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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 10/27/2018 at 12:17 AM, sslaptnhablhat said:

@CobaltWolf The Perseus cryogenic engine's shroud is broken, it remains 1.25m when changing the size of the mount.


I made those parts before there was a technique for mesh switching engine fairings. I won't fix it until I get a chance to redo those Titan engines - there is already a new LR-87 model untextured.


RE: New decouplers, test model of medium decoupler: (for 0.9375m, 1.25m and 1.5m parts)




And heavy radial decoupler for 2.5m and 3.75m parts, think Saturn Multibody:



Any thoughts?

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  On 10/26/2018 at 1:11 AM, CobaltWolf said:

Just brought to my attention, page 231 of the doc:



For some reason every time I try to load this link whether it be on my phone, iPad or PC it fails to load with a ‘unable to connect to the server’.

what did you search to find this or is there another alternative way to view what you tried to share?

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  On 10/27/2018 at 2:10 AM, CobaltWolf said:

I made those parts before there was a technique for mesh switching engine fairings. I won't fix it until I get a chance to redo those Titan engines - there is already a new LR-87 model untextured.


RE: New decouplers, test model of medium decoupler: (for 0.9375m, 1.25m and 1.5m parts)




And heavy radial decoupler for 2.5m and 3.75m parts, think Saturn Multibody:



Any thoughts?


Gorgeous parts as always :) Can’t wait to see these in game. I’m thinking of starting a alternate history series in 2.5x using BDB and kerbalism so these will look amazing

  On 10/27/2018 at 4:08 PM, Drakenex said:




Man that is pretty hahaha-I tend to use Castor-4s on my Titans but I have had close configurations to this. Those GEMs look too long to be 40s, I wonder if they are 46 or 60s

  On 10/27/2018 at 5:58 PM, MinimumSky5 said:

Oh, hey, look, it's my Big Gemini launch vehicle! 


I shuddder at the aerodynamics of putting big Gemini on top of this :D I usually use Saturn I (not b) for this as it’s ready in 2.5m hahah

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Had to cut the stream early since I have a lot to take care of today... but, some more work on two of the main variants for the LDC-Titan engine mount! I am planning on also including a 2x mount inspired by Titan IV's, and maybe a 3x mount as well? Please note that while the new Titan engines, which will have switchable rims, should be able to fit in the 4x mount's holes, but only barely. Those engines will not be available for some time however...

I'm also becoming aware of how rushed/unfinished the existing LDC tanks are. They'll need a good bit of work still.


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  On 10/28/2018 at 4:51 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Had to cut the stream early since I have a lot to take care of today... but, some more work on two of the main variants for the LDC-Titan engine mount! I am planning on also including a 2x mount inspired by Titan IV's, and maybe a 3x mount as well? Please note that while the new Titan engines, which will have switchable rims, should be able to fit in the 4x mount's holes, but only barely. Those engines will not be available for some time however...

I'm also becoming aware of how rushed/unfinished the existing LDC tanks are. They'll need a good bit of work still.



Looking good!

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  On 10/28/2018 at 4:51 PM, CobaltWolf said:


I'm also becoming aware of how rushed/unfinished the existing LDC tanks are. They'll need a good bit of work still.



Several things:

  1. NICE progress yesterday and today.   I can taste the LDC derived launchers already :)    Of-course to complete a Big-G launch we will have to cobble some sort of 2.5m-3.125m Service module....   But I PLAN on using my Titan LDC as a LFB for Saturn or as a Heavy weight satellite launcher on it's own.   Or as a X-20 carrier with the X-20 INSIDE a fairing.
  2. The choices for your F-1 and E-1/LR-87 engine mounts are ABOVE AND BEYOND what you described previously.   Only one question, is there enough room to mount the LR-101 INLINE engine under the F-1 plate?   The Side mount LR-101s look awesome but feel out of place on this beastie.  The Inline ones are a little darker/grittier and I think it fits with the mostly black that is appearing on LDC.
  3. We know you are a perfectionist and we REALLY are happy about it.   Could you expand on what you mean by the LDC tanks show they are rushed?   Aside from the Black tank being TOO perfect ( non high gloss Black paint being a royal PITA even today to do well with robotic methods of paint,)  what are you concerns?
  4. Is that a new boat-tail fairing for the LDC or just a rescale of the Atlas V one?
  5. Will the 4x E-1 plate have a slightly higher drag count (or should the bump out = the recess holes on the F-1 plate for drag)?

Again Appreciate the nice work you did this weekend.  Wish I wasn't so busy between work and property drama when you are on streaming these!


