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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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58 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Agena Target Vehicle? Old news, last season, boring. In keeping with my recent pace of work, it's time to immediately forget it and focus on the new thing:


Errr.... Umm   How is a Mercury Mk1 NEWER news then something about Mercury Mk2 and it's related parts?    1 - 2 = -1 which must mean the Mk2 is the newer one.   That was what my question was about.

ANYWAY.  I love what you are doing with the new Mercury.  The Retro pack is AWESOMELY sculpted and the Capsule is going to be Effen AMAZING when you are done with it.      

Every-time I think you can't get better at this "Texture thing"  you seem to learn something new and at the overall quality of your work jumps the "previous best" in an almost generational leap of quality.   This stuff looks amazing!

And thanks for redoing Mercury.   The Bloeteg(SP) parts may have matched your art style when you first started BDB but for a while they have been rather long in the tooth.   I have had to use the stock Mk1 capsule with the appropriate accoutrements to make a Mercury capsule due to the clash of the oddly proportioned capsule (it just visually bugged me.)  


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Oh and Image Tax!

updated GE Apollo D-2 capsule on a Titan 23D-4 (UA1204s)




I am using the BDB probe docking port on this capsule for compatibility with my already in flight space station.   Oh and I forgot that the GE Apollo D-2 parts already have RCS inside them so the BDB R-4D quads were superfluous.

For those that have not seen this part set before:

Be aware that there are no tank swapping options publicly available for this and while they are set to run on LF/O in game they should actually be LH2/O (yes the one and only AJ-10 engine designed to run on HYDROLOX!) 

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On 2/23/2020 at 6:31 AM, Zorg said:

If you're playing with the current release of BDB (v1.6.2) there is no Castor I to Castor II switch. There is a part called bluedog_castorSRB (Title = Dioscuri-1 Solid Rocket Booster/ real_title = Castor I). The comment above the module I think suggests that despite the name its using Castor II stats.

The switchable Castor I/II is a brand new part that is in the github BDB-1.7 development branch. The old part is being replaced by this new one which uses accurate stats for the two Castor models.

The current release of BDB is not officially supported on KSP 1.6 but this is mainly because the minimum required version of B9 PartSwitch v 2.11.0 is not officially supported for 1.6. Having said that I do believe that it works so if you're not moving your save to a newer version make sure you have that version of B9PS (but not any later versions of B9PS as they definitely dont work). Of course no warranties if things behave badly :P 

I did some tweaking, using the stats from the config from the BDB version you mentioned and got it to work as a switchable part. The original Castor I stats wasnt enough to get the entire rocket into a high enough altitude. Launched from Cape, crashed in China. But some tweaks can solve most issues :D

On 2/23/2020 at 2:02 AM, Pappystein said:

Not without some seriously major hacking.   And what is not updated past 1.6.1 in your game (AKA why are you afraid to upgrade?)   I don't know of any (well any non RO type mods) that don't support 1.8.1 now.   


Every time i update the game and continue on my save, stuff breaks. I have been in the same save since 2015, when i started it together with a friend who is no longer alive.. who had the same passion for this as i do. When i went from 1.2 to 1.4 i had to redo over 50 missions to get to where i was, im not doing that again. I ve don tons of tweaking too, over the time. Together with some of my own material that i have no idea how to get working for newer versions. If it werent for that, i would have done the update as soon as Kopernikus got updated

Edited by Fredde104
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3 hours ago, Fredde104 said:

Every time i update the game and continue on my save, stuff breaks. I have been in the same save since 2015, when i started it together with a friend who is no longer alive.. who had the same passion for this as i do. When i went from 1.2 to 1.4 i had to redo over 50 missions to get to where i was, im not doing that again. I ve don tons of tweaking too, over the time. Together with some of my own material that i have no idea how to get working for newer versions. If it werent for that, i would have done the update as soon as Kopernikus got updated

Wow. I can only say, in the most empathetic way possible, that I can only begin to imagine how that must feel. I understand why you'd want to keep that save going. I wish you all the best, but unfortunately we can't move forward without taking advantage of new features offered by both progressive game versions, as well as the progressive updates of our dependencies. If sticking in 1.6 works stay there :)Don't feel like you have to update.

