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Squadcast Summary 2015/10/16 - Two Types of DC, and Two Types of ISRU

Superfluous J

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Every 15 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. Something in "quotes" means it was directly said, though I frequently don't bother with that. [brackets] are those rare times where the accent barrier keeps me from understanding something, or I want to say an aside about something Max said about KSP development. Green text is descriptions of what Max is doing in the game, with asides and commentary by me where I feel the desire. If you want to watch the episode yourself, you can find it at http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts

Squadcast was just over an hour.


Squadcast started at 1:10

Max is resplendent in a Superman Tee and drinking soda from a glass.

They've been busy with 1.0.5

Squad was invited to the White House (!)

He has 2 Kerbals to rescue, one on Mun and one on Minmus.

He sends a ship named "The Rescuer (Maybe)"

Symmetry fails him, as it does us all. Maybe it'll get fixed? :D

White House trip will be on Monday.

He launches, and the SRBs ignite AND detatch. "Hah. We didn't need those anyway."

They're getting an award.

2 of the crew are going to the White House, but he can't say who is. [i assume 1 is HarvesteR]

He gets into orbit in spite of himself, with the help of his transfer stage.


They are working on fixing Jool aerobraking causing instant death.

DanRosas' birthday is near this time. He's celebrating it tonight. Happy birthday!

He's going to Minmus first to rescue Val.

They may be going into Experimentals soon, but there is nothing to show now.

Everybody should go see The Martian.

Max runs out of fuel in the transfer stage with 300m/s left on his transfer burn. He stages, kicking off the transfer stage AND 4 full fuel tanks that were meant to land him on Minmus.

"Fffffffffffffffffffffffthat's not good!"

Also, the parachute activated.

He opts to keep Joan in orbit.

"Remember 2 weeks ago when we only had 1 rescue mission to do?"

Roverdude tells him to set the min pressure to 0.6. He does so, and then enters the atmosphere.

It works!

He teases RoverDude has soemthing to show.


Same ship with fixed staging, he launches.

He stages the SRBs too soon, and blows 2 of the landing legs off of his lander.

He opts to continue.

He "gravity turns" at 8km and way too violently, and flips.

He opts to not continue.

U5 turned out to be way more of a job than they thought. It started out really quick which is why they thought it would be done faster.

Launch #3. "We're not keeping count are we?" Yes. We are. :)

He tries an early (but still quite late), more shallow (but still too severe) gravity turn. It fails.

He adds some fins.

Launch #4. Same turn, the fins help. He gets to space with the launch stage, and "only" needs about 1/3 of his transfer stage to get to orbit.

Server migration, not all services available. [i've not noticed anything though I only use the forums]


"Mr Bond that's a 1.0 thing, actually. The engineer information. It's not in 1.0.5."

  NoMrBond said:
I asked if the added engineer information for TWR/dV information for the VAB/SPH would be coming in 1.0.5 or 1.1

As such the answer didn't really make sense, I'm assuming he missed part of the question and only saw 'engineers report'

"Roverdude has done something to increase the viability and the number of the things that one can do when it comes to making resource generation kind of stuff.

Like if you're looking after ore you knda have to stick to certain ship designs. Roverdude has done a thing that will allow you to try more ship desins because of it.

That is something that will be coming in 1.0.5."

His transfer stage JUST lasts to the end of the transfer burn.

He gets to Minmus, lowers his orbit, waits for morning at the landing site, and comes down.


  RoverDude said:
So to hop in on the ISRU discussion (as always, I like to do the early reveals so we get a chance for constructive feedback).

Usual caveats, anything below is subject to change based on QA, experimentals, etc.

There has been a thermal overhaul on ISRUs and drills - this is not insignificant, since now it's an extremely effective lever.

The mini ISRU is not as efficient cooling, cannot make monoprop, and is significantly less efficient (both in terms of ore use, making it a very poor choice for those 'ore powered ships' out there, and in terms of raw speed.

I recognize that any efficiency number is out the window if you can just 'warp to infinity and get all your stuffs'. This has been addressed in the case of the mini ISRU - it is optimized for relatively short operation cycles - i.e. it's the wrong bit to use for your mining base because it cannot operate for years on end without a break. But it's excellent if you just need to do short-term conversions (i.e. refueling a biome hopper, etc.).

Radiators will be important - critical - for ISRUs and drills. That being said, if you have one of the 2.5m ones out there on a ship with no radiators, you will still be able to operate, but the efficiency will be very low since it will overheat quickly (but not down to zero in the case of the 2.5m ones - they will tend to hit equilibrium with a net positive in processing capabilities).

