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Why bother with 1.0.5?

Johnny Wishbone

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i AM bothering with 1.0.5, but what i am curious to see is if the bigger mods will bother updating for it.

not really worried about if they will be or not, as i plan to get rid of all part mods, and all but a few plugins for a more stockish playthrough untill 1.1 does finally get here though

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i AM bothering with 1.0.5, but what i am curious to see is if the bigger mods will bother updating for it.

not really worried about if they will be or not, as i plan to get rid of all part mods, and all but a few plugins for a more stockish playthrough untill 1.1 does finally get here though

They should be compatible as is. No major changes under the hood.

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Lots of people obviously like the way squad are doing things, watching these vids, and getting hyped. Therefor they dont 'need' to get out of it.

It is not "obvious".

"Lots" requires hard data to confirm.

"Like" is a matter of perspective.

Regardless... you are entitled to your personal viewpoint.

My view is they should release without the hype. Let the release itself generate the hype if it deserves it.

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I want to download it because well it's a KSP update with some parts in it. So there's hours of fun messing with those. But I also don't want to because I purchased KSP before it was on Steam and now have to download the ENTIRE game every time I want even the smallest patch update. Which takes forever. But I think I'll power through for those new parts.

I think you can still switch to Steam, if you want to.

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It is not "obvious".

"Lots" requires hard data to confirm.

"Like" is a matter of perspective.

Regardless... you are entitled to your personal viewpoint.

My view is they should release without the hype. Let the release itself generate the hype if it deserves it.

*looks at forum*

That's the best data we get. Which is a lot more reliable than some disgrountled guy in a happy forum. :P

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While watching a stream of 1.05 is appeared that Kerbals were unable to transfer through a fuel tank from cockpit to crew tank. One more what the, moments in KSP gone. Nice one SQUAD if true. Can any one confirm?

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I think you can still switch to Steam, if you want to.

Not without buying it again. There was a window where you could switch, but that window has long closed.

Also, I've not got the game on Steam but I'd not be even remotely surprised if Steam downloaded the same big update file you do manually. So if you're trying to save bandwidth, Steam won't help. It'll probably hurt :D But if you just want to no-fuss-no-muss it, then Steam's a better choice for you.

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While watching a stream of 1.05 is appeared that Kerbals were unable to transfer through a fuel tank from cockpit to crew tank. One more what the, moments in KSP gone. Nice one SQUAD if true. Can any one confirm?

That would be realistic.

It would also screw my ongoing Eve mission

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Threads merged.

Guys, please don't start a whole new thread for each aspect of 1.05. This is getting out of hand.

Sweet it seems it is an 'aspect' of 1.05. Confimaybe Kerbals can't teleport transfer around the internals of craft.

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I am torn - all these fixes promise a good feeling in the game to start again - but with 1.1 on the horizon ...

Given that Squad allegedly has an internal goal of Christmas 2015, I'd rather expect it to slip to March/April/May at this point at the best, and probably Christmas 2016 at the worst.

1.0.5, on the other hand, really IS going to be out in an actual, real-world kinda "soon" (not a Squad "Soonâ„¢") -- that is to say, sometime BEFORE Christmas 2015.

Anyhow, I bet five grand in funds that 1.1 won't be around before March~

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By releasing 1.0.5, a lot of the features can go through the experimental cycle without the Unity changes ... which will allow those to get ironed out well in advance. I'm OK with 1.1 releasing later because it will give me time to delve into Fallout 4 :D

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on the last day of christmas my squad gave to me.... 12 new wing parts 11 stock vessels 10 awesome missions 9 different shaders 8 OP engines 7 gorgeous models 6-4 bit launcher 5 meter part 4-kerbal pods 3 cool strategies 2 times the performance and an orange Gas planet just for ME!!

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