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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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On 12/28/2015 at 5:15 PM, Kuzzter said:

Nimzo (or any of my Kerbals) would look at that picture and ask "Who would ever need such an enormous cake knife?" But as a collegiate sabre fencer and fan of these guys, I approve :) 


I imagine Nimzo and other Kerslavics would have a need for such large cake knives.


EDIT: Apparently the RAPIER Jet/Rocket engine is named after a giant cakeknife.

Edited by GregroxMun
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New page:
Quadhammer is undocking

Sarge:  Undocking.... we're clear.
Kenlie:  Burning for munar intercept!  Wow, this ship is super bendy!
Bill:  Whoops!  Well, be syre to ramp your thrust, Kenlie.  No sudden Zs!  I'll put some more struts on the Mark 2.
Kenlie:  Roger that, Bill.  See you in a few weeks!
Lisa: A few weeks?  Where are we going, Minmus?
Nizmo:  But Kenlie just said we were burning for the Mun!
Gene: The six of you have something in common- none of you have been to both moons.  We're goinf to level you up before you leave for Jool!
Nizmo: ...yaaaaay.

New page:
Jeb and Dilsby are in orbit in Laythe X7

Jeb: Poor noobs!  They'll be alright, won't they Dilsby?
Dilsby: Lisa and Clauselle know what they're doing.  And there's extra shacks in the boat, so they won't starve...*
Dilsby: ...all in all, this has been a very successful docking test!
Jeb: Yup!  Now we just have to finish our sea-spaceplane test!
Dilsby: Right... assuming a 'landing can swim away from', any ideas for naming this boat? (Wait, what?  It's already called the Laythe X7! -MRS)
*Laythe X7 is approaching and landing in the ocean)
Jeb: Ohh!  Ohh!  I got it...
Jeb: ...the SKIMMEROO!


Still no idea what it's called.
Thanks to Kuzzter for the comics transcribed here.

And, should I stop transcriptions?

Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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44 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

(Wait, what?  It's already called the Laythe X7! -MRS)

That's the prototype name--the Tylo landers up until I changed concepts were all called 'Tylo X-whatever' as well, with the intent to choose a more descriptive name later. Quadhammer launched with the tag 'CRB 1' (crewed resource boat). 

As for the transcriptions, I think the main use was for readers in school who couldn't see images. This will become important again in the new year :) If I could figure a way to do alt text  on the images I might start doing them myself, it's a good idea and a lot of webcomic pros do exactly that.

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9 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

That's the prototype name--the Tylo landers up until I changed concepts were all called 'Tylo X-whatever' as well, with the intent to choose a more descriptive name later. Quadhammer launched with the tag 'CRB 1' (crewed resource boat). 

As for the transcriptions, I think the main use was for readers in school who couldn't see images. This will become important again in the new year :) If I could figure a way to do alt text  on the images I might start doing them myself, it's a good idea and a lot of webcomic pros do exactly that.

I see!  That makes sense.  And I'll wait until 2016 to resume transcriptions.


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You know that you can take the quadhammer to just past the edge of kerbin soi and then just after you pass the boundary burn a few dV towards kerbin to get back in Kerbin soi.  This will give another 6 xp and take your kerbals to level 3.

I used to send my noob kerbals on a trip just out of kerbin soi as it is a very quick way to get to level 2 (2 xp for kerbin orbit + 6 xp for leaving kerbin soi)

If you fly out of kerbin soi and plant flag on minmus it is enough with a mun flyby to get to level 3

Edited by Nefrums
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40 minutes ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

@Kuzzter, if you sti need to send probes and satellites, I've asked Sdj64 and it seems you can have those things at the Jool System before the mission, as long as they're not fuel pods :)

Roger that. Pretty sure that if I have room inside KSS [REDACTED] for the Quadhammer, Skimmeroo, other landers and the Longboat, I can fit a few tons' worth of scansats as well :) 

In any case, I'm not going to be bound by any of the various formal rulesets for the Jool-5 challenge (though my intent is to go in a single mission with a ship assembled in LKO, perform ISRU, and have different crew visit each moon)  

If I do end up qualifying for a badge, fantastic! Just so long as @sdj64 accepts comics pages (showing the occasional resource window) as a valid entry :) 

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And just to close out the chapter, and update Bill's Big Board:


So you'll note a couple of changes besides the Quadhammer and Skimmeroo updates. 

