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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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9 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

I've been wondering how a Chariot would deal with this one.  I've been there.  It even inspired me to do poetry and my poetry, while not quite on the same scale as that of the Vogons, is still pretty horrifying.  Read at your own risk.

Having now seen the pit, I think your poem is most fitting!!!   :wink:


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Chapter 53
Prelude to a Backstory


Far off near the edge of Kerbin space, the stranded crew of the Dresperado had just received a long awaited reply from KASA.

"To the unknown Zaltonic Electronic ship, this is KASA Mission Control, your message has been received. We are dispatching a rescue ship ASAP. KASA out."

As he reached down to switch off the radio, first mate Geo smiled wickedly, "Sounds like they bought it."


"But... Captain," Theo asked from the back, "What of Carlenna? We... we can't leave her?"


'Theo, lad," Kuzz said sadly, "I want her to be alive as much as you. But we've looked as long as we can, and if she is... well, she's drifted too far for us to detect." Kuzzter paused a second, then continued on softly. "But never you fear, young lad, once we get back, I will get us another ship, and if Carlenna is still alright, we will find her. That I promise...." 


*          *          *


However, on the very edge of Kerbin Space, what was left of Carlenna Kerman was far, far from alright.....






*          *          *



Meanwhile, on board the Diamondback, Kerenna Kerman and Thompberry were silently monitoring Piper and the Rocklady as they prepared to descend into the frighting Munolith pit. Kerenna was uncomfortable with what she felt was spying, but grudgingly admitted it was probably for the best.


On the Mun, Piper and the Rocklady climbed aboard the Doodlebug and strapped themselves in tightly. Piper was one of the best Doodlebug pilots alive, second only to Gem herself, but this time she had to quell her nervousness as she undocked from the Chariot and slowly descended into the dark abyss.




The pit was nearly 2km deep, and pitch black in spots, and it all of Piper's skill to locate the Munolith, and land a safe distance from it.






Once landed, the Rocklady quickly activated the Doodlebug's on board test equipment, while Piper looked on the Munolith in horror. From here all she could see was that bizarre face she had seem in the other Munolith. But down here in the shadows, it took on a much more menacing aspect.

"I don't know about you," Piper said softly to the Rocklady, "But I don't think I want to get any closer."

"I agree," the Rocklady replied quietly, "Just give me a couple more seconds...... OK, scans complete."

"Good, let's get out of here." And as quickly as she could, Piper lifted the Doodlebug back up and out of the pit.






After they were safely docked, the Rocklady checked the material bay and her pet goo, then turned to Piper and asked, "So where do we go now?"


'Home," Piper said with a sigh, "We go home."

"Does this have anything to do with that warning Thompberry gave you?"

"No.... no," Piper answered quietly. "I don't care what that monster says. But we've done done more than anyone could ask, and I'm... well, I'm tired. That old saucer can wait."



*          *        *


Back aboard the Diamondback, Kerenna switched off the radio, smiled, and crawled into the back passenger compartment "Thank the gods... she's safe."


"Now, Thompberry, what was this you were saying about Emiko Kerman? Do you mean Valentina's grandmother Emiko?"


"The very same <gurgle gurgle> But first, there is something I must <bubble boil> tell you, Kerenna... and it's <gurgle bubble> not going to be pleasant. <gurgle> It has to do with Harfield Kerman <bubble> and where he is now."

And as she sat there listening, Kerenna's smile turned to a frown, and she cried out in horror, "Oh, Thompberry... how... how could you???"



"Thompberry, you reactivate those communication satellites, right now!"

"Kerenna..." Thompberry answered quietly, "Kerenna <gurgle gurgle> I can't. When I said I disabled them <gurgle> I meant physically.  <gurgle gurgle> Several of the circuits are shorted out <bubble gurgle> and will have to be replaced. In retrospect, it may not have been <gurgle biol> my wisest decision <gurgle> but for better or worse, the satellites around Eve are <bubble bubble> quite dead."







Both Kerenna and Thompberry were silent for several minutes, until Kerenna again asked softly, "Why?"

"I.... I don't know <gurgle gurgle> exactly. I am only now starting to <gurgle> understand. It was because of you <gurgle> and Theo <bubble> that I'm starting to ask <bubble> questions..."