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3 hours ago, DiscoSlelge said:

Me : totaly hyped for the Mercury revamp be like



um,   "Love the bomb!"   That almost looks like someone superimposed Slim Pickens as posed in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb on the Mercury capsule.   Except Slim Pickens was wearing cowboy boots in Dr Strangelove

3 hours ago, Fredde104 said:

I did some tweaking, using the stats from the config from the BDB version you mentioned and got it to work as a switchable part. The original Castor I stats wasnt enough to get the entire rocket into a high enough altitude. Launched from Cape, crashed in China. But some tweaks can solve most issues :D

Every time i update the game and continue on my save, stuff breaks. I have been in the same save since 2015, when i started it together with a friend who is no longer alive.. who had the same passion for this as i do. When i went from 1.2 to 1.4 i had to redo over 50 missions to get to where i was, im not doing that again. I ve don tons of tweaking too, over the time. Together with some of my own material that i have no idea how to get working for newer versions. If it werent for that, i would have done the update as soon as Kopernikus got updated

I don't think I can muster words appropriate for this.   Except to say I completely understand WHY you NEED that save to continue.   

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Just now, Pappystein said:

um,   "Love the bomb!"   That almost looks like someone superimposed Slim Pickens as posed in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb on the Mercury capsule.   Except Slim Pickens was wearing cowboy boots in Dr Strangelove

I don't think I can muster words appropriate for this.   Except to say I completely understand WHY you NEED that save to continue.   

It's Wally :P



Also, for brevity, here's a short Twitter thread on today's Mercury progress. Tomorrow I'm going to tackle the retro pack, I think. The plan is to make the retros and posigrade motors separate from the metal "tub" which will basically be a hollow shell with the straps, which acts as a decoupler. I plan to also add a monopropellant pack that fits with it as an "advanced Mercury" retro solution (imply its HTP in the description?). This shell would also have the MA-10 variant that gives more supplies for extended missions, probably as a B9 switch.


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So after the abomination of a rocket that took Kerbalkind to the Mun, I figured a more modern design might be better for my space program's trips to Minmus.


Hm, this looks vaguely familiar...

With 4 Titan engines + 2 Kickback SRBs for the lower stages and 2 vacuum optimized Titan engines for the upper, this rocket is easily able to get a good lander to Minmus or the the Mun.

The rest of the mission is in a spoiler for space:



Such pretty plumes.



Maybe we shouldn't be looking directly at Kerbol...



After ditching the first stage things started to get toasty.


After making it to orbit, the fairing and LES were jettisoned, revealing the direct ascent Leo lander that would go to Minmus.


Ah, Kerbals. The only race that can create spacecraft capable of taking themselves to other worlds without knowing how to make extendable ladders.



Time to burn for Minmus transfer orbit. I got lucky and had launched at a time that meant I didn't need to do any inclination changes to intercept Minmus.



The minty moon looked marvelous to the multiple kerbals manning the mission.



As with the Mun mission, the last drops of dV in the transfer stage were used to start the landing process.



Easy does it...






Bob and Val quickly scamper onto the surface...



...and planted a flag, the most sacred of Kerbal traditions.



*Slaps door of lander* This craft can fit so much science in it.



Bob refuses to acknowledge the existence of this photograph.



Due to how excessively overbuilt the careful engineering that went into the lander, Val and Bob were able to visit multiple biomes on Minmus. Including Space Kansas.



After the wonders of Space Kansas, nothing else on the moon could possibly compare. So after one final biome hop, our brave kerbals decided to head home.



Minmus couldn't resist taking one last chance to say goodbye.


After an uneventful trip home, Michellee and the other bean counters quickly tallied their gains...




Next stop, Duna. Maybe I'll actually get to use the Sarnus V...

