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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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4 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

One tiny thing, though- the M4 Kerman isn't entirely black and white. The helmets are, how you say, rot und weis?

Good catch! Will update later. 

Another error I need to go back and fix, by the way--that is indeed supposed to be a certain gray-haired Fleet officer on the bridge of the Enterprise, I originally thought, "oh, she's younger so I'll just use the normal head" but (1) I made near-contemporary Madam Leader Shirley gray-haired and (2) the flashback happens just a few years before we meet her as Admiral Shirley--only US presidents go gray that fast. :) 

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Just now, Kuzzter said:

Good catch! Will update later. 

Another error I need to go back and fix, by the way--that is indeed supposed to be a certain gray-haired Fleet officer on the bridge of the Enterprise, I originally thought, "oh, she's younger so I'll just use the normal head" but (1) I made near-contemporary Madam Leader Shirley gray-haired and (2) the flashback happens just a few years before we meet her as Admiral Shirley--only US presidents go gray that fast. :) 

What year is it now?

Also, I don't think that second part is true. Didn't you know that every time a child misbehaves, their parent gets a grey hair? I feel really sorry for my grandparents.

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21 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Glad you liked it! This I don't understand at all though :) 

Sorry, meant to expand that before posting...I was asking if the jet on the deck of the carrier was the Kerbal (unarmed) version of the FJ-2/-3 Fury (Navy version of the F-86)


Figured you might have run across one on two examples on your field trips.

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39 minutes ago, Foxbat said:

Sorry, meant to expand that before posting...I was asking if the jet on the deck of the carrier was the Kerbal (unarmed) version of the FJ-2/-3 Fury (Navy version of the F-86)

Ah! Well you know what? It is! I didn't recognize the designation because I had no idea there was a naval version. I just slapped together an F-86 and threw it on the deck because I like Sabres :) I guess the USN and I think alike!

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Something I've recently realized, what if Wernher actually is originally from Kerbin?

My explanation for how this might actually be true is this: The Kerbulans are extremely warlike, so much that it is probably built into their instincts, but Wernher seems to be pacifist, like the Kerbals, and to generally have a lot more in common with Kerbals than with Kerbulans, Therefore he probably is a Kerbal, and he somehow wound up on Kerbulus, probably when he was too young to remember being from Kerbin, but like the Kerbulan's warlikeness I'm going to assume that Kerbals probably have their peacefulness built into their instincts, therefore resulting in Wernher remaining peaceful despite living amongst a society of warlike barbarians.

However, that leaves the question of how did he get to Kerbulus? Monoliths? An early rocket experiment that went terribly, terribly wrong? We may never know...


*Puts on tinfoil hat*



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Having a look at the anatomy of Kerbals and Kerbulans we have to conclue they're pretty similar, probably even genetically identical. Similar to how the Romulans left Vulcan as they did not agree with the Vulcan's pacifist ideology, I guess the Kerbulans left some millennia ago and settled on Kerbulus but never made it to the nuke.


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3 hours ago, something said:

Having a look at the anatomy of Kerbals and Kerbulans we have to conclue they're pretty similar, probably even genetically identical. Similar to how the Romulans left Vulcan as they did not agree with the Vulcan's pacifist ideology,

Kerbulans and Kerbals have completely different ears, haven't you noticed? :wink: 

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On 27/05/2016 at 6:37 PM, DolphinDude3 said:

Wernher seems to be pacifist, like the Kerbals, and to generally have a lot more in common with Kerbals than with Kerbulans, Therefore he probably is a Kerbal. 

Possibly, I'd prefer it if he wasn't though because that means not all Kerbulans are bad which leaves open the possibility of redemption for any of them. Also, if he's originally Kerbal, we have to explain a double swap (one leg of which happened before the invention of spaceflight). 

Either way, where is alternate Wernher? 

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On 29/05/2016 at 10:23 PM, something said:

Hugh what? Didn't know their ears were placed on the uniforms...

Well this is a story about the final front-ear after all...

Sometimes the old ones are just old.

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OK, I'm rather late to this discussion (just joined) but I've been around following this series since I found it ... Somewhere early into Duna: Ore Bust (not long before Eve: Order Zero started). Since then, the mission reports has been one of my favourite places with a number of engaging mission/stories that I love (This, Plan Kappa, The Saga of Emiko Station and Forgotten Space program being the ones I follow regularly). Edit: also add KRRAKC to that list.

I'd like to take this moment to thank you for this rollercoaster ride so far and wish you well for the rest. I would say that despite it's at times goofy presentation (no offense, that's part of what makes it so good) it really has me going at times, in fact around Here (start of chapter 4) I was quite tempted to join just so I could propose a plan of action. I'm not joking!

I could go on for ages here with all the things I enjoy, it's really a work you can sift through for depth and I really like that, quality and family friendly, a rare combination indeed. For that reason I keep an offline copy of the comic that I read regularly.

Before I go though, a slight nit-pick (no offense intended, just trying to help):

Back in Chapter 7, page 3 you showed a shot from Duna: Ore bust (Val tipping the upper stage) and described it as from the first chapter, I don't know about the original release or if it was changed retrospectively but I as I recall (and the Imgur album of the chapters backs this up) that incident happened in chapter 2. Conceded that they were there already and even Bill had a line in Chapter 1.

Also, are you sure D:oB started in 0.90? Of course you have a far better picture than any of us, it's just that I was confused by the presence of 1.0 hardware such as the heat shields and ISRU units.

Again, no intention to offend, just trying to reconcile some confusion I have

Thanks again for this work

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2 hours ago, AkuAerospace said:

Also, are you sure D:oB started in 0.90? Of course you have a far better picture than any of us, it's just that I was confused by the presence of 1.0 hardware such as the heat shields and ISRU units.

Duna, Ore Bust! started after 1.0.2 came out.  It had to be post-1.0, as you pointed out, because it featured the mining and refining tech.

Happy landings!

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Ok, not wanting to derail the thread but I just found this again (and I can post it now), perhaps it may come in useful.

Look who went for a ride with my program.
This image was taken on the 1/12/2015 AEDT (UCT+11) during one of my (Dozen) tourist missions, in fact it was dated about the time the original "floatplane" designs were being tested. This was before the universe hopping craze began with the Plan Kappa crossover I should mention so, I don't know.

Not sure if it could be used, I've just been wanting to post this since I took it.

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10 hours ago, AkuAerospace said:

I could go on for ages here with all the things I enjoy, it's really a work you can sift through for depth and I really like that, quality and family friendly, a rare combination indeed. For that reason I keep an offline copy of the comic that I read regularly.

Thanks Aku, that note made my day! I'm so glad you enjoy the comic and that you found some 'depth' in it, that means a lot to me :) Regarding the mistakes you noticed, no of course I don't mind, and when I have time I'll correct the ones that appear in the comics pages. Thanks again!

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Well, I've written about 10,000 words this week and made LOTS of pictures--all for my day job, which is why I haven't made an update. But you can have this teaser:


Nickname of this W-2 variant is the "Fat Kerb". Make of that what you will :) 

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