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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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On 5/13/2018 at 12:02 PM, Kuzzter said:

*Snipped image from last chapter*

And Adam and Eve were expelled from the kingdom of heaven for they bitten the forbidden fruit

The Kerbals have finally lost their innocence and grew up.

And to quote another wordy person:

"Con permiso, Capitan. The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. It's now time to see if you can dance."


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So I was listening to a bit of Myles Kennedy on the way to work this morning and the opening verse to one particular track goes like this:

Took a shot. In the dark.
Though the aim was true, still it missed the mark.
As we wait for a hero we can't find...

Perhaps it's just me but those lyrics really put me in mind of that last strip.


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Everyone, please do me a favor and trim the comics pages out when you quote, or if you need to quote the page to make a point put it in a spoiler tag. Otherwise, repeating pages messes with the flow of the thread. That said,

11 hours ago, GDJ said:

The Kerbals have finally lost their innocence and grew up.

For certain, Kenlie has pulled the trigger and the gun cannot be unfired.  "Growing up" has a lot of different meanings and can take many different paths. Which one, exactly, the Kerbals are now on...

4 hours ago, KSK said:

Took a shot. In the dark.
Though the aim was true, still it missed the mark.
As we wait for a hero we can't find...

...depends on what Kenlie aimed at ( if anything) and who or what (if anything) he hit.

16 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Gaaah! Think you I would go for so cheap a trope? Well... we'll see. I've actually changed my mind several times already about exactly what happens next. This was part of the reason for the long delay, but by no means all of it. Even I won't know for sure until it's actually carved in Powerpoint. 

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9 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Gaaah! Think you I would go for so cheap a trope? Well... we'll see. I've actually changed my mind several times already about exactly what happens next. This was part of the reason for the long delay, but by no means all of it. Even I won't know for sure until it's actually carved in Powerpoint. 

And even then, you could always decide who shot first. ;)

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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

And even then, you could always decide who shot first. ;)

I think we need to wait another ten years before @Kuzzter can release the remastered version.

Since it's already digital and everything shown here is technically CGI, I suppose it'll have to be a retro-remaster with hand-coloured laser beams, puppets, and practical effects (the battle for Kerbin will look very different).

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

For certain, Kenlie has pulled the trigger and the gun cannot be unfired.  "Growing up" has a lot of different meanings and can take many different paths. Which one, exactly, the Kerbals are now on...

...depends on what Kenlie aimed at ( if anything) and who or what (if anything) he hit.

I think he shot one of them in the arm or the leg. They wouldn’t be dead, only injured, and the Kerbals could put the kerbulus in the medical facility and bring them to the side of the Kerbals

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

...depends on what Kenlie aimed at ( if anything) and who or what (if anything) he hit.

I liked the way that the lyrics worked either way around (or I read them as such anyway). Whatever Kenlie fires at, his aim can be true (he hits his target) but he can still miss the mark in that whatever he hits is the wrong target in some sense. 

Does he hit one of the Kerbulans and save the day - but resorted to violence to do it?

Or does he miss both Kerbulans, end up in a more perilous situation but refused to use violence?

Or (and I’m favouring this option personally :) ) - am I arguing for a false dichotomy when our Good Author has something more subtle up his sleeve...

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3 hours ago, KSK said:

Does he hit one of the Kerbulans and save the day - but resorted to violence to do it?

Or does he miss both Kerbulans, end up in a more perilous situation but refused to use violence?

He used a tool to intimidate, if not injure or kill another creature. Like a monkey grabbing a bone and using it as a club on an animal it's going to eat, or on another monkey, this bridge has now been crossed and can't be uncrossed. Has he now become the monster from which he was trying to save his crewmates? Will they ever be able to look at him, or themselves, the same way again?

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On 12/2/2015 at 12:47 AM, DolphinDude3 said:

They are my BadS Marines, And they shall know no fear! Unless their ship explodes, then they get horrified.

-The Emperor of the Snackperium of Kerb.

Even though they're BadS and fearless I guess it kinda makes sense, as often in KSP (aswell as IRL Spaceflight) part of your spacecraft exploding means there's a good chance that the rest of the spacecraft will quickly do the same, including the part you and your crewmates are sitting in.... and that's likely enough to scare even a BadS.

My BadSs get scared by everything a normal Kerbal gets scared of.

What mod do you use for the Mun?

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57 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

What mod do you use for the Mun?

Not sure whether you're asking me or DolphinDude (from 3 years ago!), but my Mun is your Mun. Now if you want to know where I got Kerbulus, and the Num that orbits it, that's all courtesy of @GregroxMun via Kopernicus :) 

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On 5/14/2018 at 7:32 PM, Torgo said:

He used a tool to intimidate, if not injure or kill another creature. Like a monkey grabbing a bone and using it as a club on an animal it's going to eat, or on another monkey, this bridge has now been crossed and can't be uncrossed. Has he now become the monster from which he was trying to save his crewmates? Will they ever be able to look at him, or themselves, the same way again?

Not sure on the exact canon as far as this story is concerned, but I assumed that Kerbals gave up violence after some sort of cataclysmic war, which explains all the rocket parts that are 'found lying by the side of the road'.

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1 hour ago, 1101 said:

Not sure on the exact canon as far as this story is concerned, but I assumed that Kerbals gave up violence after some sort of cataclysmic war, which explains all the rocket parts that are 'found lying by the side of the road'.

As far as this story is concerned, all canon regarding Kerbals and war (or near-war) is contained in the Zwischenspiel and happened "the year before Year Zero". Link is in the OP :) 

ETA: Actually, almost everything you need to know about Kerbals and almost-war is on the very first page of the Zwischenspiel:



...strongly implied later on that, had von Kermulan Kerman not landed when he did and given the Kerbals spaceflight technology, the quarrels between agencies could well have resulted in violence. Thus, it was a non-murdery member of a very murdery species that kept Kerbin non-murdery. 

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On 5/25/2016 at 3:54 AM, Kuzzter said:

 Well, unlike Earth's CV-6 the KSS Enterprise was not intended to be a warship. Even before Year Zero the Kerbin Kerbals are goofy and non-violent... but if "history had gone a different way" and, say, there had been an "accident" involving explosive decouplers, well, who knows?

Guessing that would be the relevant quote then....


Or, your edit and post of the start of the prelude, that too.

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On 5/16/2018 at 4:44 PM, Kuzzter said:

Thus, it was a non-murdery member of a very murdery species that kept Kerbin non-murdery. 

Glad we have the Word of God there - trying to keep all that straight was just  murder.

23 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Yay! MOAR pages!!

It would be so funny if that was just a water gun.

Not sure it matters - a cartridge ejecting water gun probably doesn’t count as a non-lethal weapon anyway.

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12 minutes ago, KSK said:

Not sure it matters - a cartridge ejecting water gun probably doesn’t count as a non-lethal weapon anyway.

Yeah... we're in one of the few corners of the Internet where it should not be necessary to explain Newton's third law: something left that thingie in the "equal and opposite direction" with enough momentum to cycle the action. 

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