometimes when I recycle a part for equipment I don't see my equipment count rise in the Conastoga, and the Top Off Resources cheat in the Pathfinder menu doesn't seem to function. Am I doing something wrong?

I just posted a small bug fix update, see if that helps. :)

Meanwhile, Kerbal Flying Saucers Phase 1 is now complete! You can build a prototype flying saucer that can be conventionally powered or use an exotic engine. Before I start work on Phase 2, I have some stuff to do in Pathfinder. I've been experimenting with static base platforms in my career game and it's going well:


It's much easier to build bases on a flat platform than on a hill, so I'm adding a Buffalo Bulldozer part to Pathfinder that lets you build flat surfaces. It'll take time to make the platform, though engineers can help reduce that time. The bulldozer will move local regolith around to form the platform. I'm also looking at making the Sandcastle 3D printer, that would initially make the konkrete platforms that you see above. It'll be the next step in Pathfinder's Project Sandcastle.

Edited by Angel-125
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Help Required . I have a problem where the buckboards right click menu is missing the ressource options and instead of the default LFO when first loading the part in VAB all I have on the buckboard itself is the Wildblue logo . The inventory screen works but not the ressource . I found a working but very annoying workaround before each game start I must delete the wildblue folder , the Near Futur Props folder as well as the Wildblueplay mode cfg. Then I have to verify integrity of game files via steam the reinstall/copy the mod back in to the game data directory . If I do this it works but if I close then restart the game it does not . The ressources options is gone again . I have confirmed its not a mod conflict issue by deleting the entire KSP folder uninstalling  KSP then reinstalling KSP and installing only the wildblue industries mods   ( Pathfinder,Buffalo,Deep Space Ex Vess,MOLE ) and I still get the problem. I am using all the most recent official releases from spacedock. Never had this problem before 1.4.xxx.

Thank You for taking the time to read this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else had Ponderosa bases disappear, rendering the Kerbal inside KIA?  It was attached to the Muncrete Saddle, which was attached to the ground.


Edit:  Reloaded a save I had with a vehicle parked outside the base.  The Ponderosa and everything "crashed into the ground", so that's what it was.

Edited by Doslidnyk
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting a couple NREs that are breaking things. The big one is trying to manage the operations for the lab and converters. I click the manage operations button in the editors and all I see is a blank window that can't be close and a parade of NREs. The next one is I alt-clicked the KPBS hab to duplicate it and a NRE was thrown. Also the resource list for the configurable containers has the research kits duplicated and a blank button. 

I'm using the current versions of Pathfinder, Buffalo, KFS, and WBT. My KSP version is 1.4.4. I'm also doing a CRP resource game.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/81svxoxuuwu2yy6/KSP 062418.zip?dl=0

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