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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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Just now, Pappystein said:

I can't wait for BREXIT to stop distracting Cobaltwolf err actually that isn't true, BREXIT will be an awesome collaborative mod unto itself from what I have seen out of it's various authors.   Rather I should say, I am patiently awaiting an E-1 engine setup similar to the newest Titan engines deployed in the master copy on Github.   And a Saturn 1 mounting plate with a re-designed bottom section so we can mount a 4x E-1 array to it...  Then Saturn I family can be considered complete as far as *I* am concerned including the fanciful but awesome S-1E stage. 

On the subject of the new Titan engine, I am unsure if @Jso or @CobaltWolf are aware the Titan engine in the master with the select-able adapter sizes has a gap between the top node and the engine with no adapter is chosen.  It appears to have the same space between the engine bell assembly and the node as the 1.25m tank butt.   I have not downloaded the master in about a week so if you have already fixed it AWESOME!   Engine in question is: bluedog_LR87_SingleChamberB.cfg   I will verify if this is not listed in the Git and post there as well.

I, uh, maybe have started several other projects in the meantime. You know where to look. :wink: I also, uh, may have decided to remodel the Apollo pod? So that's a thing that is happening now. I really am unhappy with the window placement and shape, and in order to make it look the way I want it... idk. Once I sort out some niggling issues with the geometry around the windows, it'll be an easy unwrap and then just normal texture work. Hard part will be not messing with the other existing parts on that texture sheet, but I think a different method of unwrapping (which I've been using in another project) will let me reuse a couple panels, which would alleviate the issue a little.

RE: the Saturn 1 mount. I was actually thinking about that this morning. I think I'd like to use the existing mesh for the 4x adapter, and then remake the current one (there *should* be room on the sheet last I checked... if not there's also enough space on the main Saturn V texture sheet that won't be missed. Any other new Saturn parts are likely big enough to need a new sheet anyways) to be the more cylindrical thrust structure that the later 1B flights used (see below)

That is an issue that until recently we didn't have a fix for - I was honestly just trusting the user to use the translate widget to move it up. But apparently you can enable/disable nodes using B9 switches (I think) (@blowfish?) so yeah.


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17 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

I, uh, maybe have started several other projects in the meantime. You know where to look. :wink: I also, uh, may have decided to remodel the Apollo pod? So that's a thing that is happening now. I really am unhappy with the window placement and shape, and in order to make it look the way I want it... idk. Once I sort out some niggling issues with the geometry around the windows, it'll be an easy unwrap and then just normal texture work. Hard part will be not messing with the other existing parts on that texture sheet, but I think a different method of unwrapping (which I've been using in another project) will let me reuse a couple panels, which would alleviate the issue a little.

First off Cool!  I too had issues with the Apollo CM and was unsure WHAT they were but you are right the windows are the major issue...   They look.... off.. somehow.  

17 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

RE: the Saturn 1 mount. I was actually thinking about that this morning. I think I'd like to use the existing mesh for the 4x adapter, and then remake the current one (there *should* be room on the sheet last I checked... if not there's also enough space on the main Saturn V texture sheet that won't be missed. Any other new Saturn parts are likely big enough to need a new sheet anyways) to be the more cylindrical thrust structure that the later 1B flights used (see below)

I don't want to speak for others but couldn't you just hollow out the bottom and add another 4 node set between the existing center 4 nodes and the outer 4 nodes... where E-1 would have to be mounted?   Or are you thinking of B9 part switch the bottom for E1 or H1 engines? 


Edited by Pappystein
deleted extranious text
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2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

I can't wait for BREXIT to stop distracting Cobaltwolf err actually that isn't true, BREXIT will be an awesome collaborative mod unto itself from what I have seen out of it's various authors.   Rather I should say, I am patiently awaiting an E-1 engine setup similar to the newest Titan engines deployed in the master copy on Github.   And a Saturn 1 mounting plate with a re-designed bottom section so we can mount a 4x E-1 array to it...  Then Saturn I family can be considered complete as far as *I* am concerned including the fanciful but awesome S-1E stage. 

