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Show off your awesome KSP Pictures

Capt'n Skunky

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They did another terrain update, have a picture of Duna:


What? Is Duna orange now? Can tis be downloaded via the patcer, I guess I'm about to find out...

Edit: No I could not...

Is this 0.17.1 or someting? I'm very confused....

Edited by Polar Bear
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A very 2001-esque moment onboard my Vingilot-1 Eve Mission, currently on its way to the Purple Planet. I think Bill lost his grip on the main EVA-ladder...


Note that the accident isn't intentional at all: Bill actually lost his grip, and switching from cam to cam gave me this view, the resemblance of which with the classic scene from 2001 immediately struck me... So I recorded it!

Edited by Enture
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My last post featured footage from an EVA I did somewhere between the orbits of Kerbin and Eve, 28 days into the transfer between the two planets. The EVA was conducted to check the overall state of the Vingilot-1 spacecraft, the first crewed vehicle to fly this far from Kerbin, and the first to embark on such a long mission. Here are some more pics:

•Jeb checks one of the main solar panels:


•Jeb slowly drifts along the side of the spacecraft, towards the inflatable Hab module:


•Bill watches from a distance, as Jeb checks on the LV-N engine's nozzle. Of course, he let the Geiger-counter inside, because... Jeb.


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A lander prototype designed for IVA flight.


It was flown from the launchpad and then landed using only IVA view.

Thanks to numerous safety features, development only cost the life of 1 crew. They were lost when detached jet engines overheated the command pod during an abort, which led to the nifty fuel line set up currently on the lander. It automatically kills fuel flow on abort.

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First, the position of several celestial objects relative to my landing location, the antarctic region of Laythe.


View from my position. From left to right; Tylo, Vall and Bop. Tylo appears bigger than Vall while it is farther away.


Jool looks a bit intimidating from Laythe. Reminds me of a scene in the movie Melancholia.

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