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[1.9.1] SLS Part Pack Basic Version - Small update: specular parts & preview of the new Main Core


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4 minutes ago, Sobol said:


Have you tried to upload files craft and see how to properly mount the parts? If this does not work screnshots send me a private message.

I have, and when I try to put it together, it doesn't want to go back the way it went. I have to use the cheat for the non-strict parts placement. I'll send screens later, I have to go right now.

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What do You think about this?

Plans for the next update:
Adding all parts in the stock dimension;
Optimising parts added in the last update;
Better RO confing.

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The first tests of the complete Orion MPCV:



From the next update Taurus HCV and AerojetKerbodyne you will no longer be needed. Now they will be required only Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Hangar Extender and RealChute Parachute Systems. Now I can start working on SLS Part Pack Stock Dimension.

Big thanks to @stupid_chris for his RealChute.

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@GoldForest At the moment I do't have plans to add circular solar panels.

Currently I am working on Stock Dimension configuration and a few minor amendments. I've also added 5m fairing and rebuilt adapter for Block 1B.


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Last updated has a few bugs so next Friday awaits us next . They were already all fixed, but I want to refine still RO config . So we will have to wait a bit for it . I fixed : Docking Port , ATV Fairing , 1B Orion Decupler . Did you find any other bugs ? Meanwhile, some photos from the RO:


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@chiefymuc Thanks for your support . ESM will still be rebuilt . Unfortunately, the only thing we have now is a visualization of all modules. Your pictures are very good and will definitely be using them . For now, I do not need help, but as soon as I need it to inform you . With the solar panels no problem. Just that I add animation to the model. I am pleased that someone pays attention to detail .

Today I worked a little on the improvement of ORION MPCV . What do you think about the new glossy texture ?


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@Sobol thanks for your awesome work. A little help for a n00b: is there a right way to send Orion to Mun with SLS Block I Crew configuration?

I tried but all times the delta m/s is not enough. When I am in LKO I have only 650ms and for a Hohmann transfer I need 850ms.

Where I wrong? Thanks for help (and sorry for my poor english).

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@runtime13 Thanks for the information. Already it repaired . I will change it in the next update . If you don't want to wait , you can improve it yourself. You need to find only files of configuration of the RS -25 engine and SRB . When you find Replace the following lines :



            key = 0 151
            key = 1 125
            key = 12 0.001



            key = 0 121
            key = 1 111


Block 1 is scheduled for a free return trajectory. Don't worry about your English . My English isn't good too.

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2 hours ago, Sobol said:

@runtime13 Thanks for the information. Already it repaired . I will change it in the next update . If you don't want to wait , you can improve it yourself. You need to find only files of configuration of the RS -25 engine and SRB . When you find Replace the following lines :




Block 1 is scheduled for a free return trajectory. Don't worry about your English . My English isn't good too.

Thanks for your support. I will try these changes this evening... and in the meantime, I remain waiting for your next update! :D

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Could you please give a more detailed explanation on how to install this for realism overhaul. The instructions provided are very vague and I've tried every way of implementing them that I can think of. I even tried installing it with ckan but that didn't work either. I'm getting the parts but they are not working with real fuels and will only use liquid fuel and oxidizer

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