On the subject of the new Titan engine, I am unsure if @Jso or @CobaltWolf are aware the Titan engine in the master with the select-able adapter sizes has a gap between the top node and the engine with no adapter is chosen.  It appears to have the same space between the engine bell assembly and the node as the 1.25m tank butt.   I have not downloaded the master in about a week so if you have already fixed it AWESOME!   Engine in question is: bluedog_LR87_SingleChamberB.cfg   I will verify if this is not listed in the Git and post there as well.




I've noticed that too. I usually just use the offset controls to fix that. Doesn't make them any less awesome though.

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10 hours ago, Pappystein said:

...I don't want to speak for others but couldn't you just hollow out the bottom and add another 4 node set between the existing center 4 nodes and the outer 4 nodes... where E-1 would have to be mounted?   Or are you thinking of B9 part switch the bottom for E1 or H1 engines? 


I have a suggestion:

Split the adapter into two parts - a cylindrical sort of bowl with mounting nodes for both E- and H-1 engines, and a pair of cover plates that would have holes corresponding to the places where E- and H-1s would poke out of.

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Why haven't you finished Skylab yet?

Go away.


When are the revamped parts coming out?



Where's that Large Diameter Titan you showed?

*drinks profusely*


What about those probe parts?



Seriously some of those were first shown 16 months ago.

Yeah I kno-


And why didn't we get a separate probe release?



Well about that BREXIT thing? Did you get yelled at for that? When will that get a release?

No and no.


Well... what have you been working on?



Is it the big secret project?



Can we see it?




Cus it's not done.



I got distracted.




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10 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:


Go away.


*drinks profusely*


Yeah I kno-


No and no.




Cus it's not done.

I got distracted.

How did you know what I was going to ask?

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11 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:


Go away.


*drinks profusely*


Yeah I kno-


No and no.




Cus it's not done.

I got distracted.6LNTU4T.png



Lol, stay strong @CobaltWolfy

Is the BDB Apollo CM deliberately less pointy than the real thing?

Looking at pictures the CM tapers to a smaller point IRL

Love your work as always

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10 hours ago, CommanderSmith said:

That honestly looks absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for all that you do to keep us entertained with your beautiful parts.

Thank you! Comments like that make me feel better about how much time I spend on all this haha :D

10 hours ago, flamerboy67664 said:

would be happy if this doesn't get updated to 1.3, or either 1.3 mods work in 1.2. too little changes and new content in 1.3 to make me update.

*my 2c*

7 hours ago, mslngr said:

Would you do a 1.3 version of this mod? I just can't live without it...

5 hours ago, Jso said:

The plugins (B9, DMagic, and ours) need to be updated before this will load on 1.3. Then we can see what might be broke in the configs and models. Hopefully nothing.

Oh dear! :( Jso if we have to push out that kind of update we can at least include some of the revamped stuff like the LEM, right? :)

1 hour ago, Rory Yammomoto said:

How did you know what I was going to ask?

Believe me, you're not the only one that asks those questions. :wink:

1 minute ago, TheRedTom said:

Lol, stay strong @CobaltWolfy

Is the BDB Apollo CM deliberately less pointy than the real thing?

Looking at pictures the CM tapers to a smaller point IRL

Love your work as always

I just wish my productivity could keep up with my ideas. More people should go to the Patreon linked in the OP and support me doing this full time, then we'd get somewhere! :P Especially since I graduate soon.

