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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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12 minutes ago, something said:

Well, there are references to quite an amount of SciFi series/films beyond Star Trek. Most famously 2001 A Space Odyssey and Close Encounters with the Third Kind and just recently Battleship Yamato has been mentioned... (I am still wondering whether the reference to the uninhabited surface of Kerbin was intentional or not)

I'm not suggesting Kerbfleet is simply a Starfleet/Star Trek clone.  I do recall Kuzzter specifically mentioning the Kerbulans rank structure following the Romulan rank structure, which in turn came from the Romans (what have Romans ever given us?!).  I tried to read Kuzzter's own replies in this thread, and must have missed the clarification of "Legate" coming from the Cardassian Union.  I also missed the clarification on "Flight Controller" = Conn.  

As to Close Encounters, I actually got that with the musical notes thanks to almost 3 weeks of piano lessons as a kid and happening to know that specific melody on the keyboard (one of 3 I know).  Though, with a lot of the musical interludes, I wasn't able to place the tune.  I got Ode to Joy and Eye of the Tiger at least.

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4 hours ago, something said:

Battleship Yamato has been mentioned

You mean the one that got sunk near Okinawa?

4 hours ago, Soda Popinski said:

(what have Romans ever given us?!)

Kerbulanes Eunt Domus! 


Anyway, Soda Popinski, since you're all caught up you're reduced to speculating like the rest of us. Since you've read the old parts more recently, did you see anything that could be foreshadowing?



Edited by Dman979
Doh. Survived Philipines, sunk in Ten-Go.
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Yeah dman, I was totally referring to a shipwreck on the bottom of the Pacific. I mean this is a forum about Space and stuff like that but I just love to go off topic. Did you know, by the way, there is a Klingon shipwreck on the bottom of the San Francisco bay? It's close to the Golden Gate Bridge and has been there since the late 1960s...

Yeah dman, I was totally referring to a shipwreck on the bottom of the Pacific. I mean this is a forum about Space and stuff like that but I just love to go off topic. Did you know, by the way, there is a Klingon shipwreck on the bottom of the San Francisco bay? It's close to the Golden Gate Bridge and has been there since the late 1960s...

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Just now, something said:

Yeah dman, I was totally referring to a shipwreck on the bottom of the Pacific. I mean this is a forum about Space and stuff like that but I just love to go off topic. Did you know, by the way, there is a Klingon shipwreck on the bottom of the San Francisco bay? It's close to the Golden Gate Bridge and has been there since the late 1960s...

Yeah dman, I was totally referring to a shipwreck on the bottom of the Pacific. I mean this is a forum about Space and stuff like that but I just love to go off topic. Did you know, by the way, there is a Klingon shipwreck on the bottom of the San Francisco bay? It's close to the Golden Gate Bridge and has been there since the late 1960s...

It's the only one I know of.

It's the only one I know of.


BTW, either I'm drinking too much hydrazine or something strange is going on with your posts.

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There's a film called 'Space Battleship Yamato' which in turn is an adaption of the Anime series of the same name. It is also known by the name Uchu Senkan Yamato. Never saw the Anime but the film featured a ship, embarking into space. According to Wikipedia it is the battleship Yamato which is currently situated at the bottom of the Pacific, but that was never really established in the film iirc. So you were not that far off by referring to /the/ Yamato.

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3 hours ago, something said:

Well, there are references to quite an amount of SciFi series/films beyond Star Trek. Most famously 2001 A Space Odyssey and Close Encounters with the Third Kind and just recently Battleship Yamato has been mentioned... (I am still wondering whether the reference to the uninhabited surface of Kerbin was intentional or not)

Apologies to the Anime purists, but it's still The Argo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItKC89IVEJc) to me.  Ah, back when theme songs told you the plot.


Edited by Soda Popinski
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On 2017-01-10 at 4:03 PM, Kuzzter said:

Well, at the risk of going off-topic, (wait, is it legally possible for me to go off-topic on this thread? Let's not find out!) the Google translate result for "enterprise" is given as, 




Actually, this is how it said on my computer (I'm using the Chinese):


If you are using Traditional Chinese, it's correct. In Japanese, I don't think that the word is right, even though that is what is said in google translate. It says the same thing for Traditional Chinese. I am using Simplified.


