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[1.0.5] [Kopernicus] Kerbol Plus Remade v1.1 [19Nov15] - Reborn and revived!


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What is this version of Kerbol Plus?

Kerbol Plus is a planetary expansion for KSP, aiming to add new and exciting worlds for players to explore. Kerbol Plus adds in 6 new planets and 6 moons for players to discover.

Created by KillAshley (New Horizons, Uncharted Lands) and Thomas P (Kopernicus), this pack hopes to add in various bodies in a more stock-like feel.

This pack includes completely re-envisioned planets carefully created. This pack also offers FULL CAREER INEGRATION! Including biomes, correct science multiplers & more!




  • Configs & Textures

Thomas P

  • Configs, Textures & Custom PQSMods


  • Original concept and heightmaps for; Havet, Pregas & Vatil


  • Heightmap for Shay (which is unaccredited in Amarius1's KerbolPlus)


  • Fixing my spelling mistakes and things i forgot about.












Install Instructions:

Simply Download the .zip file and merge the GameData folder into your KSP game directory.

The base Windows 64-bit version of the game a lot of bugs, I have been informed Kopernicus packs all work on it and I also use it in my personal game, however any bugs resulting from x64 are unknown presently and as always will be un-supported.


Included Mod Support:

Distant Object Enhancement



Incompatible Mods:

KerbolPlus: Not compatible with Amarius1's version of Kerbol Plus

StarSystems: Not compatible with Kopernicus

PlanetFactory CE: Not compatible with Kopernicus

KopernicusTech: Not compatible with Kopernicus



Known Bugs:

Please note although i have been testing as i go, i haven't had time to sit down and do a full play through, so I'm sure there are bugs I'm unaware of!

  • None at the moment



-File structure change for On-Demand loading
-Cfg tweaks too
-Converted Corote's color & normal maps to .dds format (didnt notice they were still .png)



Sarbian for maintaining ModuleManager

Kcreator for making the origional KittopiaTech

Gravitasi for updating the Kopernicus/Kittopia plugins

BryceSchroeder, Teknoman117, Thomas.P and NathanKell for making & maintaining the Kopernicus plugin this mod relies on.

Sigma88 for his feedback and support

GregroxMun for his feedback and support

Olympic1 for helping when i make stupid mistakes




This version of KerbolPlus by KillAshley & Thomas P is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The FlattenMountain & Vulcano(temprarily removed) plugin's are distibuted with All Rights Reserved by Thomas P. & KillAshley

Edited by KillAshley
fixing stupid new forum layouts
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  timandy1 said:
Shots Fired? I doubt that Amarius1 will be happy with this... Anyway, this looks awesome, is it compatible with Uncharted Lands?

not really shots fired. He has been warned about his atitude towards other people multiple times. Anyway at the moment I'm not sure if it us compatible with UL, as UL is in such an early stage atm, it should run together fine, however I don't know if orbital lines will cross, etc.

In the future I'll probably have a patch that will reorganize these worlds into the UL system as I do with New Horizons.

  Svm420 said:
A dream come true great work KA and Thomas P! Now how am I going to decide between new horizons, Uncharted and this with OPM for my next career? You aren't making this easy :P

I try to make things difficult :wink:

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Guys this thread is not about any other user or their mod, it's about KA and his completed version of Nova's plans for the solar system, so let's avoid personal remarks and stay on topic :). Don't forget to update that sig KA ;)

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  Thomas P. said:
The cryovulcano will come back, as we're experiementing with a custom plugin to create a vulcano right now.

Yeah cool... GOD DAMN IT I HAVE NO WAY TO MAKE Kerbol Origins as better as this when you are creating custom PQS mods... If you could why didn't you add the volcano plugin before?

Also what is SmoothMountains plugin used for? I supose it's hardcoded, right?

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i was referring to the "bumpy" effect of gas giants. This is due to the Jool's normal map, gas giants using a Jool template will get this normal map if a new one isn't specified. It's pretty low-res, but gives a nice effect to the world from a perpetually flat sphere. This is most likely the "effect" you are talking about. if you don't want it then create your own normal map to overwrite the builtin one

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  KillAshley said:
i was referring to the "bumpy" effect of gas giants. This is due to the Jool's normal map, gas giants using a Jool template will get this normal map if a new one isn't specified. It's pretty low-res, but gives a nice effect to the world from a perpetually flat sphere. This is most likely the "effect" you are talking about. if you don't want it then create your own normal map to overwrite the builtin one

Well, thank you. Didn't even knew you could add normals to a gas giant... Welp now Kerbol Origins will have some more eye-candy...

BTW what planet uses flatten mountains?

Edited by amarius1
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  amarius1 said:
BTW what planet uses flatten mountains?

before you dig into it further might i remind you that the FlattenMountains.dll has an All Rights Reserved license, meaning the use, modification, and/or distribution of it without the express permission of Thomas P. or myself is strictly prohibited.

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  KillAshley said:
before you dig into it further might i remind you that the FlattenMountains.dll has an All Rights Reserved license, meaning the use, modification, and/or distribution of it without the express permission of Thomas P. or myself is strictly prohibited.

I know I know. I just wanted to look into how would mine look like. Altrough I should stay with messing with existing PQS mods. BTW ashley in Kerbol Origins we have most of the planets procedural... Than you for releasing this actualy, as it is a great example of how to use heighColorMap and how to make a simple heightmap based planet.

BTW is it possible, with current PQS mods, to create canyons on planets?

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