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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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Thanks @Angelo Kerman, I did find the kerbal maker in the cheat menu, right after I did it by hand. That will get the rest of the crew into the file, and the Kerbulans as well of course. As far as the helmets go--cool! Curious what solution you came up with, but I think that what I did last time was just had a different save file for "Minmus green screen" work, with a ship filled with stunt doubles for all the Kerbals and Kerbulans orbiting Minmus. I think I was using the old planetary designer mod, and I just changed the parameters to give Minmus a 100km high Kerbin-like atmosphere.

So now that I've explained how I'm going to tell the story, next panels will start the reacp. I'll have to spend some time reading through the back issues myself, to see where all the ships are and who's in them and what some of the key characters were doing last. Should be a fun trip down memory lane! 

Edited by Mister Dilsby
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1 hour ago, Mister Dilsby said:

Thanks @Angelo Kerman, I did find the kerbal maker in the cheat menu, right after I did it by hand. That will get the rest of the crew into the file, and the Kerbulans as well of course. As far as the helmets go--cool! Curious what solution you came up with, but I think that what I did last time was just had a different save file for "Minmus green screen" work, with a ship filled with stunt doubles for all the Kerbals and Kerbulans orbiting Minmus. I think I was using the old planetary designer mod, and I just changed the parameters to give Minmus a 100km high Kerbin-like atmosphere.

So now that I've explained how I'm going to tell the story, next panels will start the reacp. I'll have to spend some time reading through the back issues myself, to see where all the ships are and who's in them and what some of the key characters were doing last. Should be a fun trip down memory lane! 

For the "Acting! Toggle Helmet" button that you'll find when you right-click the kerbal, I bypass the check for atmosphere and just let the kerbal remove his/her helmet. Your stunt-doubles will just have to hold their breaths. :)

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Well that’s simple enough— I saw the “bypass check” button in the hyperedit menu and assumed that if it was toggled, it would just check whether there was atmosphere or not and prevent me from hyperediting a kerbal to their death. Onward then!

Edited by Mister Dilsby
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The pages have returned!!!

Have no qualms about remaining in the mission reports section - Voyage wasn't even trying to be a mission report for the second half and nobody has seemed to notice yet!

I'm curious to know how the Maru set and the Humblebee escaped the hard drive before its untimely destruction!

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19 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

I'm curious to know how the Maru set and the Humblebee escaped the hard drive before its untimely destruction!

Well, I really wish it were because THIS was true:



...but it's not. Turns out I had posted them both to KerbalX some time ago, and I found the link while searching the Forum for a visual reference to try and re-create the K. Maru set! Note that the KerbalX available files also include a few early Kerbulan craft from Wernher's Zweischenspiel, and some other pre-Kerbfleet randomness. 

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2 minutes ago, Mister Dilsby said:


...but it's not. Turns out I had posted them both to KerbalX some time ago, and I found the link while searching the Forum for a visual reference to try and re-create the K. Maru set! Note that the KerbalX available files also include a few early Kerbulan craft from Wernher's Zweischenspiel, and some other pre-Kerbfleet randomness. 

That makes sense!

One thing in case you haven't thought of it already. This is a bit of a long shot. Did you happen to send Parkaboy the save file for the Plan Kappa crosover? By the looks of it probably not as by skimming it, it looks like not much was transferred, so it was probably done just by recreating situations. On the off chance that it was a full save file transfer, and you still have access to the DMs, maybe an early version of the save file still exists on whatever hosting site was used to share it?

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40 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

One thing in case you haven't thought of it already. This is a bit of a long shot. Did you happen to send Parkaboy the save file for the Plan Kappa crosover? By the looks of it probably not as by skimming it, it looks like not much was transferred, so it was probably done just by recreating situations. On the off chance that it was a full save file transfer, and you still have access to the DMs, maybe an early version of the save file still exists on whatever hosting site was used to share it?

Wow. All I can say is that you must be a Next Generation fan, because that is a Geordi-level idea. Unfortunately, no, we never traded .sfs files.  I just reviewed my 8 year old (!) chat with Parkaboy. Characters crossed over to each others' universes, and we gave each other advice on which fonts and colors to use to make the "visiting" characters look and sound right. Of course we discussed dialogue and plot a lot, and sometimes we even shared partial panels to each other for reference--here's an interesting historical artifact from that thread:



But no, no .sfs. I would never have done that--I had a policy of guarding my secrets closely. 

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6 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

The pages have returned!!!

Have no qualms about remaining in the mission reports section - Voyage wasn't even trying to be a mission report for the second half and nobody has seemed to notice yet!

I'm curious to know how the Maru set and the Humblebee escaped the hard drive before its untimely destruction!