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  On 10/28/2018 at 9:10 PM, Pappystein said:

Several things:

  1. NICE progress yesterday and today.   I can taste the LDC derived launchers already :)    Of-course to complete a Big-G launch we will have to cobble some sort of 2.5m-3.125m Service module....   But I PLAN on using my Titan LDC as a LFB for Saturn or as a Heavy weight satellite launcher on it's own.   Or as a X-20 carrier with the X-20 INSIDE a fairing.
  2. The choices for your F-1 and E-1/LR-87 engine mounts are ABOVE AND BEYOND what you described previously.   Only one question, is there enough room to mount the LR-101 INLINE engine under the F-1 plate?   The Side mount LR-101s look awesome but feel out of place on this beastie.  The Inline ones are a little darker/grittier and I think it fits with the mostly black that is appearing on LDC.
  3. We know you are a perfectionist and we REALLY are happy about it.   Could you expand on what you mean by the LDC tanks show they are rushed?   Aside from the Black tank being TOO perfect ( non high gloss Black paint being a royal PITA even today to do well with robotic methods of paint,)  what are you concerns?
  4. Is that a new boat-tail fairing for the LDC or just a rescale of the Atlas V one?
  5. Will the 4x E-1 plate have a slightly higher drag count (or should the bump out = the recess holes on the F-1 plate for drag)?

Again Appreciate the nice work you did this weekend.  Wish I wasn't so busy between work and property drama when you are on streaming these!



1) the cylindrical-ish SM for Big G would fit nice.

2) I agree. I'll look into it.

3) you touched on some of it. The LDC parts in game were made on stream and I pushed them in game to test them /show them off. I have improved some techniques like the paint strokes since then. Some areas are missing FX layers making them inconsistent.

4)reacaled for messing around in unity

5) might be possible . the big lobes were like that so the rim-less version of the upcoming Titan engine revamp fits under them. ;)

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Two questions:

What adapters do people need for LDC? I was thinking a new interstage that switches between a 2.5m top and a 1.875m top might be good, since it would be useful for Centaurs as well as Apollos... and then I suppose you could attach anything of those diameters to the top as well.

What should the 'canon' solution for the upper stage's attitude control be? Would people be interested in a LDC version of the Saturn's APS thruster packs?


Also, we still need a fair number of parts for the LDC diameter - decoupler, fairing base, nose cone?, avionics core?... if anyone has ideas for what these should look like (coming up with unique fairing bases or decouplers can be hard) let me know! :)

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Oh, something else exciting going on in the world of B9 Part Switch, thanks to @Gotmachine and @blowfish. Super excited to see the possibilities the new features bring to BDB - not only will this let us condense the parts list, but it will also encourage me to make more variants of certain parts like the RCS clusters.

https://thumbs.gfycat.com/TestyWideeyedAttwatersprairiechicken-size_restricted.gif https://thumbs.gfycat.com/TestyWideeyedAttwatersprairiechicken-size_restricted.gif TestyWideeyedAttwatersprairiechicken-siz

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  On 10/29/2018 at 1:30 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Two questions:

What adapters do people need for LDC? I was thinking a new interstage that switches between a 2.5m top and a 1.875m top might be good, since it would be useful for Centaurs as well as Apollos... and then I suppose you could attach anything of those diameters to the top as well.

What should the 'canon' solution for the upper stage's attitude control be? Would people be interested in a LDC version of the Saturn's APS thruster packs?


Also, we still need a fair number of parts for the LDC diameter - decoupler, fairing base, nose cone?, avionics core?... if anyone has ideas for what these should look like (coming up with unique fairing bases or decouplers can be hard) let me know! :)


Um,  Going to start bottom to top on this one.  I hope I didn't go TL:DR here... I added a BUNCH of "would also be nice" at the end of this list

IU:   Make it have glowie lights, something none of your existing IUs have...   Think Electero-Luminescent, not actual light switches....   Like a bank of 1x1" random color push buttons in a 1970s mainframe / Aircraft cockpit.  The "Lights" would allow the craft carrying it to be seen behind Kerbin in a STOCK environment (no super bright shadowbox or settings.) but shouldn't illuminate the rest of the rocket (well not much atleast)   I figure this part should be the same thickness to 2x the thickness of your standard decoupler/fairing bases.

Nose cone:   TWO requests, a Solid cone of an Ogival/Ogee profile.  3.125 base... For LRB usage.   Suggest Black with a White ring at the 2.5m diameter mark and a metal point starting at the 1.25m mark on up to zero point.    Suggesting mostly black for matching the 2nd stage tank (which will be used in conjunction with the first stage tank on my LRB usage.)    If you are feeling rambunctious a texture switch to same masking but over all LDC white with black ring and metal nose. Thought about it more and figure medium grey is easier for you to make look good and it will look better than Metal on the White nose cone.)

