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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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Oooh, I like that too @Drakenex! I think your images have very strange contrast though. They're much too dark to me and hard to see. :(

Mine was different, but I feel like yours is more accurate. Mine was based on this image:


(Click the image below for the Imgur album)


Edited by CobaltWolf
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So Ive been messing around with an S-IVB mock up and just putting it in orbit (mostly to test how the SLA works with very minimal eject force on the payload node) will note somethings:


1. The S-IVB interstage (the one with the integrated SRMs) has no solid fuel, despite it being listed in the interstage's config. Staging the interstage just jettisons it and the SRMs do not fire (luckily I have 2 of the S-IVB ullage motors on my S-IVB, so I still get some movement away). EDIT: Oh, I see... there are 2 S-IVB interstages... well thats good to know. I assume one if for mounting to a Sarnus I? Anyway... the wide interstage is missing Solid Fuel, I assume it should have the same amount of fuel as the other interstage, so I added it myself).


2. With the payload eject force at 5 you still get shot away from the SLA with great force, so even with minimal eject force there is some clipping or other wise unsavory things going on.

Edited by Avalon304
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31 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

For anyone having trouble with the SLA, I uploaded one with fixed colliders a couple hours after the initial upload. If you're having issues please redownload and verify that they are still happening.

Just redownloaded to check that I had the latest... still getting shot away from the SLA. I dont know what you had changed, but Im not sure that was it.


EDIT: This was taken with an eject force of 5, a second after rightclicking the SLA and clicking 'Decouple':



Took at look at the S-I/S-II section of the rocket, testing the S-II Interstage ring. As noted by someone else before the collider is slightly larger than the visual model, which results in floating ullage motors. Not really a problem considering you can move them with the move gizmo, but upon staging this happened:




Only change made to the S-II interstage config was the changing of 'IsOmniDecoupler' from 'true' to 'false'. Previously, with it set to true the ullage motors would just explode upon interstage separation. Now they just detach from interstage ring and spin around.

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Thanks for all the help reporting issues with the Saturn guys! I'm somewhat reminded of real life - they originally wanted to perform batteries of tests on each system (including each stage of the LVs) individually, verifying each component separately. Time and budget constraints limited them to launching everything together - 'all-up' tests. That's the sort of period that we're in now: 3.5 stages (due to the variants of the S-IVB and improvements that need to be made to the Saturn 1 stuff), two spacecraft, and a lot of complicated part setups that pretty much had to wait to be all together in order to be evaluated. Essentially, 2.5months of little forgotten things are piled up now and I gotta get them all sorted... but I can't stop tweaking the Apollo CM...


EDIT: One more for posterity...


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11 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Thanks for all the help reporting issues with the Saturn guys! I'm somewhat reminded of real life - they originally wanted to perform batteries of tests on each system (including each stage of the LVs) individually, verifying each component separately. Time and budget constraints limited them to launching everything together - 'all-up' tests. That's the sort of period that we're in now: 3.5 stages (due to the variants of the S-IVB and improvements that need to be made to the Saturn 1 stuff), two spacecraft, and a lot of complicated part setups that pretty much had to wait to be all together in order to be evaluated. Essentially, 2.5months of little forgotten things are piled up now and I gotta get them all sorted... but I can't stop tweaking the Apollo CM...


EDIT: One more for posterity...



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For those of you who want to test out the two segments of the Sarnus V, Ive set up two craft files, one for the S-IC/S-II section and one for the S-IVB/SLA/LM/CSM section:


S-IC/S-II: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14006682/S-IC_S-II Test Article.craft


S-IVB: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14006682/S-IVB Test Article.craft

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5 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Oooh, I like that too @Drakenex! I think your images have very strange contrast though. They're much too dark to me and hard to see. :(

Mine was different, but I feel like yours is more accurate. Mine was based on this image:


(Click the image below for the Imgur album)


Awesome! Everything to do with MOL is Awesome!

