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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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25 minutes ago, Pappystein said:

Can we have that enabled on either the MOL Pressurized Cargo container or the Ferry Container?

That can be done just by creating a new B9 Tank Type and adding it to the cargo carrying parts, just like the USI/B9 patch



	name = bdbFilm
	tankMass = 0.0015
	tankCost = 1.95
		name = FilmStock
		unitsPerVolume = 1

			name = Film
			tankType = bdbFilm
			addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$
			@addedMass *= -1
			addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$
			@addedCost *= -1

Or something like that... I just made this bodge, didn't test yet



Edited by Marcelo Silveira
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1 minute ago, Marcelo Silveira said:

That can be done just by creating a new B9 Tank Type and adding it to the cargo carrying parts, just like the USI/B9 patch

  Reveal hidden contents


	name = bdbFilm
	tankMass = 0.0015
	tankCost = 1.95
		name = FilmStock
		unitsPerVolume = 1

			name = Film
			tankType = bdbFilm
			addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$
			@addedMass *= -1
			addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$
			@addedCost *= -1

Or something like that... I just made this bodge, didn't test yet



Yep.  I was just asking for Official like support.   On the off chance there is something else planned we don't know about since this stuff is still in a ready state of flux 

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@Marcelo Silveira @Pappystein Yeah I have been thinking about how best to add in a resupply method for the Dorian specifically. A film subtype just seems a bit wasteful to carry like 2-4 kg of film in an entire ferry segment though :P I havent ruled that out entirely.

Speaking of Scansat changes are coming soon. All the spy cameras will switch to the new Visual Scanner module (high and low res options are available) once Scansat officially updates. The visual scan is a colour scan that basically pulls the scaled space texture from the planet. Essentially a nice colour photograph of the surface rather than altimetry. Furthermore it will only successfully scan on the daylight side of the planet. I think this will be quite fun as it makes scanning more involved and engaging.

Dmagic has previewed this in their dev thread (its available to download and test) but I will only be committing the BDB compatibility update once Kopernicus updates to 1.8 as this new scansat looks to be 1.8 only.

The current BDB scansat compatibility configs will prob be thrown into BDB_Extras for people who dont want to move to 1.8 even after Kopernicus updates.


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21 hours ago, CDSlice said:

The Titan is fast becoming my favorite rocket in BDB

It just looks so pretty and is perfect for sending probes to further away planets like Dres.

More screenshots in spoiler for space

19 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

That is actually a "problem" with BDB Titan - it's so flexible it makes all other rockets either irrelevant or obsolete. I actually had to force myself to use Delta II to launch anything that weighs less than 2 tons and can be folded into 1.5m fairing. Just because "launch everything on Titan" is too boring. BDB Titan is great, but I wish for more balancing. Increasing its price would work, at least until you accumulated enough kerbucks to stop caring about such things.

If I remember, we had issues with cost balancing a couple years ago between the Titan and Saturn 1. If you have more feedback, please share - most of the devs don't really have time to play in career a lot to see how it feels.


19 hours ago, CDSlice said:

Well, I don't have that problem because I love the Delta II even more. There is just something about that shade of blue and the general shape of the rocket I find incredibly beautiful. I just wish there was an easier way to attach the 9 SRBs since KSP makes that a pain.

17 hours ago, Invaderchaos said:

I know, right? That is one of my favorite colors, on one of my favorite rockets. As for the x9 symmetry, in normal ksp I normally just do three different x3 SRB's and try to line them up the best I can, but I'm pretty sure this mod allows you to get x9 symmetry.

If you hold shift the snapping becomes 5 degrees instead of 15. That lets you place 3 sets of 3 SRBs easily - necessary because the 9x solid Deltas fired in a 6-3 pattern. For early Deltas with the Castor 2s, I use the blocks near the top to align - see below.



For Delta II, there are little holes in the boattail that the struts in the GEMs line up with. Same idea - 3 sets of 3, hold shift for the last (?) set to get the offset right. Note that I'm planning on ripping the engines out of the Delta II boattail so that it becomes an alternate to the Thor one.



2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

So playing around in Sandbox a moment.  Discovered there is no way to resupply the Dorian with Film Stock.   Can we have that enabled on either the MOL Pressurized Cargo container or the Ferry Container?

While the basic MOL concept was a disposable manned Satellite, I can see the film Cassette as being something that can be "Swapped out" in flight... Had they actually gotten far enough in the design process.   Yes it evolved into the station we all know and love but currently the Camera configs do not allow it to be a station...   Just a manned satellite that is intended to be de-orbited as soon as you are done with the film.