Fairing Base.  B9 Switch between the IU and an IU + fairing base?   Reduces Part count....   Basic 3.125m Fairing base should match Saturn IMHO.   Suggest the new fairing try to look more like Fiberglass (Straight striations in various "weave" directions????)  A subtle look that will end up looking more ragged than the existing Fairings up close but would likely actually look "Cleaner" from a reasonable distance than the existing fairing.   I don't understand how textures "Wrap" on a variable surface like a Proc-Fairing so if this is not do-able no biggie.

Decoupler.  I like you existing LO-PRO decouplers.  Suggest the same as the previous BDB/BREXIT decouplers except go Black, Dark Grey, and Safety Orange instead of the muted Grey/White combos.   This will pop on top of the 2nd stage and be unique compared to your existing decouplers/Squad Decouplers.  


Control solutions.  I would actually like to see a Torque control as well as RCS control (Combine-able?) RCS should be stronger (Saturn APS is almost too weak as is.)   I recommend a 5 way that while larger than APS is partially BELOW the surface of a 3.125m cylinder (the nozzles radiate out from a surface protrusion where fore back and Down are but Left and Right are below and longer to extend back out of the 3.125 Diameter tank.   makes the stage look a little less clunky (smaller parts hanging off.)  a 3.125m Battery pack like the stock inline battery packs would be nice (but Rescale/MM derived rescales would work too.)

On the Subject of RCS... At some point in the future it would be nice of a "Cannon" "ETS/MLV" variant of the APS would be developed with that same 5 way thrusting...  The APS looks weird when mounted backwards on larger stages.


Finally LDC Adapters.   I think a 1.875 inner attachment point Fairing base would be good for Centaur...  But having Centaur's skin neck out/Down to the 3.125 would look WEIRD in my mind's eye.  I really think the never developed Big-Centaur would be the better fit exposed on a LDC.  And scaling up the Centaur engine plates to 2.5m looks... out of scale) for the obvious over/undersized greeble reasons.   Maybe it would be best to have a modified (node only) Centaur T/G  1.875-2.5m tank that has a second downward facing node on the 2.5m side.  Then a deep well inter-stage ala Delta that tapers from 3.125m-2.5m might look very good.   The Centaur G/T's 1.875m section would be buried, and the neck down would not look so....abrupt.   But then again I ABSOLUTELY do not like the RW Atlas V/Centaur Interface so no surprise that I am suggesting using the larger Diameter Centaur G/T family of parts.  The Aerodynamicist in me sees several extreme possible points of failure due to induced turbulence/Turbulence drag.   SO I suggest a single part (B9Part switch) Deep well interstage between 3.75, 3.125 and 2.5m It would have a Decoupler node on top that would match with Various upper stage parts including the above mentioned Centaur G'/G/T and a hoped for new Centaur T+



And now the NOT asked for parts for 3.125m Titan LDC so real low priority.

  • Big G SM/Docking port parts (CLS compatible) with 4 way RCS.  Docking-port size should be the same 0.9375 as the later gen 2 Apollo ports.   Main power should be 2x AJ-10s splayed out from center (lower efficiency for more compact design.)   Existing AJ-10s (ABLE not Apollo) would be used.  This SM via a simple part switch to a new tank config could be used without the docking port as a base for non-cryo heavy Satellite upper stage.  Cylindrical until the last ~1-1.5m which has the same slope as a Big-G pod.
  • New Centaur T+ with the Orange/White foam Textures similar to your Latest Centaur.  Centaur T+ would have updated (replacement) 2.5m Centaur T/G Avionics core.  Reason for the replacement is to allow 2.5m Fairing base mounted under it ala centaur (The T/G Avionics does not mix well with your 2.5m Fairing bases currently..)
  • A 3.125m fairing compatible Cone that necks down to 1.875...   LDC fuel tanks hanging off of MOL derived stations.
  • a small height 3.125m pancake tank for Life support purposes.  Volume large than the existing 2.5m "ore" Tank  Suggest something in range of 1/4t the height of the existing black upper stage.   Also usable as a station tug with an LR-91, Docking port, IU and RCS.
  • a folding large sized boxed Solar panel similar in performance to the MOL space-station panel but in an aerodynamic box... Medium grey color (like the medium grey in your engine parts above.)  Aerodynamic and hardened to survive to the same level as the Stock boxed panels.




Edited by Pappystein
changed thoughts on 3.125 solid nose cone.
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