--new plan is for Quadhammer to do Tylo AND Vall

--"classic" lander for the small moons, built under a Mk1-2 capsule. 

--Longboat is getting smaller. If I can get a good power solution I will just put drills on it to ferry ore to [REDACTED], no ISRU. Power solution could be a lot of RTGs, or else carry enough extra LFO to run fuel cells and still get back to orbit.

--Probes: I will probably carry a handful of scansats, not necessarily six (one for each body) if I can have one or two with enough dV to jump around and complete surveys of multiple bodies

--Jooldipper: Just starting to think about using something to get low-altitude data. It WILL be uncrewed, and yeah I'll carry at least one spare :) I suppose I could make an expendable probe and carry enough battery to transmit all the data out before it dies--but I REALLY want to get the full materials bay/goo points so I will attempt to eject from low atmosphere for pickup.

I've played ahead quite a bit so we'll launch right into Chapter 3 with the Mun & Minmus shakedown/training cruise. (no interlude... YET!) Enough goofy stuff happened to the Quadhammer and its crew that I think I can keep you entertained despite the somewhat routine destinations :) 

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23 minutes ago, Danielskywalker said:

Weltraumfahrzeugträger? Never heard something like this. We would probably call something like that a Raumschiffträger or simply Mutterschiff, but well...

Great Chapter as always!


Weisst du Wernher ist ein ziemlich altmodischer Typ...
(You know, Wernher is quite a oldschool guy...) 

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12 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

I've played ahead quite a bit so we'll launch right into Chapter 3 with the Mun & Minmus shakedown/training cruise. (no interlude... YET!) Enough goofy stuff happened to the Quadhammer and its crew that I think I can keep you entertained despite the somewhat routine destinations :) 

Can you show us the goofy stuff? lol

Also, you could send some probes using NERVA engines (plenty of deltaV) a year ahead or something to scan the moons and Jool. Unless you're intending to re-use and/or refuel the probes.

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8 hours ago, smjjames said:

Can you show us the goofy stuff? lol





And @RandomRyan, of course Google Translate is exactly where I got that word, good to know it works in reverse too :) I'm going to trust the actual German speakers here when they tell me that such a word is silly and stupid and no one today would ever use it. Just what I wanted! :D 

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9 hours ago, smjjames said:

Can you show us the goofy stuff?

Yes.  Yes he can.  That's what the Kerbfleet comics are made from, after all.  I expect that Kuzzter will post a new panel or two as soon as he has them ready.

Happy Concerned landings!

Ninja'd by Kuzzter!

Edited by Starhawk
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39 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

That retrograde hold can sure lull you into a false sense of security. :)

"Only the awesome ones!"  - love that line.

Now, what has Nimzo been reading?

Happy Concerned landings!

Only for the first couple of crashes - after that, it is to be avoided like plague :P

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6 minutes ago, Scotius said:

Only for the first couple of crashes - after that, it is to be avoided like plague :P

Generally I would avoid it--if i didn't have to grab cinematic screenshots from different angles with and without HUD right at the most dramatic moments. #thethingsIdoforyou

And please don't suggest I let Mechjeb handle the landing. I don't won't use Mechjeb. I consider this a piloting game, and I like to pilot--even if it means crashing sometimes while I take pictures. Youcanuseitifyouwanttoitsnotcheatingbutitisbutlet'snotdiscussthatonthisthreadOK? :) 

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Any landing you can roll upwards from is perfect!

A small note: in Russian the small m looks like this: м
the way you used it it's actually t (when printed it's usually т, however handwritten it looks like m). Yeah, it only makes sense given that capital Т when handwritten has three legs, most likely to avoid confusion with Г (wihich is G).

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