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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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I'm back and all caught up on the stuff I missed.

That landing of the Intrepid on Pol was awe inspiring.

I can tell how much fun you're having flying in and out of the docking bay.  Every time I see it, I can't help but think "Yarely done!"

I sense a malign presence on an incoming trajectory, however.

Happy Concerned landings!

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And I'm back! Great trip, and we returned home to find the wires back up and comms re-established. With multiple boats tied onto the car for the journey, we realized that we were driving our very own 'intrepid' weltraumfahrzeugträger! The big 14' canoe was our Qwammer, and the kids' kayaks our Gumdrops. If we'd had a sailboat it would have been Skimmeroo. I wasn't hauling anything on the trailer hitch, but it was nice to know there was a Tugbot available if we needed it. 

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Glad you had a great trip!

Love the bit about the canoe being the Qwammer and the kayaks the Gumdrops. :D

The Shakeskerb references were very fun.  Jeb definitely has a thespian streak.  Not surprising considering how much he likes to show off.  Remember his flagpole performance?

I'm afraid I can't think of any good Shakeskerb references to close with atm.

Happy Concerned landings!

eta: Ninja'd by the author about the flagpole.  :)

Edited by Starhawk
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2 hours ago, RocketSquid said:

How much lag do you get when flying the Intrepid?

It's significant, but not nearly as bad as it was before the U5 upgrade; 2-3 seconds of real time per second of game time. I often go to 2x physics warp to compensate :) Hopefully things will get a bit better as I continue to shed probes.

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Nice to see this back up and progressing again, it's been a while (for the likes of me who checks every day at least).

Also, I think we really cemented a lot of depth in the character of Jebediah, both a maniac pilot but also a cultured, poetic type. Come to think of it, this trait goes all the way back to Duna: Ore Bust with his canyon night flight, poetically singing as he went. I know this was established before but with this scene, it finally sank in and now, you managed to add something unique about your Jebediah to make him stand out from the crowd, without radically departing from the "traditional" archetype he is put into.


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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey--Chapter 12 pg 16: Ask for Bob to-morrow, and you'll find him as 'grave' as ever.

*reads chapter*

Oh, thank goodness, Bob's still alive. Never mind; false alarm!

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13 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Jeb poetic? Dayum. Not expected.

Yeah, that surprises a lot of people whenever it comes up. Call it this trope, if you will, though really "BadS Poet" would be a better descriptor. (and no, this one doesn't fit, he has cultured interests but doesn't otherwise fit the aristo-gentlekerb model :)

17 hours ago, AkuAerospace said:

Also, I think we really cemented a lot of depth in the character of Jebediah, both a maniac pilot but also a cultured, poetic type. Come to think of it, this trait goes all the way back to Duna: Ore Bust with his canyon night flight, poetically singing as he went. I know this was established before but with this scene, it finally sank in and now, you managed to add something unique about your Jebediah to make him stand out from the crowd, without radically departing from the "traditional" archetype he is put into.

Thank you! Yeah, that's what I've always been going for with Jeb, and what I like about the structure of the Jool mission is the opportunity it gives to put different pairs and trios of characters together to deepen and broaden their characters. Really glad you mentioned Jeb's Robert Frost-inspired canyon flight. I guess by now he doesn't mind kerbs (or at least Bob) knowing that side of him--he did tell Val he had a "certain image to maintain" :) 

I remember that as being one of the first times I thought specifically about what I could do to make an ordinary, non-explody transit flight somewhat less boring :) 

15 hours ago, Mjp1050 said:
Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey--Chapter 12 pg 16: Ask for Bob to-morrow, and you'll find him as 'grave' as ever.

*reads chapter*

Oh, thank goodness, Bob's still alive. Never mind; false alarm!

Well, kudos on knowing your Romeo and Juliet references, but I don't know that Bob would ever use the word 'grave' in the sense Mercutio meant it. I've never once seen a Kerbal die and leave enough of anything to bury. :) 

Edited by Kuzzter
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We should make Kerbfleet a movie! It would be awesome! :cool:

There's even a trailer: http://(Fake) Kerbal Space Program movie trailer - YouTube

Of course, we will either need to replace some of the seens in the trailer, or blow up some space stations...

And we'll need a plan Kappa movie, and Emiko station movie, and a forgotten space program movie , because of the crossover. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Kurt and Melgee Kermulan are just as much fun as their Kerbfleet counterparts!

I find the intelligence and competence of Val and Bill Kermulan to be very ominous.

Thanks for another great update!

Happy Concerned Nervous landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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1 hour ago, Deddly said:

I just knew there had to be an in-story reason for Jeb to take the Gumdrop to the pole! 