FOLLOWUP.  An idea (that might be good)   Remove the film from Dorian and add it to a duplicated Lab that requires 2 Kerbals to operate and only provides the film for Dorian....    IDK.   It was an idea my feverish brain just threw at me (stupid Sinus infection!)

And sorry if these ideas seem disjointed.   I am blaming the meds! :P

Maybe the Agena resupply pod should be remade specifically for transporting film?


Planning on streaming tomorrow ~ 1 PM Eastern. I'm still burnt on Hexagon, so I think the work will focus on OGO. :)

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22 minutes ago, Zorg said:

@Marcelo Silveira @Pappystein Yeah I have been thinking about how best to add in a resupply method for the Dorian specifically. A film subtype just seems a bit wasteful to carry like 2-4 kg of film in an entire ferry segment though :P I havent ruled that out entirely.


Eh, I think the Film cartridges would be HUGE.   As in IMAX or bigger size.   The Film Tray and camera destroyed in Dark Knight was massive... too massive for the CRANE they bolted onto the Toyota Truck to carry it... It broke off and was run over by the Garbage truck with the Joker inside.   So not so massive a semi couldn't overrun it but bigger than something you stuff into a Gemini capsule (even with the rumble seat) 

Of-course we could come up with a kerbal way to do it (the film is in a spool in a modified Rumble Seat (or alternatively the Big-G capsule)  that has no crew and they only transfer the film with the lights out preventing false exposure!  

42 minutes ago, Zorg said:

Speaking of Scansat changes are coming soon. All the spy cameras will switch to the new Visual Scanner module (high and low res options are available) once Scansat officially updates. The visual scan is a colour scan that basically pulls the scaled space texture from the planet. Essentially a nice colour photograph of the surface rather than altimetry. Furthermore it will only successfully scan on the daylight side of the planet. I think this will be quite fun as it makes scanning more involved and engaging.

My only concern with this would be does the dang camera shut off when it is on the night side or does it waste film?  I don't sit and fly single missions at a time.  While mission 1 is performing a Photo Surveillance of Kerbin, Mission 2 is about to land on Duna and Mission 3 is picking up rock samples to return from the Mun.  

 @DMagic  I love the changes you are doing with SCANsat... and Aside from my concern above I think it is absolutely awesome that cameras will now be taking pictures that link in with Scansat...   Wonderful idea!

35 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

If I remember, we had issues with cost balancing a couple years ago between the Titan and Saturn 1. If you have more feedback, please share - most of the devs don't really have time to play in career a lot to see how it feels.

Yes there was some discussion.   I think the waters are even muddier now with LDC.   However I think this is more a limitation of Stock tech Tree than actual cost.   We are getting parts for 5+ rockets at once at some nodes.   5 Rockets that have overlapping or similar performance.  

I HAD stopped flying Saturn I long before LDC was completed.   The only thing I use Saturn I for is missions with the Apollo Capsule.  All Satelites are launched via Titan and Delta (as well as Atlas) now depending on the payload, the Kick stage and the goal of the flight.   Lets not mention SLV-3X or 'Atlas-F' or.....


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6 minutes ago, Pappystein said:
1 hour ago, Zorg said:


My only concern with this would be does the dang camera shut off when it is on the night side or does it waste film?  I don't sit and fly single missions at a time.  While mission 1 is performing a Photo Surveillance of Kerbin, Mission 2 is about to land on Duna and Mission 3 is picking up rock samples to return from the Mun.  

The camera does not shut off when on dark side. Of course this is not a huge issue for normal scansat parts since they only utilise EC. However for the keyholes with the custom film resource indeed you have to monitor them if you want to avoid wastage. Alternatively just keep spamming more spy sats and eventually everything should be covered.  What’s that military industrial budget for eh? :P

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On 2/1/2020 at 3:06 PM, Zorg said:

The camera does not shut off when on dark side. Of course this is not a huge issue for normal scansat parts since they only utilise EC. However for the keyholes with the custom film resource indeed you have to monitor them if you want to avoid wastage. Alternatively just keep spamming more spy sats and eventually everything should be covered.  What’s that military industrial budget for eh? :P

So, I question I have been trying to ask without sounding totally snarky.....    HOW do I get  a military industrial Budget in KSP without cheating in career?      I mean I could use Contract Reward Modifier but that is cheating (although I have it installed it is at Default/Stock values...)  I am Using CapCom to all my first Launch to potentially complete 4 missions.    As it stands with Restock/RS+, BDB and Scansat I am currently unlocking all the level 45 parts before I even get my 5th launch done.   We won't mention how many lvl 90s I am unlocking by the 6th mission!  I think my current record for Science on a single mission (Mission number 6) was something like 378 Science earned.   And I still haven't made a landing on Mun or flown by Minimus!