"Theo?" Kerenna asked, surprised. "Why Theo?"

"Theo..<gurgle> and the innocence of youth... <bubble> Just before they disappeared... <gurgle> and while we're broaching the subject... <gurgle> Did you ever really know what happened to the twins? And <gurgle> are they safe?"


It was several seconds before Kerenna responded. "Do I know for certain? No, I do not. But I suspect by now they are either back home, or in orbit over Dres."

"Dres???  No..... No... not Dres!!!"  For the first time Kerenna could remember, Thompberry sounded genuinely frightened. "They must not <gurgle boil> go to Dres! <steam boil> Kerenna Kerman, how is this possible?"

"No..." Kerenna looked up with a scowl, "No, tell me what you know first. You gave your word."


Thompberry bubbled weirdly, which Kerenna took for a sigh. "Agreed."


"Just before the twins vanished <gurgle gurgle> Theo asked me the question I had <bubble> refused to ask myself. <gurgle gurgle> Why did that old Kraken save me <bubble boil> Why do this to me?"

"Do you know?" Kerenna asked.

"No, I do not <Gurgle> All legends of Krakens agree on one thing <gurgle gurgle> they are utterly evil. So why would this one <gurgle gurgle> save me and not just <gurgle gurgle> eat me for a snack?"


"It was then <gurgle> I began to <bubble bubble> see the truth. And I began to realize <gurgle> that this hate inside me <gurgle boil> was not a part of me at all <gurgle gurgle> but something the Kraken programmed into my circuits."

Kerenna gasped, but let Thompberry continue.

"But at first I found I could not control it <gurgle> not completely. <bubble gurgle> Not until you <bubble> you showed me utter and complete kindness <gurgle gurgle> in the midst of my hate. And when you did <gurgle> the hate inside me became momentarily powerless. <gurgle gurgle> and I finally gained control <gurgle> of my mind"


"Oh, Thompberry, that's horrible!" Kerenna whispered. "But how does all of this relate to Emiko Kerman, or the saucers?"

"Ahhhh... that <gurgle> is a very long story <bubble bubble> I did not suspect Emiko's involvement until just recently <gurgle> I was searching for answers <gurgle> thru the KASA R&D archives <gurgle gurgle> and I stumbled upon a classified folder  <bubble> from 8 years ago."

"What was it?" Kerenna asked.

"It seems 8 years ago a small lander on Duna <Gurgle gurgle> mysteriously moved halfway across the planet <gurgle gurgle> And in the following days it happened again on both Ike and Gilly. 




"The Ike lander clearly shows <gurgle> a floating rock next to it <bubble bubble> which further aroused my suspicions.  <gurgle gurgle> But then I saw the images from Eve <gurgle gurgle> and I knew... I realized it's all somehow tied to Emiko!!!!!!!!!"



"The lander on Eve... <gurgle gurgle> It reappeared on top of.... <gurgle gurgle> something so incredible..."


"What?" Kerenna asked anxiously.

"A Plateau... and... a <gurgle gurgle> pyramid! And Kerenna... <gurgle gurgle> I've seen this very same pyramid once before!"


"What? Where?" Kerenna asked excitedly.

"It is hard to know <gurgle gurgle> where to begin. <gurgle gurgle> You know of my fascination in the saucers <gurgle> but I am interested in <gurgle gurgle> other legends and myths of Kerbin. <gurgle> As a youth I studied them all < gurgle gurgle> from the common gods and such to lesser, more controversial theories <gurgle bubble> such as Felipe Kerman's proposal that all of Kerbalkind<gurgle> are just characters in some vast computer simulation."

Thompberry was quiet again for a few moments.

"But by far the most controversial theory <gurgle gurgle> was put forth by Emiko Kerman <gurgle bubble> right before she disappeared. Emiko was a famed explorer and archaeologist <gurgle gurgle> and wrote several outstanding books. <bubble bubble> But her last notes <bubble> were never published <gurgle gurgle> and only a few rare copies exist. <bubble bubble> I once <gurgle> owned one of them"

Thompberry's voice grew quiet, as if whispering a secret to Kerenna.

