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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 8/23/2016 at 1:24 PM, CobaltWolf said:

it's like that because the configs were based on Lacks SXT MEM parts. I didn't have time to do math to try and figure out the fuel loads.


I left you the numbers. Thought you saw it.

It's updated. I just ran through a full mission. Just under 200 dv in the descent stage after a pretty long hover. Another just under 200 left in the ascent stage after launching to a 60 km orbit and manuvers to rendezvous with the CSM. 600ish left in the CSM after the return to Kerbin burn with the ascent module still attached.

I turned off exhaust damage in the ascent engine so you can decouple and fire the engine at the same time without blowing things up.

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  On 8/23/2016 at 1:56 PM, Jso said:

I left you the numbers. Thought you saw it.

It's updated. I just ran through a full mission. Just under 200 dv in the descent stage after a pretty long hover. Another just under 200 left in the ascent stage after launching to a 60 km orbit and manuvers to rendezvous with the CSM. 600ish left in the CSM after the return to Kerbin burn with the ascent module still attached.

I turned off exhaust damage in the ascent engine so you can decouple and fire the engine at the same time without blowing things up.


oops. I did not.

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I've made a RealPlume config for the descent engine if anyone's interested.


		@name = ModuleEnginesFX
		%powerEffectName = Hypergolic-OMS-White
        name = Hypergolic-OMS-White
        transformName = thrustTransform
        localRotation = 0,0,0
        localPosition = 0,0,0
        plumePosition = 0,0,0.5
        flarePosition = 0,0,0.3
        fixedScale = 0.4
        energy = 1
        speed = 1


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  On 8/23/2016 at 12:51 PM, VenomousRequiem said:

The battery power should last roughly 24 hours, right? Isn't that how the real one functioned? No fuel cell, just batteries. 


Confirmed: LM was initially planned to fuell cells (in the back of the cockpit, where then was placed the navigation computer with room to spare), but for weight issues (CSM fuel cells were tall almost 1,5 m) turned to all battery only (like I said, with 2/3 of the storage in the descent stage, and 1/3 in the ascent one), and kept full by CSM cells thru some connection when docked.
By the way, even if strange (LM could have last better than it already did during the space emergency travel), speculations were made about if the "all fuel cell LM" was made, probably the electric connection from CSM to LM would not be existed, and then the Apollo 13 incident should ended with a command pod without any electricity to be used during reentry (when the left over electricity from LM was wired back to the command module)

  On 8/23/2016 at 1:24 PM, CobaltWolf said:

it's like that because the configs were based on Lacks SXT MEM parts. I didn't have time to do math to try and figure out the fuel loads.


I always felt te STX MEM a bit... uhm... lacking on balancement (at least for latest KSP versions): the only thing about it I like is the little experiment it carries inside (and the cute little doors opening) back in time KIS/KAS does not allow to "build" things like the ALSEP parts...

  On 8/23/2016 at 1:56 PM, Jso said:

I left you the numbers. Thought you saw it.

It's updated. I just ran through a full mission. Just under 200 dv in the descent stage after a pretty long hover. Another just under 200 left in the ascent stage after launching to a 60 km orbit and manuvers to rendezvous with the CSM. 600ish left in the CSM after the return to Kerbin burn with the ascent module still attached.

I turned off exhaust damage in the ascent engine so you can decouple and fire the engine at the same time without blowing things up.


CSM is pretty powerfull but i feel it good: it has room for some "personal fantasies": direct descent as was initially envisioned... some "out of Kerbin SOI" mission, like the never done "Apollo Application Program"... maybe (with added fuel tanks/hardware) even as Duna mission (another eventuality envisioned by the latest, daring, Apollo Application program).

I'll test again the latest changes for the LM balancement ("Alpha test 2"??? :confused:): masses were changed, I need to let Kerbal Engineering do some math (I'm not in the best condition to guess now TWR and Dv by looking), even if I'll probably feel better (at lest for both engine thrust) the old value (it needed just a little more fuel in the descent tank)...

See you later for some reports...

Edited by Araym
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  On 8/23/2016 at 1:56 PM, Jso said:

I left you the numbers. Thought you saw it.

It's updated. I just ran through a full mission. Just under 200 dv in the descent stage after a pretty long hover. Another just under 200 left in the ascent stage after launching to a 60 km orbit and manuvers to rendezvous with the CSM. 600ish left in the CSM after the return to Kerbin burn with the ascent module still attached.

I turned off exhaust damage in the ascent engine so you can decouple and fire the engine at the same time without blowing things up.


<Araym returns from a Munar trip>

Good general initial balancing, now, for the LM! :D

Both "manual landing" (done by me) and the less mind consuming "automated landing" (done by MechJeb) were executed flawlessly.
Also noticed a better behaviour of the MechJeb one: in the first batch of tests, sometime it had some difficulties to keep the direction (the infamous swinging around that some crafts had under MechJeb control). Now it esecutes the burn pretty precisely (MechJeb ended 3m away from a flag that I previously planted at the Armstrong Memorial site) and just because I pushed a bit the LM away, to not land "ON" the flag :wink: :


(In the background, an STX descent stage left there from a previous test, when there was availabe only the Bluedog ascent one, which was used to plant the flag :P)

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@Araym Looking over your LEM numbers for the descent tank, it mirrors pretty closely what I did for my kitbash descent stage using CTN's lander pack. With those fuel values, the LEM should do H/J missions in a x2 sized Kerbal system without issue and should even adapt itself to AAP projects llike the LEM bus. One thing I'm curious about is adding a decoupler setting to the Descent stage. Just insert the code for the .625 decoupler and then the LEM would truly be a four piece operation.