If I can successfully pull off mission number 7 (an Atlas Centaur-Vega mission to the mun)  I will not only have an on orbit Satellite relay (Vega becomes the Relay Sat)  but I would have put a Keyhole derived lander (with the Leo lander) on the Mun with the ability to return science via the Keyhole return bucket.   I would use Atlas Centaur-GAMMA but boil-off prevents me from doing so.   Even with AStrogator installed I have a hard time keeping boil-off in check .   KSP needs a real mission planner build into it (I HOPE this is something in KSP2!)



On the Subject of the Leo Lander.   Is there a possibility of getting another node on the engine to attach the landing tanks to instead of having to translate the tank assembly up every time we build the thing?   (Move the engine bottom node up to just below the top node?)

On 2/2/2020 at 2:41 AM, Invaderchaos said:

I made a Mariner/Ranger style Asteroid Sample Return Mission with a Corona reentry vehicle!

Your lander has inspired my Leo Lander for the Mun.   We will see what mission 7 brings latter today!


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33 minutes ago, Retro Starship said:

Too much screen time buddy! Go grab some of your R/C gear and fly some aircraft or even launch an estes's (or even better an Aerotech) rocket!! Go get some sun!

hahahahahaha my disposable income goes into student loan payments

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2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

So, I question I have been trying to ask without sounding totally snarky.....    HOW do I get  a military industrial Budget in KSP without cheating in career?      I mean I could use Contract Reward Modifier but that is cheating (although I have it installed it is at Default/Stock values...) 

That was more a joke than anything else :P  The final balancing still needs to be done (will probably commit the visual scanner compatibility sometime after Kop 1.8 drops and the new ScanSat has come out of beta so that more users can try it and test it)

Um there are a few objectives we want to achieve with this including making scanning a bit more involved than just set and forget. The upcoming sunlight requirement however probably does mean we will need to turn the balance dials to turn down the film constraint compared to what they are now. Also the film limitations especially in the earlier models is supposed to incentivise upgrading to the bigger and better keyholes as opposed to merely launching like 20 KH1s. (though multiple launches to some extent are to be expected)

We will try to settle on what is hopefully a reasonable balance. But we cant please everyone of course. For someone trying to min max in career the keyholes may well end up not being super appealing even just due to the size of them putting all else aside. On the other hand for someone looking for a bit more of the roleplay element and the fun factor factor of recreating the keyhole program they would offer something quite intruiging.

The keyhole tech balance will also be closely tied to the Agenas and we will need to see how it compares to where the visual scanners will be in ScanSat and how/if that will feed into our balance factors. 

So yeah the final balance is a fair ways off.

Edited by Zorg
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1 hour ago, Pappystein said:

So, I question I have been trying to ask without sounding totally snarky.....    HOW do I get  a military industrial Budget in KSP without cheating in career?      I mean I could use Contract Reward Modifier but that is cheating (although I have it installed it is at Default/Stock values...)  I am Using CapCom to all my first Launch to potentially complete 4 missions.    As it stands with Restock/RS+, BDB and Scansat I am currently unlocking all the level 45 parts before I even get my 5th launch done.  

Install Strategia and set science returns to 20%.   You can still make sufficient income from completing Strategia goals but you can't farm science and funds from missions so easily.  As an added bonus you have to use the early rockets far more.

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Hey, not sure if anyone else is having this issue, im playing on ksp version 1.7 (because im using JNSQ) and for some reason i cant change the engine configs for the buzzard engine, the tool tip says 3 options available when i hover over in the build menu. it does however give me an option to configure a different engine... anyone know the cause?



using bdb version 1.6.2_hotfix, b9 version 2.11.1, and MM 4.0.3. All installed through CKAN.

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30 minutes ago, Connor1009 said:

Hey, not sure if anyone else is having this issue, im playing on ksp version 1.7 (because im using JNSQ) and for some reason i cant change the engine configs for the buzzard engine, the tool tip says 3 options available when i hover over in the build menu. it does however give me an option to configure a different engine... anyone know the cause?



using bdb version 1.6.2_hotfix, b9 version 2.11.1, and MM 4.0.3. All installed through CKAN.

If you're in science/career, its likely that you simply havent unlocked the upgrade yet. The upgrades for the Buzzard are in advanced rocketry and heavy rocketry. Some configs for certain parts are available in the same node (basically just giving you other options) and some configs are spread out as upgrades over other tech nodes.

Edited by Zorg
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Just now, Zorg said:

If you're in career, its likely that you simply havent unlocked the upgrade yet. The upgrades for the Buzzard are in advanced rocketry and heavy rocketry.

Just checked i have advanced rocketry researched but i have entry costs enabled and forgot to buy that upgrade... so user error in this case (facepalm) but you did help me notice it so thanks!

