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What do you think of the new water system.

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I don't really know about the new water physics, for 3 reasons:

1) My only interaction with water so far in KSP has been recovering floating capsules and crashing planes.

2) As said above, we don't actually know what it will be made of.

2) The old 0.90 aero was bad. 1.0 was supposed to make it better*. A simple look at all the comments complaints about it since then gives you an idea of the reactions we can get with water physics. Less people build boats though, so I expect the forum to be less of a civil war than with 1.0. There will be people complaining though, no matter how good the update is.

* not saying I don't like 1.0.x aero, it is fine by me

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2) The old 0.90 aero was bad. 1.0 was supposed to make it better*. A simple look at all the comments complaints about it since then gives you an idea of the reactions we can get with water physics. Less people build boats though, so I expect the forum to be less of a civil war than with 1.0. There will be people complaining though, no matter how good the update is.(...)

This. Without any doubt, it will lead to claims that the game is broken. Also, people who seem to have been living in a cave and haven't played since 0.14 came out on a 5¼″ floppy will complain that their water vessels are now totally uncontrollable and that for that reason alone everyone should return to the 0.14 water model.

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Do you know something we dont? kus its not really out yet

It's buoyancy. NathanKell described it quite a bit and aside from being limited to just above the water's surface and below, it sounds just like it is in the real world. So yeah, we know quite a bit about it. At least, if you know anything about it in the real world.

I know more about buoyancy than I do airplanes and rocket science.

- - - Updated - - -

This. Without any doubt, it will lead to claims that the game is broken. Also, people who seem to have been living in a cave and haven't played since 0.14 came out on a 5¼″ floppy will complain that their water vessels are now totally uncontrollable and that for that reason alone everyone should return to the 0.14 water model.

It's doubtful that this will have the same impact as the aerodynamics. As far as I know, the current water doesn't let you do anything special, like infiniglide or the non-gravity turn gravity turn, which was the primary complaint from people who didn't understand the new aerodynamics. Plus, there are a lot more people out there that have used a boat (or a rubber ducky in the bathtub) than an airplane or rocket, so people will naturally understand this while aerodynamics are a much more confusing topic.

Edited by Alshain
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Is the water the start of weather on Kerbin?

Are different oceans different temperatures?

Does Kerbin have El nino?

Are warmer oceans softer?

Are the lakes fresh water?

Are they harder on landing than the oceans?

Will water ever not be just a repeating texture of blue and white?

I think i think to much about the water system.

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Now Pandorum is possible in KSP. And Tatooin - partially. Sink your interstellar ship, then try to get it back.

Alas, without tsunami Miller's planet is not authentic.

Asteroids dropped to the Kerbin ocean will be either rocky icebergs or rolling islands.

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I don't really know about the new water physics, for 3 reasons:

1) My only interaction with water so far in KSP has been recovering floating capsules and crashing planes.

2) As said above, we don't actually know what it will be made of.

2) The old 0.90 aero was bad. 1.0 was supposed to make it better*. A simple look at all the comments complaints about it since then gives you an idea of the reactions we can get with water physics. Less people build boats though, so I expect the forum to be less of a civil war than with 1.0. There will be people complaining though, no matter how good the update is.

* not saying I don't like 1.0.x aero, it is fine by me

I think since the current buoyancy system by all accounts sucks (I've not heard much good said about it at least), and the new changes seem to make it more "water" than "boat eating sea monster filled sea of pain" there's not going to be much complaining done about it. It looks like it's going to be awesome to me, and I can't see how it could be a negative change from what we have now.

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I personally is a big seaplane fan. I love boats too but I'm really bad at them. I can't wait for the easier water landings. I also think the water will have a cushion effect on some parts and a rock that makes you bounce on others.

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will this make it easier to get vehicles laying sidways in the water to shore? I have landed in the water a few times and really wanted to just fly it closer to the beach and either mine the shore or try to get out of the water again and land on ground to refuel.. But they tend to not act nice while skimming water.

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It's buoyancy. NathanKell described it quite a bit and aside from being limited to just above the water's surface and below, it sounds just like it is in the real world. So yeah, we know quite a bit about it. At least, if you know anything about it in the real world.

Well, we all know how Squad likes to implement real world physics into KSP, judging by the aerodynamics.. I suspect the implementation will fall quite short of what hydrodynamicists consider real world physics. Bear in mind that stock 1.0.4 KSP aero doesn't model radial occlusion (only stack based), it doesn't care how aerodynamic a fairing is and that rotating a nosecone 180 degrees has the same effect as if you hadn't rotated it (i.e. flat side = pointy side, as far as aerodynamics are concerned)..

I'm not saying it'll be rubbish, I'm just saying that keeping in mind the previous physics overhaul, it's probably wise to not expect things to act as you think they should.

Also, yes, no-one apart from Squad can truly say what they think of it, because no-one apart from Squad has had a chance to play with it. Everyone, including me, is basing their opinions off of what Squad has said it'll be, which may or may not turn out to be not what they expected it to be.

Do you see?

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Well, we all know how Squad likes to implement real world physics into KSP, judging by the aerodynamics.. I suspect the implementation will fall quite short of what hydrodynamicists consider real world physics. Bear in mind that stock 1.0.4 KSP aero doesn't model radial occlusion (only stack based), it doesn't care how aerodynamic a fairing is and that rotating a nosecone 180 degrees has the same effect as if you hadn't rotated it (i.e. flat side = pointy side, as far as aerodynamics are concerned).

Well there is your problem. It is buoyancy and that is it, they said nothing of anything else. If you are expecting anything more that realistic buoyancy let me disappoint you now. It is not a water system as this topic suggests, it is a buoyancy system. For those who missed basic chemistry in high school, molecules that are less dense than other molecules will float above them. Air floats above water, helium floats above air, etc. However, NathanKell specifically said this system will be limited to the water for performance reasons, so no blimps this time. He also said mods that create resources to change buoyancy will work. So a mod could create water as a resource and make an effective submarine ballast tank (this is my sentence, not his). Finally he said there will be a water displacement system so craft aren't torn apart. I don't recall any details on that.

If you expect anything else, you didn't read the DevNotes right.

Edited by Alshain
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I don't care about the water so long as I can still safely land my command pods in it. I doubt squad has tested that. Last time they didn't even test bringing the small command pod back from space with a heat shield. Not sure if squad team goes to space any more...

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