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  On 8/23/2016 at 8:33 PM, Daelkyr said:

One thing I'm particularly excited about for this LEM addition, is the chance to kitbash the LEM Descent engine with the SM engine base to get a Apollo Block III Service Engine put together.


its going to happen, it will be easy to combine the meshes on my end. I really want to get the Block III and AARDV pushed through, but I can't justify the time for it right now. Rest assured they're coming.

Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes! Keep an eye out, I'd like to get a Github push tonight with some more polish to the LEM and the LES/BPC for the Apollo courtesy of @Kurld

Edited by CobaltWolf
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How about some non-LEM eye candy? This comes courtesy of reddit user /u/shadixdarkkon, who posted some screenshots of his career rockets. I personally LOVE this kind of aesthetic, homemade design, with well thought out and realistic looking crafts. It's probably one of my favorite things to see, so please feel free to share yours!


He also posted a really cool station core that used parts from BDB and a couple other mods:


Link to Imgur album

Link to Reddit thread

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Regarding the LEM test I ran earlier, no Hyperedit was involved. I built a Saturn V for the CSM/LEM stack using SSTU parts. Here's how things looked under the petal adapter.


It took a little creative clipping to make the CSM and adapter work accurately, but it was worth it.

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So, it's been a while since I did an X-20 update. After a couple weeks of interruptions and even graphics card malfunction and replacement, I have some screenshots to share.


Very basic texture, just starting out and a lot of it is still to be textured. This shot includes the crew cabin and not the cargo bay that you guys have seen before.

I also have some overlap to fix, so just bear with me, I have more band stuff tomorrow, but I should have more progress to show. I think the windows are much more of an improvement, much more stock alike and they smooth better.

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  On 8/24/2016 at 2:40 AM, Sgt.Shutesie said:

So, it's been a while since I did an X-20 update. After a couple weeks of interruptions and even graphics card malfunction and replacement, I have some screenshots to share.

Dr. Snip is in tha house

Very basic texture, just starting out and a lot of it is still to be textured. This shot includes the crew cabin and not the cargo bay that you guys have seen before.

I also have some overlap to fix, so just bear with me, I have more band stuff tomorrow, but I should have more progress to show. I think the windows are much more of an improvement, much more stock alike and they smooth better.


Very nice there, Shutes! I didn't notice before, but I'd suggest you take the next screenshot with a lighter background so it contrast the texture a little better.

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  On 8/23/2016 at 8:33 PM, Daelkyr said:

One thing I'm particularly excited about for this LEM addition


I'm genuinely excited to do some AAP Missions using said LEM, I've been waiting to do AAP for a long time considering the high part counts on my aesthetic-looking crafts from stock parts. Some cool additions would be the LM Truck, and possibly the LESS in case of extreme emergencies of failures and damages beyond repair. I do recall a report where the astronauts would strip propellant tanks and the landing legs from the disabled LM and build an escape device

some cool concepts



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Hey, I just downloaded 0.11, and it appears that the Metis has been nerfed. Was this deliberate? Cause now things have gotten trickier. The description says that it's built of two uprated alphastar engines, and each alphastar develops 18kN of thrust and two normal ones would develop 36kN. Shouldn't uprated ones create more thrust?

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  On 8/24/2016 at 5:31 AM, Abrecan said:

I'm genuinely excited to do some AAP Missions using said LEM, I've been waiting to do AAP for a long time considering the high part counts on my aesthetic-looking crafts from stock parts. Some cool additions would be the LM Truck, and possibly the LESS in case of extreme emergencies of failures and damages beyond repair. I do recall a report where the astronauts would strip propellant tanks and the landing legs from the disabled LM and build an escape device

some cool concepts




fun fact: The BDB LEM incorporates features of the LEM Taxi, since I decided there was no point in making separate parts for it. Particularly the rust colored spherical tanks on the back of the descent stage.

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  On 8/24/2016 at 8:00 AM, NotAgain said:

Hey, I just downloaded 0.11, and it appears that the Metis has been nerfed. Was this deliberate? Cause now things have gotten trickier. The description says that it's built of two uprated alphastar engines, and each alphastar develops 18kN of thrust and two normal ones would develop 36kN. Shouldn't uprated ones create more thrust?


Better vacuum engine on the Transtage-Metis with an Isp of 311/85, vs 278/85 on the Alphastar. And significantly less weight. If you subtract the weight of the integrated fuel tank on the Metis the twin engines weigh 0.2125 tons. One Alphastar weighs 0.32 tons.

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  On 8/24/2016 at 3:18 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Awesome impact or! Glad to see you caught the electrostatic experiment from Coatl Probes+


Atlas was my favorite old LV in the early-era space race... Props to the 1.5 stage design! I would've thought it'd be pretty amazing to see the 1.5 S-IC stage, the S-IDSaturn+S-1D+Staging.jpg

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  On 8/24/2016 at 3:18 PM, Rory Yammomoto said:

Over the course of this mod, this has really become a replacement for FASA. good work guys!



  On 8/24/2016 at 3:28 PM, Abrecan said:

Atlas was my favorite old LV in the early-era space race... Props to the 1.5 stage design! I would've thought it'd be pretty amazing to see the 1.5 S-IC stage, the S-IDSaturn+S-1D+Staging.jpg


we might still see it yet :wink:

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