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1 minute ago, Connor1009 said:

Just checked i have advanced rocketry researched but i have entry costs enabled and forgot to buy that upgrade... so user error in this case (facepalm) but you did help me notice it so thanks!

No worries. The B9 switches come in handy with dealing with KSP upgrades. So even after you unlock the upgrades you still have access to the older configs which is handy when you want to recreate an older rocket.

The next version of BDB will add a little alert to the part description for all parts that have switcheable configs that B9 configs are available and also that some configs might be behind upgrades :) Should help with people missing it.

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17 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

edit: why it so smol??

Awaiting one I can see :P

Current view keeps triggering the movie line "Good God sir!  What IS THAT THING!" in my head.

Either way I look at it (if it is or isn't what I think it is) it has a cool deploy animation!


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1 minute ago, Pappystein said:

Awaiting one I can see :P

Current view keeps triggering the movie line "Good God sir!  What IS THAT THING!" in my head.

Either way I look at it (if it is or isn't what I think it is) it has a cool deploy animation!

There's a little fullscreen button I guess, it won't let me change the size :huh:

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22 hours ago, Friznit said:

Install Strategia and set science returns to 20%.   You can still make sufficient income from completing Strategia goals but you can't farm science and funds from missions so easily.  As an added bonus you have to use the early rockets far more.

Now THAT is an idea but I don't think it will help my core problem.

My problem is I get too board with Science farming in either a science play-through or a Career play-through.   And I get too board with how easy it is to fly things in Sandbox (although when building big space stations I build em here first as a "simulation")   I don't think I have launched more than 3 vehicles beyond the SOI of Kerbin in the last 2 years.  And those were Eve/Duna flybies that all FAILED!  I don't like watching a game that is WAITING for something to happen.  I have done it with computer Harpoon for close to 25 years  (Starting on an "advanced" 80386Dx25 with the very expensive math co-processor and ending on my first i7)and then I traded CH3 in for KSP...     Basically I want/need a plugin that allows me to Plan a launch FROM THE GROUND to planet X including all Slingshot maneuvers and breaking maneuvers needed.   Then I might spend more time playing this game instead of constantly restarting my career.

I know there are a lot of tools out there (Transfer Window Planner, Astrogator, etc.)  But none of them do well past the first part of a flight nor do they really help you with the whole flight.      It is this feature, ABOVE ALL ELSE that KSP2 needs to include in my opinion.   If they give us that... ontop of what we already have... Then everything else is gravy.

I know I am asking for a lot and I know it could sound like I am whining (ok I am a little!)   But, it is these reasons that I tend to quit after A few mun/Minimus landings.    I have played in JNSQ and Galileo  planet mods for extra challenges.   And the removal of science in those mods, did nothing to get me to continue flying after getting to the edge of the Kerbal eqv SOI.


Now, Ignoring all my whining and complaining above :P KSP has been a fun ride for me and I hope to continue to play this and KSP2 for years to come in no small part due to THIS MOD and it's crew as well as it's dependency's authors.   About the only person not on the Dependency list that has had positive impacts (as in I am always using at-least one of their mods) is LGG.    And yes Friznit, you are not UN-OFFICIALLY but rather OFFICIALLY part of the BDB crew in my book...



34 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

There's a little fullscreen button I guess, it won't let me change the size :huh:

Well I was wrong.  But why do you have 3 legs from the Alien bug monsters on the old Lost in Space Movie on a circular truss?

Actually that is a pretty neat looking part.  I love how the wire/tubing looks during the actual animation.     So what is it?


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2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Basically I want/need a plugin that allows me to Plan a launch FROM THE GROUND to planet X including all Slingshot maneuvers and breaking maneuvers needed.   Then I might spend more time playing this game instead of constantly restarting my career.

TBH at least in Stock I've never found slingshots and stuff to be too useful other than using Laythe/Tylo to get in orbit of Jool. Instead a "more boosters" approach always seems to be simpler and more fun. I would recommend getting Mechjeb and using it to plan your transfers without any complicated slingshots. That and a dV map make it pretty simple to plan a mission from Kerbin to another body and back. If you build a lander with enough dV to land and take off from your destination, a transfer vehicle that has enough dV to get your lander to the destination and back, and a launcher that can take your transfer vehicle and lander to LKO, Mechjeb should be able to plan and even execute the rest of your mission if you want. It won't be the most efficient mission ever, but unless you are trying something ridiculous like a 100 Kerbal SSTO to Eeloo, Gilly, and back to Kerbin you won't need anything more complex.

Also, grab better time warp so you can speed up timewarp to ludicrous speed and not have to wait forever for transfer windows or to get from one body to another.

Edited by CDSlice
Add info on bettertimewarp
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