Edited by SpaceBadger007
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4 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

For anyone having trouble with the SLA, I uploaded one with fixed colliders a couple hours after the initial upload. If you're having issues please redownload and verify that they are still happening.


4 hours ago, Avalon304 said:

Just redownloaded to check that I had the latest... still getting shot away from the SLA. I dont know what you had changed, but Im not sure that was it.


EDIT: This was taken with an eject force of 5, a second after rightclicking the SLA and clicking 'Decouple':



By looking at Github notes, the SLA model file seems still the same as before: I downloaded it again, to be sure, but nothing changed in the above mentioned behaviour even if the payload node decoupler was set to zero.

I'm gonna test (as JSO put in the config note) some "negative value" next...

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... and neither a "negative value" seems to resolve the problem about the SLA's payload decoupler, still shooting the LEM. At this point I think there should be some internal collider problem.

As a side note, it seems the same problem I found about a very similar SLA in the SXT mod pack that I never resolved to work as intended: solid colliders (even if "hollow" in the inside, as a SLA should) seem to hate more than one decoupler (if the second was "inside" the collider). As a different approach, I'd suggest to go with a 2 part assembly (that could work): the petal adapter acting as a CSM decoupler and a separated internal part acting as decoupler for the payload, leaving the actual SLA's payload node as a simply "cargo node".
Actually, the only SLA-alike part that I found someway working (in the past, as now is not more supported/updated) was from OLDD's Saturn V with this "2 parts assembly" system:

  • the "petal adapter itself"
  • a part that was needed to be build inside, with the LEM mounted on it, to decoupler the LEM itself.

The clever idea by DennyTX was to leave a sort of "hole" in the petal adapter sidewall, where the internal part acting as LEM's decoupler (and painted in bright red) had a "button" that popped out from the petal adapter hole (to be "point-clicked" from outside, when the LEM made it almost impossible to find the below decoupler from the main opening).

It's possible to see the mentioned sort of internal decoupler's "button" from this image:



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7 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

For anyone having trouble with the SLA, I uploaded one with fixed colliders a couple hours after the initial upload. If you're having issues please redownload and verify that they are still happening.

More tests with the SLA:

... even with a separated decoupler nested inside the petal adapter's payload node (to avoid to use the built in decoupler node), the LEM at extraction is still "shoot out" in the very same weird way (I used the the slim Prometheus I first stage/second stage decoupler between the internal payload node and the LEM descend engine).
At this point, I could think only about some SLA's collider issues, not related with the LEM itself, as I tested even a smaller 1.25m diameter tank as "test article" in the place of the LEM, and the behaviour is still present...

...  waiting for you, Cobalt, to check/re-upload/redesign the SLA model itself, as I start doubting that the problem could be resolved with clever cfg editing or a separated, internal decoupler mounted on the payload node as it was a "cargo node".

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Hey y'all, specifically @Araym and @Avalon304 (since you've been testing heavily) I am having an issue. I can't seem to get the Saturn 1C retros to work. I have them in the cfg, have the proper thrustTransforms in Unity, but still nothing. I have to run errands for an hour or so. If anyone has a moment, can they fiddle with it and see what I did wrong? Make sure you redownload everything, I've updated stuff to where it is in my gamedata right now. So new Apollo textures, etc. Also, there are a bunch of issues on the Github for the Saturn and the Apollo that I've fixed, but not tested. Thing like this one and this one. If I could get verification on whether those work I'd appreciate it. Note that right now I'm waiting on word from @Jso on how to configure the new animated decoupler module he made, so the umbilical for the Apollo acts strange.

On a related note, we need help with things like tech tree placement, updating compatibility for things like Tweakscale, making sure all the new parts have proper names and descriptions. Any volunteers for help with that would be greatly appreciated!

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26 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:


My break starts this satutday, so I can help starting then. I can provide descriptions and tech tree thoughts as needed. Also currently trying to make a Minotaur capsule to add in.

Edit: I also plan on making cfgs for TAC and some other mods

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