Edited by Wildcat111
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Hey @Kuzzter, Kerbfeleet is leaking into the mods section of the game. I downloaded a mod today for aircraft carriers and Wild Blue's pathfinder... I got a TV which references the Intrepid in the part description and a K-pad air somehow in there, with references to "editing the persistence" in the part desc, and the blatant Kuzzter space industries tag also in the part desc. I guess the tl;dr is you're famous outside of mission reports? Sorry for 1:30 am me who feels this is necessary to point out.

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8 hours ago, hidude398 said:

Hey @Kuzzter, Kerbfeleet is leaking into the mods section of the game. I downloaded a mod today for aircraft carriers and Wild Blue's pathfinder... I got a TV which references the Intrepid in the part description and a K-pad air somehow in there, with references to "editing the persistence" in the part desc, and the blatant Kuzzter space industries tag also in the part desc. I guess the tl;dr is you're famous outside of mission reports? Sorry for 1:30 am me who feels this is necessary to point out.

I know @Angel-125 has thrown in a few references in Pathfinder and such.

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6 hours ago, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

I second the motion.

I third it.


Edited by GDJ
Moderator snipped the GIF and the post made no sense. I shortened it for clarity.
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On 1/12/2017 at 7:22 PM, Soda Popinski said:

The Conn station is Flight Controller in TNG and later Star Trek.  This is the combined position of Navigator and Helm (in Original series - Chekov and Sulu, respectively).  In Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG), those two positions forward of the Captain are Conn (Geordi early on and Wesley), and Operations (Data).  Yes, Captain Picard had the ship driven by a blind guy and a teenager.

Very glad you enjoyed it Soda! Well, in Kerbfleet (and as i understand it in the USN), "Conn" is whoever is giving the orders for the ship. "Helm" is the kerb who's inputting the commands to the controls, as ordered by Conn. Both stations need to be unambiguously kerbed (e.g. "You have the conn"... "I have the conn") I did start out doing it per Starfleet protocol, but was talked into doing it this way by @Geschosskopf who actually has some practical experience in the matter.

Oh, and at this point, not that anyone would do so, but what I call "conn" and what I call "helm" is not really a matter I care to debate :) 

On 1/13/2017 at 5:56 AM, Deddly said:

The short version is: Although these stories are clearly referencing Star Trek and parodying it to a certain extent, Kerbfleet isn't intended to be a copy of it. The Kerbulans are not Romulans, but they are a mix of them and many other badies in the trek universe, as well as new material invented by Kuzzter.

Correct. They're the mirror universe, Klingons, Romulans and maybe even the Gamilans... but really, whatever their source(s), by now I think they're better defined by what's happened in the comic than where I got the inspiration.

On 1/13/2017 at 0:54 PM, Dman979 said:

People the Kerbulans go house? **BZZZZTTT!!!**

On 1/14/2017 at 1:38 AM, hidude398 said:

Hey @Kuzzter, Kerbfeleet is leaking into the mods section of the game. I downloaded a mod today for aircraft carriers and Wild Blue's pathfinder... I got a TV which references the Intrepid in the part description and a K-pad air somehow in there, with references to "editing the persistence" in the part desc, and the blatant Kuzzter space industries tag also in the part desc. I guess the tl;dr is you're famous outside of mission reports? Sorry for 1:30 am me who feels this is necessary to point out.


On 1/14/2017 at 1:15 PM, Angel-125 said:

Yup, I'm a Kerbfleet fan. :)

:D For which I am VERY grateful. Can't say enough how much I appreciate those little homages--and of course @Angel-125's plasma screens without which Intrepid wouldn't have a proper command bridge! Also not a lot of people know this, but he also gave me a mod that really helps with the space doors. So, I guess I'm a Wild Blue fan, too!

Appreciate all the kind words folks. Been really busy in that thing called Real Life, but End of Chapter 17 is coming later tonight! :) 

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4 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Later tonight--is now.

The future is upon us.

4 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

~much awesome snipped!~


So, we learned a lot here. Space madness is curable. Minor characters do get brought back. Some guy did sneak into a Glido. And windows on the Enterprise's bridge are there even though we can't see them.

30 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Oh, and at this point, not that anyone would do so, but what I call "conn" and what I call "helm" is not really a matter I care to debate :) 

You underestimate some of the readers here. After all, some weirdo went and checked through every panel looking for rank insignia just to prove a small point.