"In her last writing <gurgle> Emiko claims to have located an ancient text <bubble bubble> thought to be lost centuries ago. <gurgle gurgle> This book was called <gurgle gurgle> The Kerbalkomicon <bubble boil> and is said to contain <gurgle gurgle> legends and secrets from long before <gurgle gurgle> Kerbans roamed our world."


Kerenna felt a cold chill run down her back as Thompberry continued softly.

"And in her writings <gurgle gurgle> Emiko spoke of saucers and krakens... <gurgle gurgle> and there are several sketches and drawing <gurgle> said to have come from the Kerbalkomicon... <gurgle gurgle> And Kerenna... <gurgle bubble> one of those sketches <bubble gurgle> in Emiko's book  <boil> It's of that very same pyramid on Eve!!!"




The Tale of Emiko Kerman can now begin....

Go to Chapter 54
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Why can't you go to Dres? Well, ok you might accidentally get hit with a +200 ton cruiser, but why else?!? Oh yeah, and the anti-hater missiles will automatically shoot down any unidentifed ship that enters Dres Soi. And I have IPBM's capable of destroying a whole space station. And I kinda overdid the security. And I'm a nuclear manic. But other than that, why?!? 



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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

However, on the very edge of Kerbin Space, what was left of Carlenna Kerman was far, far from alright.....

Nothing good can come of that :)  Nice image


1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

"I don't know about you," Piper said softly to the Rocklady, "But I don't think I want to get any closer."

Yes, that is a sinister place.  Bet you wished the Doodlebug had lights on the bottom :wink:


1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

"In her last writing <gurgle> Emiko claims to have located an ancient text <bubble bubble> thought to be lost centuries ago. <gurgle gurgle>  This book was called <gurgle gurgle> The Kerbalkomicon <bubble boil> and is said to contain <gurgle gurgle> legends and secrets from long before <gurgle gurgle> Kerbals roamed our world."

Hoo boy, so Emiko will have lost all her sanity points.  I can envision her now, whispering dark secrets into Harfield's ear while he's sleeping :)


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1 hour ago, RA3236 said:

I knew that pyramid was to be in here!!!

But then, these new krakens are being just destructive...

Once I found the pyramid, I had to include it.  :D


1 hour ago, max_creative said:

Why can't you go to Dres....  

Yeah, I knew you'd like this one....


11 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

Yes, that is a sinister place.  Bet you wished the Doodlebug had lights on the bottom :wink:

Oh yeah, the next one I build is SOOO getting landing lights!!!   


11 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

Hoo boy, so Emiko will have lost all her sanity points.  I can envision her now, whispering dark secrets into Harfield's ear while he's sleeping :)

Hard to say at this point... other than it's obvious something weird happened to her...  


11 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

Nothing good can come of that :)  Nice image

Thanks... and thank you for the the inspiration how to include the Kerbalkomicon... and, well, everything :wink:


Also thanks to @AkuAerospace for reminding me of the fallen lander on Duna.  I had almost forgot about it. 
But maybe that was meant to be... as y'all can see, not following up on it until yesterday payed off bigtime!!! 

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Thompberry debug log opened at 4 hours UT.

[3:00] Attempting to delete T:\Personality\HATE

[3:00] Error: Access restricted

[3:01] <gurgle bubble>

[3:01] <steam gurgle>

[3:02] Attempting to delete T:\Personality\HATE as an admin.

[3:02] Administrator password required.


[3:03] Password incorrect, retrying.

[3:04] Password entered: "Love".

[3:04] Password correct. Deleting T:\Personality\HATE.

[3:05] Deletion complete.

[3:05] Clearing recycle bin.


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21 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Ash Kerman discovers the Kerbalkomicon (amidst thousands of other fans who descend upon San Diego once a year)...

Klaatu, Verada, N... Necktie? Nectar? Nickle? Neko? Emiko? Klaatu, Verada, N*cough cough cough*


Boomstick!!!!  :cool:


22 hours ago, RocketSquid said:

Thompberry debug log opened at 4 hours UT.

[3:00] Attempting to delete T:\Personality\HATE

[3:00] Error: Access restricted

[3:01] <gurgle bubble>

[3:01] <steam gurgle>

[3:02] Attempting to delete T:\Personality\HATE as an admin.

[3:02] Administrator password required.


[3:03] Password incorrect, retrying.

[3:04] Password entered: "Love".

[3:04] Password correct. Deleting T:\Personality\HATE.

