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Hype Train 1.0.5: The Local Train Route

Whirligig Girl

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  RocketPilot573 said:
Does the hype train have that "Dead mans switch" thing where if Gregorox is offline then the train will emergency stop? Or did Greg just leave a brick on the peddle?

The update being released is the only thing that can stop the Train. Gregrox gets it going but then it takes on a life of its own.

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  RocketPilot573 said:
Does the hype train have that "Dead mans switch" thing where if Gregorox is offline then the train will emergency stop? Or did Greg just leave a brick on the peddle?

There's a gone-man's switch. It's called the "release 1.0.5" button.

If I happen to be online when the update drops, I will give the train a nice slow stop that allows the passengers to keep their lunch in their stomach. If I'm not there, the guard (usually KasperVld or some other moderator like RIC) will put on the emergency brakes and stop the train.

- - - Updated - - -

  Sanic said:
Has the Hype Train ever been attacked by bandits?

My first time running the KSP Hype Train, some passengers piled up on the locomotive demanding we go faster. Then, for whatever reason, a Minecraft creeper attacked the train and blew the loco to bits. We were losing speed fast, so I jumped the broken remains of the yellow diesel locomotive and climbed into the backup loco: A converted Stanier Black Five. The steam engine gave so much better performance that we kept steam power (though now in the form of a converted Gresley A3 Pacific).

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  Chaos_Klaus said:
Ahhhhh ... I can't watch these streams ... why do they have people streaming who don't know what they are doing!?! ​

And then this stupid music .... GRRRRR!


Starting stream. :)

"Oh, I have not really played KSP since 0.90 or so and I forgot how to build a rocket." :rolleyes:

"This is the new KSP version I got, so I can show it to you, but I did not bother to read the patchnotes, so let's just derp around." :confused:

Reminds me of 1.0 pre release.

"I never played KSP before, but I still got this copy earlier than you customers/modders, because I m a streamer. Now I ll just torture you with stupid stuff, because I did not bother to take a look at it before the stream or read 5 minutes on the internet about it. I m just here to collect some views/viewers with this special early copy for streamers." :mad:

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  Chaos_Klaus said:
Ahhhhh ... I can't watch these streams ... why do they have people streaming who don't know what they are doing!?! ​

And then this stupid music .... GRRRRR!

Mator is on now. He definitely knows what he is doing. I think he is the best regular KSP Streamer we have.

(Remember, a lot of these guys are accustomed to modding, but they can't do that with a pre-release so they are bit uncomfortable with the UI as it is)

Edited by Alshain
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You forgot some things:

  • NathanKell's work on sunlight and energy for solar panels
  • New internals for Mk1 Cockpit and Mk2 Crew Cabin
  • Using and creation of shaders (partially, will be completed in 1.1)

- - - Updated - - -

  • Navball for Kerbals on EVA. Navball follows the camera and the possibility of maneuver nodes while on EVA.

Edited by Olympic1
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  Chaos_Klaus said:
Ahhhhh ... I can't watch these streams ... why do they have people streaming who don't know what they are doing!?! ​

And then this stupid music .... GRRRRR!

This makes me so glad I decided to do $anything_else today. The 1.0 prerelease was the same way.

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  FishInferno said:
Ok, so do the jet engines now have a toggle-able afterburner instead of just spitting fire all the time? In PorkJet's album he mentioned that the Panther has an afterburner, as if it were a new thing.

From what I have seen I can say that the panther has a toggle-able afterburner that will go from high thrust low fuel efficiency, to being more fuel efficient. Can't say about the other engines though, but given the whiplash I saw, i would say not.

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  FishInferno said:
Ok, so do the jet engines now have a toggle-able afterburner instead of just spitting fire all the time? In PorkJet's album he mentioned that the Panther has an afterburner, as if it were a new thing.

2.26 in Scott Manleys video shows and explains this well:

EDIT: Forum dev people: pleas realise that it's almost 2016 and youtube URLs are shortened and also make it so URLs that point to a time work, kthxbai

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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