Edited by CDSlice
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Hey everyone! So, been a bit exhausted the last couple days as evidenced by the lack of update posts? It's pretty clear Mercury isn't going to get in game this weekend, so I decided to look at something easy I could get in game while work continues being done on bugfixing/general fixups for the Agena Target Vehicle stuff. So, I decided to whip together the SOT (Strap On Tank) Agena and hopefully will have an hour or two to get it in game Sunday. I'll do a more detailed walkthrough once I get it in game, but the basic set is there's a 0.9375m to 1.875m skirt that goes on the Gemini engine mount, the tanks, and a sort of... S-Band antenna /horizon scanner array that sticks on to the side of the avionics? Not sure what for but hey, I had texture space left and the real design had them.


Here are the "big" tanks - these will *juuuust* squeak inside a 2.5m fairing... my hope is they can be used with, say, the various Titan boattails.



I also whipped together these smaller tanks, which fit in 8x symmetry rather than 6x. They should fit within a 1.875m fairing shell generated from the conical skirt, the bottom of which can then attach to a Centaur interstage. I'm thinking this will look good for like a Titan 23G/3B/3BAS2 type deal. I know my Titan 23G/Delta-X (Delta K with the 1.875m miniskirt and the extending nozzle) from a while back looked quite cool.


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4 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

. I'll do a more detailed walkthrough once I get it in game, but the basic set is there's a 0.9375m to 1.875m skirt that goes on the Gemini engine mount, the tanks, and a sort of... S-Band antenna /horizon scanner array that sticks on to the side of the avionics? Not sure what for but hey, I had texture space left and the real design had them.

First off Very nice!   I have been waiting for these beaus for a while now (like since 2 months before the start of the New Agena parts!)  


The twin S-Band scanner is actually for use in SHUTTLE Agena.    As part of the re-docking guidance package for after Satellite deployment.   What use it could be used for in game?   Not a clue, now that we have the KH sats doing Scansat, but I like the detail!

Whether skinny tank,  Skinny + SOT or "Growth Shuttle " tankage (1.875m size)  The only drawings I have seen with the S-Band are ones for Agena that is intended to re-dock with Shuttle.    By it's written description it is like a 1980s tech US system similar in use to the Russian KURS auto-docking system.  So maybe it's use could add modes to the SAS system?!  IDK


And while I know it won't work this way in game (because it wouldn't make LEGO sense) IRL the SOT tanks are single vessel tanks.  Meaning 1 tank held UDMH (or MMH) and the tank on the opposite side held IRFNA-III (or NTO, or IRFNA-IV/HDA or MON3)   There was ONE proposal for the SOT tanks to carry a small spherical bottle on the nose end (centered between the centerline of the nose and the outside edge of the tank)  for RCS fuel.

In my opinion the best use for these tanks is going to be on Agena landers....  once I find the proper settings for landing legs with RESTOCK + KSPWheel  One or both of those mods is leaving my Agena D/Ascent Agena landers VERY tipsy on the Mun or Minimus!


@CobaltWolf  Any chance of a 1.5m or 1.875m ship interface adapter that opens up so we can have something WIDER than 0.9375 below the attachment point with Agena?   You know, like a miniature SLA from Saturn?   I am running into issues needing something like that with even the latter Keyhole sats as they need more power than batteries can provide (and I am not putting RTGs on something that de-orbits quickly...)



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On 2/28/2020 at 5:07 PM, nepphhh said:

@CobaltWolf Can we get a look at those tasty, tasty strapon tanks as they'd be used in a build? I'm having a hard time visualizing it from your descriptions alone (I swear I'm not just making an excuse to get more sweet sweet BDB indev renders out of you)




Also, bonus GATV pics...

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On 2/28/2020 at 10:49 AM, Virtualgenius said:

Hi I was wondering if you would consider creating fairings and bases like the KW ones as I am not fan of procedural ones they just dont look right or the work to create them is prohibitive you could create a separate fairing pack to be used by all 



Funny you should ask about this, about a week and a half ago I started work on a fairing for Titan III-E as a learning exercise and the end result has now been added in. It works with Simple Adjustable Fairings (the dll is now included in the github bundle for the dev branch). This one is configured to have the nose only or a single side segment available as it doesnt really lend itself to being adjustable.

Um we're not necessarily looking to make SAF versions of all the bases but at least a few more fairings are being considered int his style. Most will have more options for lengths than the 3E one.






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