You caught me @Deddly, I couldn't just gather that last biome science without ratcheting things up a notch. Honestly I wasn't going to bring the Kerbulans back in for at least another moon or two, but they're so fun to write I couldn't resist :) 

35 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

I find the intelligence and competence of Val and Bill Kermulan to be very ominous.

:D We never did really get to see mirror-Kirk in depth in the Trek original, but I always thought that (despite the savage, impotent, snarling performance we did see as he was led away to the brig) he must have been as clever, resourceful and formidable an opponent as Kirk-prime. Otherwise there's no way Mirror-Spock would have chosen to serve under him, Tantalus device or no. 

23 hours ago, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

We should make Kerbfleet a movie! It would be awesome! :cool:

Just as long as I can do all the voices. I've developed a pretty mean Kate-Mulgrew-at-45rpm for Val, when I read the pages to the kids :) 

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So you're sharing the "good-night" stories for your kids with the entire world - wow, didn't expect that.  Oh and that single decisive attack is calling for Pearl Harbour, right?


On a totally different note: Why do the Kerbulans accept the shocking device in their seats/suits? I mean, they do have to possess the mental capacity to deactivate/isolate/render useless those devices? Also, where is the communication satellite, that KSP sent to Jool, which was expected to reach Jool SOI about the same time as the Intreprid did? Did I miss that?

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9 minutes ago, something said:

So you're sharing the "good-night" stories for your kids with the entire world - wow, didn't expect that.  

Well, really I just can't resist reading the panels aloud when they're looking at the Forum with me. If you were in my kitchen I'd probably do the same for you :) 

9 minutes ago, something said:

On a totally different note: Why do the Kerbulans accept the shocking device in their seats/suits? I mean, they do have to possess the mental capacity to deactivate/isolate/render useless those devices? 

You mean, "why don't they just risk everything in open rebellion against the totalitarian social order that has held them in terror their entire lives"? Great question! If you ever get an answer to that, I bet there are a lot of humans who'd like to hear it. :) 

9 minutes ago, something said:

Also, where is the communication satellite, that KSP sent to Jool, which was expected to reach Jool SOI about the same time as the Intreprid did? 

Obviously it hasn't arrived yet, because like all craft in this comic it travels at a certain fixed speed.

Edited by Kuzzter
ETA: My three thousandth post! Woo hoo!
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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

You mean, "why don't they just risk everything in open rebellion against the totalitarian social order that has held them in terror their entire lives"? Great question! If you ever get an answer to that, I bet there are a lot of humans who'd like to hear it. :) 

Arguably some kerbulans, especially smart ones on long journeys, probably could remove their agonizers and fake it, but chances are the kerbulan empire can depressurize the cabins remotely, so if they slip, or aren't convincing, they won't live to see the end of their journey.

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

We never did really get to see mirror-Kirk in depth in the Trek original, but I always thought that (despite the savage, impotent, snarling performance we did see as he was led away to the brig) he must have been as clever, resourceful and formidable an opponent as Kirk-prime. Otherwise there's no way Mirror-Spock would have chosen to serve under him, Tantalus device or no. 

I wish we could have seen more of mirror-Kirk, but in the Enterprise episode In a Mirror Darkly, the humans were exactly how you describe, except I'd also add really ruthless. I think you've pinned them quite nicely.

3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Well, really I just can't resist reading the panels aloud when they're looking at the Forum with me. If you were in my kitchen I'd probably do the same for you :) 

Awesome!!!   But while your reading I may raid the fridge for cheese snacks...  :sticktongue:

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7 hours ago, Just Jim said:

I wish we could have seen more of mirror-Kirk, but in the Enterprise episode In a Mirror Darkly, the humans were exactly how you describe, except I'd also add really ruthless. I think you've pinned them quite nicely.

Awesome!!!   But while your reading I may raid the fridge for cheese snacks...  :sticktongue:

... uhm... cheese... like kerbals... mumble mumble mumble...

<Araym looks next his laptop: no cheese, just chocolate. He scratches his bear then he smiles...>

... I guess, probably, what Kermulans could preferr... MUAH AH AH AH AH AH :cool:

* Yes... I you could see me, visually I look more like a Kermulans, and I preferr anything with chocolate to any type of cheese... even if (or maybe "because") I had a brother that works selling it and I could eat almost any kind of "cheese". But it's not my fault if I live in Italy and was raised with "NUTELLA"!!!! *




I'm pretty sure that we could run a rocket engine with all the calories present in a jar of Nutella LOL :D

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