Yes, the top surface of the parachute mount is 0.9375m to make it compatible with the larger APAS systems if the user wants to use those instead. :) I was playing with the geometry to try and get it a *little* bit closer to the real thing, but there's really nothing I can do if I want to keep that functionality. Of course,, I've got a couple more days to think about it if I want. Also, the separate parachute mount means that the top reentry RCS, which belong on the parachute part, instead is on the pod closer to the door. Nothing I can do if I want to keep the pod with its full functionality. I didn't want to end up like FASA where you *have* to use the parachutes, RCS that go with the capsule otherwise you'll leave holes.

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10 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

I just wish my productivity could keep up with my ideas. More people should go to the Patreon linked in the OP and support me doing this full time, then we'd get somewhere! :P Especially since I graduate soon.


I will certainly do that, I'm a student too so it may be modest :/

I have a lovely bottle of gin if you prefer :P

Maybe a cone-shaped adapter for between the parachutes and small docking port?

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13 minutes ago, TheRedTom said:

I will certainly do that, I'm a student too so it may be modest :/

I have a lovely bottle of gin if you prefer :P

Maybe a cone-shaped adapter for between the parachutes and small docking port?

That or, like... mesh/node switching. If @blowfish isn't a liar! :D (I know he's not) But yeah definitely a possibility...

EDIT: BUT @TheRedTom that would break the LES model... darn... why can't I just make everything good haha.

EDIT2: Oh, also, the new technique I learned to make the window geometry work without causing smoothing issues, can also be used to keep the seams between the parachutes and parachute mount smooth, as well as other things like the service module's doors.

Speaking of the service module... can anyone find some pictures of the service module with bays in the 'empty' configuration? And/or just good ones of the service module in general? I've been thinking about the subsat too - it might be very easy to model and push out with the rest of the revamped Apollo stuff, so I might cross that off my list quickly on my way through the Apollo stuff.

Edited by CobaltWolf
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Turns out they released 1.2.9 1.3. Compatibility:


Apparently, straight BDB (just the parts, no dependencies), CRP, and CryoEngines work well enough, so long as you use the 1.2.9 version of MM. B9PartSwitch does not, nor does DMagic.

Edited by Rory Yammomoto
Getting a list of broken mods.
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If you're running Steam, just select KSP, go into Properties, go into Betas, and then click the previous version 1.2.2. That will allow you to use KSP 1.2.2 with the 1.2.2 mods. If you're not using Steam... well how should I know?

*Vigorously punches keyboard keys and sends many flying across the room while searching for more solutions*

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5 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

That or, like... mesh/node switching. If @blowfish isn't a liar! :D (I know he's not) But yeah definitely a possibility...

EDIT: BUT @TheRedTom that would break the LES model... darn... why can't I just make everything good haha.

EDIT2: Oh, also, the new technique I learned to make the window geometry work without causing smoothing issues, can also be used to keep the seams between the parachutes and parachute mount smooth, as well as other things like the service module's doors.

Speaking of the service module... can anyone find some pictures of the service module with bays in the 'empty' configuration? And/or just good ones of the service module in general? I've been thinking about the subsat too - it might be very easy to model and push out with the rest of the revamped Apollo stuff, so I might cross that off my list quickly on my way through the Apollo stuff.

So I only did a quick read through the linked document below (and only to page 250 as I am late for a family gathering.)   It is a drawing but, ALL of sector 1 was either full of ballast or taken up by the Lunar experiments:


Page 179 for the top down view that is easy to scale from.



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15 hours ago, NISSKEPCSIM said:

If you're running Steam, just select KSP, go into Properties, go into Betas, and then click the previous version 1.2.2. That will allow you to use KSP 1.2.2 with the 1.2.2 mods. If you're not using Steam... well how should I know?

*Vigorously punches keyboard keys and sends many flying across the room while searching for more solutions*

Thank you so much +1

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23 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

...I didn't want to end up like FASA where you *have* to use the parachutes, RCS that go with the capsule otherwise you'll leave holes.

I have another two cents:

make other things that fit in the holes.

Like a light, or a small science container, or a KAS container. those would all be useful for an orbital tug/shuttle.

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