[3:05] Deletion complete.

[3:05] Clearing recycle bin.


I think that pretty much nailed it!!!  :D


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On ‎11‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 7:14 PM, Just Jim said:

on the very edge of Kerbin Space, what was left of Carlenna Kerman was far, far from alright.....

Yelp. That doesn't look particularly healthy to my (untrained) eye...

... Is poor Carlenna Kerman blind and possessed by the spirit of the Kraken?

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I finally caught up with the story, amazing writing, the suspense is killing me. My theory on the backstory is that an ancient forgotten evil god named JustJim was imprisoned by the early Kerbals and is manipulating the current Kerbals through the krakens so that it can invade the Kerbal universe through the Mun arches/gates with a huge kraken army (the monoliths are what hold the gates closed) and claim its revenge MWUUAAHAHAHAHHA cough:cough:cough

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7 hours ago, NotAgain said:

Yelp. That doesn't look particularly healthy to my (untrained) eye...

... Is poor Carlenna Kerman blind and possessed by the spirit of the Kraken?

I haven't made up my mind about her being blind yet....  :wink:


4 hours ago, kookoo_gr said:

I finally caught up with the story, amazing writing, the suspense is killing me. My theory on the backstory is that an ancient forgotten evil god named JustJim was imprisoned by the early Kerbals and is manipulating the current Kerbals through the krakens so that it can invade the Kerbal universe through the Mun arches/gates with a huge kraken army (the monoliths are what hold the gates closed) and claim its revenge MWUUAAHAHAHAHHA cough:cough:cough

Oh no... my secret mad scheme to control the universe is out!!!!  

(I need to change my avatar quick!)   :D



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On 6/12/2016 at 11:21 AM, Just Jim said:

I think that pretty much nailed it!!!  :D


I dunno, wasn't Thompberry pretty hateful before he was a brain in a jar? I mean, he was completely organic kerbal when the initial kidnappings and attempted-conquering-of-ksc happened.

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3 minutes ago, Jarin said:

I dunno, wasn't Thompberry pretty hateful before he was a brain in a jar? I mean, he was completely organic kerbal when the initial kidnappings and attempted-conquering-of-ksc happened.

Yes... good observation!   And I will be getting more into why Thompberry was the way he was in the Emiko backstory.

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28 minutes ago, Jarin said:

I dunno, wasn't Thompberry pretty hateful before he was a brain in a jar? I mean, he was completely organic kerbal when the initial kidnappings and attempted-conquering-of-ksc happened.

Self-absorbed overambitious power-hungry unsociable... inventor. An inventor who invented his own kind of world order and tried to make it so. Something than may happen to a genius who is praised for his mind, but never really treated like a real person, all whose attempts (maybe clumsy to the point of being creepy, but how would they improve if there's 100% failure with no explanation, and lack of successful first-hand experience in the matter combined with slightly different thought pattern makes it completely impossible to spot and recognize the subtle differences between successful and failed examples?) at building personal relationships have been laughed of.

Insensitive to others' feelings? Yes. Definitely connected to utter lack of mutual understanding. Maybe because of different priorities and value system making it impossible to fully evaluate others' feelings and motivations. Maybe actually not minding hurting others to the extend they (maybe even without realizing that themselves) hurt him.

Willing to step over others to get his world view fulfilled? Yes. But similar and in response to the way the others aggressively protect what they consider the right world order.

Deliberately cruel and enjoying that? No. He wasn't like this before. Enjoying petty cruelty is too much waste of time when you can create something great.
Destroy, step over and rebuild from scratch? yes, gladly, for the great goal. Revenge? Best revenge is to prove your idea was better! Torture? Pointless, just remove the obstacle whatever way most efficient and proceed with the plan.


And all it took was a little compassion and attempt to truly establish mutual understanding (without hiding behind curtains of poorly defined convenience and not always identically working social instincts) from somebody else - meaning he always wanted to establish a proper connection with somebody.

Maybe if Jandolin had ever really talked to him about his feelings not just shunned him like some creep, maybe then there would be at least none of that kidnapping plan.

