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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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2 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

...the Tugbot will be connected orthogonally to the probe, meaning that even when I "control from here" on the probe's port, bad thrust angles may give me rotations I don't want as I make translational maneuvers. Plus, the probes have to be rotationally oriented a certain way or the L and R-pod ramp doors won't close properly...

Good thing you like to make it easy on poor Dilsby.

His wrist had better be supple indeed!

Happy Concerned landings!

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43 minutes ago, ZentroCatson said:

I like the Intrepid, but it looks slightly… derby (darn, autocorrect!) derby (again!) derby (shee-oot!) derpy (finally!). Altough, most of our KSP vehicles look derpy, including my own!

In certain, less civilized venues, those would be considered 'fightin' words'.  :)

Happy landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

Hopefully it won't be confusing in context,


It's true, with 12 kerbals on board, it can get confusing (except for sarge)
Maybe you could add this image to the canon page and write everyones name above their heads or something like that. Or even add an expanation for the different rank insignia, but that would be a lot of work again.

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1 minute ago, Chemp said:

It's true, with 12 kerbals on board, it can get confusing (except for sarge)
Maybe you could add this image to the canon page and write everyones name above their heads or something like that. Or even add an expanation for the different rank insignia, but that would be a lot of work again.

Not a bad idea to put something like a formal Kerbfleet portrait on everyone's entry in the Canon page, or something like that--but if you have to refer to another page, or look at a chart to tell who's who, then I haven't done my job as an artist and writer :) The test is, can you tell who's who in every panel just by looking at it? I don't expect you to tell Lisa from Melbe on sight (the only difference is a single different-color rank pip) so that's why Val calls her by name in the first panel. Same with Nimzo and Bill, though the differences in their uniforms are much greater. So I make sure Nimzo's labeled in the next panel. Yeah, that whole thing with no one seeing Kerbulus for two weeks was a really good calibration for what readers notice and what they don't. :) 

Next time I have a chance I'll at least put a uniform reference in the canon thread, that'll be fun.

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2 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

but if you have to refer to another page, or look at a chart to tell who's who, then I haven't done my job as an artist and writer :)

That is also true, you've done a great job so far to help even casual readers. Anyway, I suppose that later in the story they won't be all together in the same craft very often.

4 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Yeah, that whole thing with no one seeing Kerbulus for two weeks was a really good calibration for what readers notice and what they don't. :)


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8 minutes ago, Cydonian Monk said:

Does he have a very supple wrist?

Kuzzter wrote that the suppleness of his wrist could come into play. 


It's all up to the Tugbot, and Mister Dilsby's supple wrist!


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Ever since I was an enzin,
I docked the dull grey ball
From senior ports to junior,
I must have docked them all
But I ain't seen nothing like him in any command seat hall
That deaf, dumb and blind kerb--sure docks a mean navball

He sits like a statue, he don't spam W-A-S-D
Feeling out the maglock, always docks it clean
Burns by intuition, the dee-vee counter falls
That deaf, dumb and blind kerb--sure docks a mean navball

He's a docking wizard,I love to watch him twist
A docking wizard's got such a supple wrist!

How do you think he does it? I don't know!
What makes him go *CLICK*?

He ain't got no alignment, no Mechjeb whistles and bells.
No indicator flashing, he docks by sense of smell
Always gets 'acquire', never seen him fall
That deaf, dumb and blind kerb--sure docks a mean navball

I thought I was the port alignment whiz
But I just handed my docking crown to him!

Even in a spinning spacecraft
He can dock, no RCS
His captin intercepts it, and he just does the rest
He's got crazy strafing fingers, 
Never seen him fall

That deaf, dumb and blind kerb--sure docks a mean navball


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36 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

That is brilliant!

What? Never heard of the Kerbal rock band "The Whom?"
Y'know, Rodger Daltry-Kerman, Pete Townshend-Kerman, John Entwistle-Kerman, and Keith Mun-Kerman?

Very famous in their day. ;)

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1 hour ago, Torgo said:

Kuzzter wrote that the suppleness of his wrist could come into play. 


My sarcastic question lost its tone when tranalated into print. Y'know, "does a bear visit a porta-a-john in the woods?"

At least we know there's some mirror smashing coming up. (Or perhaps we should hope not?)

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Oh, it's not as though I haven't docked before... hundreds of times... simultaneous multiport... completely on visual because I pressed F2 for clearer screenshots... the trouble is that the Tugbot will be connected orthogonally to the probe, meaning that even when I "control from here" on the probe's port, bad thrust angles may give me rotations I don't want as I make translational maneuvers. Plus, the probes have to be rotationally oriented a certain way or the L and R-pod ramp doors won't close properly--so an alignment indicator might not help much in any case. In other words, it's a completely different kind of docking altogether (and you can just say it out loud, folks--no need to fill up the thread :) )

Ooh, but there may be an easier way--you know what they say, if you don't have enough control authority to dock Mohammed with the mountain, dock the mountain with Mohammed...next update, insh'Allah. :) 

If the tug has enough reaction wheel power to overcome the torque from offset RCS, you are golden. If not, you can still do it, it just takes a lot of switching on and off the RCS system... and patience. Actually, I would argue patience is the most necessary thing when docking. Also, sorry if I sound a bit condescending at times! As someone that regularly docks the engines, individually, to his motherships, I tend to misjudge how easy or difficult a given docking is... I go for less than 0.1º offsets in my dockings, with off-center RCS tugs (my Klaw Pods) doing the hauling, which is something downright impossible to do in 100% stock (no angle offset indicator!). This is why I think you shouldn't have any troubles... These are three Drive Pods I'm tugging in this pic, to place them around the middle of one of my ring stations to prepare it for a big transfer.