Edited by Dman979
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Um... I don't mean to put a damper on the hype... but @Kuzzter, until the Enterprise took off, everything done in Kerbfleet has been physically plausible. Although you make concessions for narrative concerns, game limitations have always been an integral part of the comics, from the science farming at the beginning of Duna: Ore Bust to the emergency landing in Eve: Order Zero to the "plot moving at the speed of ship" a few chapters back. There's a stable physics framework beneath all the story, and that's the KSP rules.

But you openly admitted to using physics cheats on Enterprise... basically jumped the Tsiolkovsky shark in order to get a cool reference and a few cool scenes. To explain this in-universe would be assuming technology far beyond anything Kerbfleet is known to have. I mean, literally infinite fuel! How does the story continue once that bit of sufficiently advanced technology is out there? What do the characters say about engine science suddenly leaping a century into the future?

Some discussion might follow.

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24 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

Um... I don't mean to put a damper on the hype...

Oddly enough, what I noticed was that the Fleet pilots were speaking in Air Service yellow.

I don't mean that to come across as making light of the point, @greenTurtle1134, but rather I am much more curious to know why you focus on that instead of, for example, bloaking devices, Kraken attacks, mysterious persistence transmissions from Vallhenge, and the fact that Bill Kerman is capable of editing the universe.

To clarify further, I understood the story as beginning as hard science fiction (as seen in Duna, Ore Bust!, less the hijinks with Hummlebee's wing) but it pretty solidly broke away from that as soon as Kerbulus was introduced.  If anything, infinite fuel is necessary just to keep Kerbin and Kerbulus from colliding (their orbits are not stable).

Edited by Zhetaan
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31 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

Um... I don't mean to put a damper on the hype... but @Kuzzter, until the Enterprise took off, everything done in Kerbfleet has been physically plausible. Although you make concessions for narrative concerns, game limitations have always been an integral part of the comics, from the science farming at the beginning of Duna: Ore Bust to the emergency landing in Eve: Order Zero to the "plot moving at the speed of ship" a few chapters back. There's a stable physics framework beneath all the story, and that's the KSP rules.

But you openly admitted to using physics cheats on Enterprise... basically jumped the Tsiolkovsky shark in order to get a cool reference and a few cool scenes. To explain this in-universe would be assuming technology far beyond anything Kerbfleet is known to have. I mean, literally infinite fuel! How does the story continue once that bit of sufficiently advanced technology is out there? What do the characters say about engine science suddenly leaping a century into the future?

Some discussion might follow.

Rule of Cool, Gunship Rescue, and possibly weaponized fusion reactors from DSEV... :wink:

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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

And windows on the Enterprise's bridge are there even though we can't see them.

I was wondering when someone would comment on that. I knew it would be you. And I think you know exactly what Jimmy made those windows out of, and how useful such a material would be if Kerbfleet ever wanted to make a space aquarium.

47 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

But you openly admitted to using physics cheats on Enterprise... basically jumped the Tsiolkovsky shark in order to get a cool reference and a few cool scenes. To explain this in-universe would be assuming technology far beyond anything Kerbfleet is known to have. I mean, literally infinite fuel! How does the story continue once that bit of sufficiently advanced technology is out there? What do the characters say about engine science suddenly leaping a century into the future?

I have considered all that...it's a fair point, and for me it was a tough decision. I do have an in-universe explanation, but yeah I admit that in this particular case it all really comes down to--

12 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

--that is, until we get to the appropriate point to demonstrate that  Status Quo is God. Until then, trust Kuzzter!

...wait, what do you mean that isn't a real link?

32 minutes ago, Zhetaan said:

Oddly enough, what I noticed was that the Fleet pilots were speaking in Air Service yellow.

Air Service pilots (like Jeb) and Fleet pilots (like Kenlie) have always used the same yellow speech balloon.

32 minutes ago, Zhetaan said:

t pretty solidly broke away from that as soon as Kerbulus was introduced.  If anything, infinite fuel is necessary just to keep Kerbin and Kerbulus from colliding (their orbits are not stable).

I don't want to go there again, but it has long been established that Kerbfleet comics follow in-game physics and not those of our universe--thus, such orbits are stable, as are those of the Joolian moons. :) 

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30 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Air Service pilots (like Jeb) and Fleet pilots (like Kenlie) have always used the same yellow speech balloon.


Yes, but this is the first time I've noticed it.  I may have had too much cheese.

And I certainly did not intend to go there again--I was more pointing out that the KSP rules are still Science-Fiction rules, which is to say, emphasis in fiction.

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