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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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Swapping 8 H-1 to 4 E-1 work too well. Turn out I went too far and start going for 5 E-1 upgraded S-1C and Multibody tank. Still working great and I like it more than the F-1A.

Just don't turn on all the engines at once on the heaviest variant.

These are Saturn 1 variants including eye turned skyward one, all swap the engines for The E-1.


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  On 11/30/2018 at 4:59 PM, Pulsar said:

Swapping 8 H-1 to 4 E-1 work too well. Turn out I went too far and start going for 5 E-1 upgraded S-1C and Multibody tank. Still working great and I like it more than the F-1A.

Just don't turn on all the engines at once on the heaviest variant.

These are Saturn 1 variants including eye turned skyward one, all swap the engines for The E-1.

~pic snip~


Just tried this for myself and it is kind of crazy how well it works!

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  On 11/30/2018 at 10:16 PM, dave1904 said:

How long did this mod take you to make? The amount of high detailed parts is amazing and performance always great. You do this alone? 


As far as i got it @CobaltWolf Does most if not all of the amazing texturing and modeling work while @Jso Handles the coding and ensures BDB works as intended

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  On 11/30/2018 at 10:16 PM, dave1904 said:

How long did this mod take you to make? The amount of high detailed parts is amazing and performance always great. You do this alone? 


Since around the date of the first post. Look there a a list of contributors. A lot of people help and it's a very incomplete list though. There's more here.

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  On 11/30/2018 at 10:57 PM, Jso said:

Since around the date of the first post. Look there a a list of contributors. A lot of people help and it's a very incomplete list though. There's more here.


Cheers. Great job. You guys understand how to make a "simple" parts mod that doesn't ruin fps, looks great, works great, fits the ksp art style and doesn't add a billion unnecessary plugins etc. 140mb of pure quality parts. 

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  On 11/30/2018 at 4:59 PM, Pulsar said:

Swapping 8 H-1 to 4 E-1 work too well. Turn out I went too far and start going for 5 E-1 upgraded S-1C and Multibody tank. Still working great and I like it more than the F-1A.

Just don't turn on all the engines at once on the heaviest variant.

These are Saturn 1 variants including eye turned skyward one, all swap the engines for The E-1.


That looks awesome!! I had some vague plans for when/if I redo the Saturn stuff, the Saturn 1 Block 1 style engine mount would be a 4-5 engine mount like the LDC mount for E-1s, and a plain cylindrical Saturn 1B style one for the H-1s.


  On 11/30/2018 at 10:16 PM, dave1904 said:

How long did this mod take you to make? The amount of high detailed parts is amazing and performance always great. You do this alone? 

  On 11/30/2018 at 10:52 PM, BRAAAP_STUTUTU said:

As far as i got it @CobaltWolf Does most if not all of the amazing texturing and modeling work while @Jso Handles the coding and ensures BDB works as intended

  On 11/30/2018 at 10:57 PM, Jso said:

Since around the date of the first post. Look there a a list of contributors. A lot of people help and it's a very incomplete list though. There's more here.

  On 12/1/2018 at 4:26 PM, dave1904 said:

Cheers. Great job. You guys understand how to make a "simple" parts mod that doesn't ruin fps, looks great, works great, fits the ksp art style and doesn't add a billion unnecessary plugins etc. 140mb of pure quality parts. 


Yes - I have made the vast majority of the parts though even some of those have been made by other users - the RD-180 model was donated to me by @PickledTripod for instance - and @Jso does a ton of work for balancing, bug fixing, and the limited coding the mod requires from our custom plugin (which is used for things like the animated decouplers and extending engine bells), however the mod really would not be ANYTHING like it is without a TON of user contributions over the years.

Also, if anyone is worried by the fact that the Github download is something like 600 megabytes right now, don't worry, it will probably be less than 200 mb once I delete all the duplicate files and compress the textures to DDS. :)


  On 12/1/2018 at 9:26 AM, sslaptnhablhat said:

@CobaltWolf Just to confirm, do the telescopic-nozzle variants of the RL-10 work as of the latest version of BDB, despite their descriptions stating otherwise?


Yes they do, I fixed that and updated their descriptions. :)


  On 12/1/2018 at 11:28 AM, Pulsar said:

I would add that the texture on the interstage shroud on both telescopic RL10 is missing textures, I believe. since it showing purple texture.


Uh oh, I still need to fix that... thanks for the reminder! :)


  On 12/2/2018 at 3:41 PM, Marcelo Silveira said:

The Atlas performance maps are on the wiki now :D.

Attention grabbing picture

More information is available in the Atlas Performance Analysis. The Atlas II dV maps will be calculated in the near future, sometime between today and 2028




  On 12/3/2018 at 8:14 AM, HooHungLow said:

Titan IVA

Textures are WIP. Fairing is just a mock-up.




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  On 11/30/2018 at 4:59 PM, Pulsar said:

Swapping 8 H-1 to 4 E-1 work too well. Turn out I went too far and start going for 5 E-1 upgraded S-1C and Multibody tank. Still working great and I like it more than the F-1A.

Just don't turn on all the engines at once on the heaviest variant.

These are Saturn 1 variants including eye turned skyward one, all swap the engines for The E-1.



1) Nice set of pictures!  I really like how you tried to take them all at the same altitude and same attitude of flight!