1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

Ever since I was an enzin,


That deaf, dumb and blind kerb--sure docks a mean navball

That was awesome!


Rune. May you have a steady hand, and low induced torque.

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Ever since I was an enzin...

So far, I've been content to enjoy your series from the sidelines, and not clutter contribute to your comments threads...  but this goes too far-- Outstanding!

And, since I'm here...  thanks much for this and the other series-- they've been great reads, and I look forward to more Kerbfleet.

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On 2/22/2016 at 2:58 PM, Rune said:

These are three Drive Pods I'm tugging in this pic, to place them around the middle of one of my ring stations to prepare it for a big transfer.

Quite impressive, like the Drive Pods very much. How will i do with a similar concept? Welll....

On 2/22/2016 at 4:30 PM, boccelounge said:

So far, I've been content to enjoy your series from the sidelines, and not clutter contribute to your comments threads...  but this goes too far-

Thank you! Very glad for the clutter contributions comments all around, hope to hear from you again.

On 2/23/2016 at 10:17 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Well said.  Sadly, not really amenable to the concertina....

True. You might get blisters on your fingers just trying. And awayyy we go...







So...yeah, like Dilsby says, I'm sure I could dock the scansats eventually, most likely by controlling Intrepid herself from the docking port and flying her into the probe. I tried that for about an hour last night (that was of course my reference of "bringing the mountain to Mohammed") but no dice, and if I did that for all six probes (four scansats and two 'jooldivers' you'd be waiting a LONG time for comics. So I made the command decision to swallow my pride, give up and launch new probes.

Next up, we'll see if 2nd Looty Samantha can land that Derpstar, "good" or otherwise. And Tedus apologizes for stealing @Starhawk's tagline there, it seemed to fit :) 

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27 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

True. You might get blisters on your fingers just trying. And awayyy we go...

Well, that episode was pretty Helter Skelter, what with a half-dozen probes and an SSTO abaonded to fate.  So I'm going to try "Pinball Wizard" on my concertina in  tribute :D


So...yeah, like Dilsby says, I'm sure I could dock the scansats eventually, most likely by controlling Intrepid herself from the docking port and flying her into the probe. I tried that for about an hour last night (that was of course my reference of "bringing the mountain to Mohammed")

After my recent misadventures docking huge, uncooperative things, I feel your pain,  Even with  multiple Space-Y oversized RCS thrusters.


Next up, we'll see if 2nd Looty Samantha can land that Derpstar, "good" or otherwise. And Tedus apologizes for stealing @Starhawk's tagline there, it seemed to fit :) 

Tedus is the fulcrum Archimedes could have set his world-moving lever on.  Novbody in all the KSP multiverse, not even Jeb in his various versions, has more cool points than Tedus :)

Edited by Geschosskopf
typos and more typos
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You have to feel for Samantha.

Kerbfleet's training program can seem a little... harsh.  And then I think of the S.P.Q.K.

I always love to see 'happy landings'.  I always thought it was the Air Service's version of "Have a Good Flight", or "Good Luck".  :)

Good try with the docking, but it looks like you'd need a much shorter tug to fit in sideways.

Thanks Kuzzter!

Happy Concerned landings!


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Ooooh - lyrics! Can I play too? :) Will delete em if they don't fit the thread.

To the tune of 'Rock the Night' by Europe...



I've gone to Duna,

I've gone to Mün,

And that’s all the reason I need,

To fly again so soon.


Love the thunder,

Love that engine glow,

I’m just a Kerbfleet kerbonaut,

From my head down to my toes.


Now I’m back in orbit,

Ain’t running out of thrills,

Flying through the darkness,

And I know what I want!

Know what I want… Whoa oh ho...


I want to dock now, dock tonight!

Through the space doors, hang a right,

Dock now, dock tonight!

Whoa oh, whoa oh, yea.


Dock now, dock tonight!

Yes Comder, that’s your right.

Dock now, dock tonight!

Whoa oh, whoa oh, oh oh, oh oh,


But I know my limits,

Know what it takes,

When I just don’t have the ball,

I just pull the brake.


This time it wasn’t easy,

This time it was tough,

But just have one thing clear,

I still can't get enough.


You know it ain't easy,

But don’t blame Comder Bill

Could happen to anyone,

Even knowing what he knows. Bonk!

Knowing what he knows.Thunk!

Dangit! Whoa. Wooaahh no.


Not gonna dock now, dock tonight.

Docking port aint set up right,

To dock now, dock tonight.

Oh no. Oh no.


Not gonna dock now, dock tonight.

Docking port aint set up right,

To dock now, dock tonight.

No ohhhh, no ohhhh.



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