The design choice here is to provide two very clear options with each one having it's benefits and drawbacks. A large, more robust ISRU for bases and such where you want continuous, unattended operations, and a smaller, less industrial-grade one that's better for quick fuel runs. Take your pick.

He lands, with a LOT of fuel left. The disposable tanks have about half their fuel left.

He goes to Val, and flies her the 2.4km to the lander.

Actually he intentionally ragdolls her starting at about 2km away. She tumbles and bounces until she's about 500m away.

So he does it again.

Female Kerbals are more bouncy than male Kerbals. It's a bug, but they may not fix it.

He gets her on the ship, and ends Squadcast.

- - - Updated - - -


One thing I noticed is that he had enough fuel left in his lander that I bet the first launch would have made it. Especially with a more efficient Minmus encounter and landing. And especially if Val had jet packed to orbit instead of the rescue ship landing.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
Just what I was thinking when I saw it! Although two drills support a 2.5 ISRU, so maybe one will support a 1.25 one.
The current drill is huge, clunky, and ugly, and doesn't fit anywhere on a 1.25m chassis.
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  Sidereus said:
What is "Two Types of DC" a reference to?

This is one of the most profound question ever. It is even on par with "what were those guys hassling Luke at mos eisley trying to accomplish?"

- - - Updated - - -

  regex said:
The current drill is huge, clunky, and ugly, and doesn't fit anywhere on a 1.25m chassis.

You just described a normal mining drill

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I was really hoping for some more variety in the ISRU kit, this sounds like a step in the right direction. Would be nice to have some much smaller (maybe less efficient) converters that just do one type of conversion and a much smaller (and slower) drill, say for small RCS powered rovers.

Female Kerbals are more bouncy than male Kerbals. It's a bug, but they may not fix it.


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Drip drip drip feed of features I don't care much about. A smaller ISRU converter is neat enough, but if I really wanted one I'd just get a mod for it.

Besides that, only two things of note. Squad are looking at sorting the atmospheres out, good. And Max thinks the female Kerbal ragdoll bug doesn't need fixing, not good.

Somebody asked about delta-V and TWR readouts, Maxmaps misunderstood the question and referred to the existing checklist info.

Personally I just want bugfixes and performance improvements. And Squad never announce those ahead of time.

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Thanks 5th.

Looking forward to the new shuttle engine and 64-bits more than anything here.

The 1.5m converter is not bad, but I was comfortable enough with the big one.

Will most likely allow me to shrink my manned Duna isru rover by a meter tho, hey not a bad idea.

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I asked if the added engineer information for TWR/dV information for the VAB/SPH would be coming in 1.0.5 or 1.1

As such the answer didn't really make sense, I'm assuming he missed part of the question and only saw 'engineers report'

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Thank you 5thHorseman for writting this down.

A smaller ISRU feels kind of wrong. A refinery is usually a big piece of machinery it should be bulky. But this will make designs easier or possible at all. Like Mk2 spaceplans which can go almost everywhere.

And I see that the Mk1-2 Command Pod is still not rotated correctly ;P

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I hope the smaller refinery isn't balanced against the larger one by just being slower...

Balancing against the player ability to leave computer running isn't good balance.

Maybe it should be only able to produce oxidizer, and not liquid fuel or monopropellant.

Would allow you to save mass, but wouldn't make the larger refinery useless.

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  JedTech said:
DC = Washington and the white house

DC = Download Content

DC = Super hero comics

So which are we referring to?

You'll have to read the summary to find out. My title teased for a reason.

(You also missed: DC = Direct Current though that may no have been mentioned)

  cantab said:
Drip drip drip feed of features I don't care much about.

Yeah I was going to title this episode "Max plays KSP and not much else" until I thought of the title I ended up using.

  cantab said:
Max thinks the female Kerbal ragdoll bug doesn't need fixing, not good.

Quick clarification: Squad (not Max) is considering (i.e. it's undecided) not fixing it. I don't know if it's good or not, or exactly how it affects gameplay. I tend to almost never ragdoll my Kerbals. They actually tend to just get out, grab their surface sample, and hop right back in.

  NoMrBond said:
I asked if the added engineer information for TWR/dV information for the VAB/SPH would be coming in 1.0.5 or 1.1

As such the answer didn't really make sense, I'm assuming he missed part of the question and only saw 'engineers report'

Thanks for the clarification. I've added this quote to the OP.

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  cantab said:
Somebody asked about delta-V and TWR readouts, Maxmaps misunderstood the question and referred to the existing checklist info.

Yeah. I'm not holding my breath.

  cantab said:
And Max thinks the female Kerbal ragdoll bug doesn't need fixing, not good.

It's not a bug, it's Kerbal charm!

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