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Capt'n Skunky

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Video of my Kerbin Ascension. KSP has some buggy visual since I installed in on that SSD. :(

hmm. this is a ksp PICTURES thread? not a video thread.

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Science bulletin: close examination has unlocked the mystery of the dark green patches on the surface of Minmus.

They are dark green patches.


Also, a nice view of the Murky Way from the northern lattitudes of Minmus.

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If you don\'t care about landing the Cuttlefish...


And use it as a first stage, instead...


You\'ve got the delta-V to put a BigTrak on the Mun.


Just remember to open the petals before decoupling and igniting the BigTrak\'s engines.


This did not end well.

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Here are a few!

My Space probe Test.

probe10.jpg Here is my space probe, Goldenseal I in orbit.

de-orb10.jpg Time to De-Orbit!

parach10.jpg A safe return! (I was just testing the probe. I then went to the Mun with it and it did not go well.)

Here are some of my Mun landings. (More like crashings!)

launch10.jpg Launching!

almost10.png Almost There!

orbiti11.png Orbiting The Mun!

approa10.png Approaching the Surface!

landed11.png Landed! (Kinda.)

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Launched my first space station =) It was no easy task to haul this heavy thing up into space.

Trying to build up some speed. I actually had two stages of boosters in the middle section but they burned out and I jettisoned them. Its amazing that they didnt damage anything on the way down =) Doing it the kerbal way!


Trying to do a gravity turn. I almost tipped over.


Just jettisoned the main stage.


Trying to achieve orbit at 200km


Made it into orbit and just jettisoned the last stage.


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