Hey, wait a minute, that Voyage thread isn't a mission rep- oh, a mission patch! :)

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Meanwhile here's the chart of all the characters and craft I'm going to go back and confirm status of for the big continuity check prior to next pages. This is from memory so it's not necessarily accurate or comprehensive. Took me three tries to remember how to spell "Gliido"... please DO NOT worry (or post) about where everything is or what it's doing or whether or not I've got the ranks right--I've got this :)


Status of Forces:

  • KERBIN and system
    • Kerbin Space Center
    • Micarooni Station
    • Micarooni Craft
  • KSS ENTERPRISE and battle group
    • Admiral Shirley and TOS crew
    • Gliido 1/ Maj Gene
    • Gliido 2/ ?
    • Gliido 3/ ? Samantha
    • Gliido 4/ ? madness guy
    • Gliido 5/ Gregmore
  • Ghost’s bloaked orbital bombardment ship
    • Captin Valentina
    • Comder Dilsby
    • Lt. Comder Bob
    • Looty Melbe
    • Looty Jr. Lisa
    • Lt. Comder Bill
    • Sous-Leuti Clauselle
    • Enzin Nimzo
    • Lt. Kernel Jeb
    • Kaptin Tedus
    • Enzin Kenlie
    • Sarjint Sarge
  • INTREPID Craft
    • Skimeroo
    • Qwammer
    • Gumdrop 1
    • Gumdrop 2
    • Tugbot
    • Jooldivers
    • Scansats
    • Rover
    • Commander Valentina
    • Sub-Commander Dilsby
    • Centurion Bob
    • Centurion Bill
  • DESPAIR Craft
    • Fighter 1/ Jeb
    • Fighter 2/ Legate Newdun
    • Fighter 3/ Sub-Legate Wehrford
    • Fighter 4/ Sub-Legate Kenlie
  • Other Craft in Jool System
    • Comm sat Wernher sent
    • Random capsules and expended missiles
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In recreating the ships and re-reading the mission report, I wondered how the I-beam torpedoes could work. Then stumbled upon something that the Kerbulans should not be made aware of, courtesy of @JadeOfMaar's reference...



Those I-beam torpedoes? Yeah, they can work too. Man, so excited to see more Kerbfleet, heh! :)

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Crowning moments of awesome, indeed.

I loved the running gag about Gregmore's invisibility.  And the Ghost as Gregmore's counterpart Kerbulan is absolutely brilliant!

Gregmore being remembered by everyone is perfect.

You mentioned in a previous post about the readers of the series being thoughtful.  I have to tell you that without a truly thoughtful writer we wouldn't have anything to be thoughtful about.  Your thinking about the story as much as you have is what makes Kerbfleet so magical to me.  Reading the panels above brought back that warm, wonderful Kerbfleet feeling that I so grew to love.

Thank you a thousand times for bringing the story back to life!

Happy Ecstatic landings!

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@Mister Dilsby, if I can, I'd like to make a contribution to this comic and its revival. I'm not sure if this will be needed or not, but I've made as close of a remake as I could of the Gliido SSTO.


This took me the better part of my afternoon, but I got it done. Disclaimer: I never managed to get it into orbit, but I've never flown many SSTOs before, and I think that one or two of the mods I have alter some of the characteristics of the parts. But I think that it should work on a save without those mods. If the mods aren't the problem, I'll be happy to tweak the spaceplane.





For an SSTO of its size, it's surprisingly maneuverable, and the TWR off of the runway is amazing. I hope that this vessel can have some role in the upcoming chapters! :)

KerbalX link: KerbalX - Gliido Mk7P

Also, I found the Kerbfleet flag buried deep in the thread. It's here if you need it:


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12 hours ago, TwoCalories said:

@Mister Dilsby, if I can, I'd like to make a contribution to this comic and its revival. I'm not sure if this will be needed or not, but I've made as close of a remake as I could of the Gliido SSTO.

Well done! I think I'm covered on ships for now... and please, (everyone), I appreciate the re-creates but I'm starting to get concerned that a lot of images of reader-made craft and reader-run flights are going to clog the thread, or at least cause confusion of whether it's a story update or not. I'll get some actual Kerbfleet content up here as quick as I can. 

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Hey Dills, I'm absolutely over the Mün that you have revived Kerbfleet and are going to tell us the rest of the story. I'm so happy, in fact, that I am re-reading the whole thing from the beginning. 

Oh, you don't mind if I call you "Dills" do you? ;) 



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35 minutes ago, Deddly said:

In fact, that I am re-reading the whole thing from the beginning. 

I'm doing the same thing... lol.

I really hope this helps to inspire some new writers. It's what inspired me, and, well, look what happened. I can't write fan-fiction anymore (requirements of the job) but I would love to read some new KSP 1&2 stories.  :vallove: :heart_eyes: 

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1 hour ago, Deddly said:

Oh, you don't mind if I call you "Dills" do you? ;) 

Just remember, I am NOT a pickle, and I control a bit more than snacks distribution in this story! And while I truly appreciate everyone who is doing a re-read, the re-cap continues!




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