2) I to am running a lot of E-1 powered Saturns.   and they are AWESOME.  The weight savings vs the minimal thrust gain adds a bit of Delta-V for sure.   And, I am not certain without re-reading the CFG files, but I don't even thing those are the Ultimate E-1 but rather the proposed TITAN version (the E-1 received a boost to thrust for the Saturn Proposal.)   The huge jump in performance is likely due to the "fun" of KSP 0.64 scale.

3) I could see a E-1 powered Saturn Multibody actually making cheaper flights to the moon with the E-1 engines.  Might need to use the S-IVC stretch tank with a single J-2 engine (or 2 J-2s) but I could see it being an actuality.... If there was a good way with early 1970s tech to Man rate strap on boosters (short of implosive destruction....)


  On 12/2/2018 at 3:41 PM, Marcelo Silveira said:

More information is available in the Atlas Performance Analysis. The Atlas II dV maps will be calculated in the near future, sometime between today and 2028


Dang Marcelo great work!  Awesome!

As a followup I have bookmarked the page of charts because they are BEYOND Awesome!   Thanks for calculating out charts so we don't have to do all the hard math by hand!

Edited by Pappystein
Further saulations for Marcelo's great work!
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  On 11/29/2018 at 5:27 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Anyways, I stumbled across a thread on a forum called Sturgeon's House run by forum @Gremillion




Thanks for re-posting that here.   It gives us your followers a good "minds's eye" view into what you are going through and your plans.  


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  On 12/3/2018 at 8:20 PM, williamhall531@gmail.com said:

There is a small spelling mistake on one part, on the title, it says Vexin, but in the description it says vixen. I might have already said this, and it might have been fixed, but I'm just very forgetful, and wanted to mention it before I forget again. 


So no Vixens for you?   :P

In all seriousness I will confirm this @Jso   If you are not using RealNames the engine shows up as Vixen.

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If I may, I'd like to make a few suggestions for this mod, mainly in concern to the content used to distribute it and the information about it (downloads and wiki, rather than actual in-game content). You do not have to use any of these - I just wanted to get these ideas out of my head and on to "paper," in a sense.


Firstly, it may be beneficial to split the downloads in to several "packs," depending on what parts people wish to use. Personally, I don't use the probes very much, however I still wish to hang on to the Apollo subsatellite. To get rid of the other parts, I'd have to go digging through the files and deleting the ones that I don't use - doable, but a pain.
I'd recommend that you split them up as you have them listed on your wiki; An Early Rockets pack, and Early Craft and Probes pack, Atlas pack, Thor/Delta Pack, Titan Pack (Could include Leo/Gemini), Saturn Pack (could include Kane/Apollo), Payloads pack, etc. When extracted, the files would be added to the same Bluedog_DB folder.
It's not extremely necessary, but it would allow people to more easily pick and choose which parts they want to use, and which they don't, without having to go through and manually trim out what they don't use. This is already a pretty massive mod, and even my decently beefy gaming PC takes quite a while to load all of the files for it. Being able to leave out some content while keeping others would probably reduce load time.

Secondly, once you have your wiki updated with all of the new parts, you may want to consider making KSPedia entries for them. That way, you won't have to alt+tab between the game and the github page over and over when building a craft.
Whenever you make the page for the Hokulani (if you make a page), it'd be nice if you included a few diagrams of the expansions for the Hokulani, such as the separate airlock module and the foreign research module. I've scoured the web trying to find references to these things and other Skylab expansions and I can't find any good references as to how the modules would be arranged. I know that this is probably just a "do what you want with it" sort of thing, but I'm a stickler for semi-accurate re-creation.

Thirdly, you may want to make the Kane/Apollo heatshield a lifting surface. For the longest time I could not figure out why I could not "fly" the pod back in to the atmosphere until I checked the part information and saw that it had no lift characteristics.



Finally, as for in-game content, I might recommend that you make a cross-over with Cormorant Aeronology (similar to how you did with CxAerospace) to create the reboost module for the Hokulani/Skylab.



I really do love this mod, and I've had a great time making some of my own post-Apollo missions, trying to imagine what they would be like if they had not been cancelled. Can't wait to see what's coming up next.

Edited by Raptor22
Forgot some stuff.
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Quick update post - the Atlas V 5XX fairing / outer interstage and the inner interstage are done being textured! The rocket looks a little doofy, I'm pretty sure it's because the core was rounded up to 2.5m (that's ~4m IRL scale, while the real one is 3.81m). Next step will be getting them in game. The Peacekeeper parts were supposed to be done, but I got carried away fixing up the textures and some other issues...



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  On 12/5/2018 at 2:31 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Quick update post - the Atlas V 5XX fairing / outer interstage and the inner interstage are done being textured! The rocket looks a little doofy, I'm pretty sure it's because the core was rounded up to 2.5m (that's ~4m IRL scale, while the real one is 3.81m). Next step will be getting them in game. The Peacekeeper parts were supposed to be done, but I got carried away fixing up the textures and some other issues...


What is the diameter of the expanded fairing? I would assume that it's 3.125 meters right? Since the real one is 5 meters.

If that is true, I see the application with the LDC.

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  On 12/5/2018 at 3:24 PM, Pulsar said:

What is the diameter of the expanded fairing? I would assume that it's 3.125 meters right? Since the real one is 5 meters.

If that is true, I see the application with the LDC.


Hmm, I should maybe make a toggle to add a interstage node... in case you wanted to put an LDC upper stage on it? lol.

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