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19 minutes ago, Alchemist said:

Self-absorbed overambitious power-hungry unsociable... inventor. An inventor who invented his own kind of world order and tried to make it so. Something than may happen to a genius who is praised for his mind, but never really treated like a real person, all whose attempts (maybe clumsy to the point of being creepy, but how would they improve if there's 100% failure with no explanation, and lack of successful first-hand experience in the matter combined with slightly different thought pattern makes it completely impossible to spot and recognize the subtle differences between successful and failed examples?) at building personal relationships have been laughed of.

Insensitive to others' feelings? Yes. Definitely connected to utter lack of mutual understanding. Maybe because of different priorities and value system making it impossible to fully evaluate others' feelings and motivations. Maybe actually not minding hurting others to the extend they (maybe even without realizing that themselves) hurt him.

Willing to step over others to get his world view fulfilled? Yes. But similar and in response to the way the others aggressively protect what they consider the right world order.

Deliberately cruel and enjoying that? No. He wasn't like this before. Enjoying petty cruelty is too much waste of time when you can create something great.
Destroy, step over and rebuild from scratch? yes, gladly, for the great goal. Revenge? Best revenge is to prove your idea was better! Torture? Pointless, just remove the obstacle whatever way most efficient and proceed with the plan.


And all it took was a little compassion and attempt to truly establish mutual understanding (without hiding behind curtains of poorly defined convenience and not always identically working social instincts) from somebody else - meaning he always wanted to establish a proper connection with somebody.

Maybe if Jandolin had ever really talked to him about his feelings not just shunned him like some creep, maybe then there would be at least none of that kidnapping plan.

Wow.... I'm not sure what else to say but,... wow!  
This is so well thought out!  You even touched on a couple things I hadn't really considered.

Outstanding analysis!   :D

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Seconded @Alchemist, all of a sudden his strange behaviour during the takeover (trying to forward the space program, seriously? that didn't seem to fit) makes sense, his (Kerbal) personality showing through.

Ok, analysis time (I don't think there are spoilers here), early on it was established that the Kraken that modified Thompberry was basically on its deathbed. With this establishment of the Kraken as "evil" (and from the looks of it, they are probably best treated as such unless proven absolutely to the contrary), it looks like there was more at stake than it's "one good deed", it looks like it was trying to perpetuate its legacy by making him/it their pawn.

Wait a sec. I just remembered, that altered personality kicking in actually was shown, I forget which chapter but the one where it showed his reaction to being made a brain in a jar.

On a different topic, Yeesh! creepy. It looks like Kerbin is about to face its greatest trial yet, far greater than the original Thompberry's drone plot and the introduction of the psychotic brain in a jar into the system was merely the first move. However, it looks like there is hope and like before, there is hope in the form of rocks, particularly a giant boulder from the depths of space, named for the ancestor of a great explorer, Emiko.

Edit: I was just looking through the "archives" of this story (for my offline version) and I found this:

(from 22 December 2015)

All I'm going to say is the story is about the station, even though I seem to be going off in different directions.

Sorry, couldn't use the quote function the way I had the tabs arranged.

I hope that was vague enough @Just Jim, I stopped myself from thinking too hard about it while writing this.


Just finished saving all the chapter pages for easy reference. Whoa ... I forgot how complex this thing is (not that that's a bad thing, you should see the stories I come up for my Lego creations), congratulations on managing to keep it under control.

Actually, I haven't yet re-read it all yet but it was fun, going through the pages, seeing the "early days" where it was some innocuous report up to now where it's a loved epic on par with Plan Kappa and the Kerbfleet series.

Got to go but before that, I don't think we've heard from Parka B Kerman in a while have we?

Edited by AkuAerospace
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1 hour ago, AkuAerospace said:

Just finished saving all the chapter pages for easy reference. Whoa ... I forgot how complex this thing is (not that that's a bad thing, you should see the stories I come up for my Lego creations), congratulations on managing to keep it under control.

Actually, I haven't yet re-read it all yet but it was fun, going through the pages, seeing the "early days" where it was some innocuous report up to now where it's a loved epic on par with Plan Kappa and the Kerbfleet series.

Got to go but before that, I don't think we've heard from Parka B Kerman in a while have we?


Thank you!  I can't tell you how proud it makes me to have mine included with @Kuzzter and @Parkaboy's amazing work.  

But I have to make a confession.  I never, ever in my wildest dreams thought it would come this far. And the story has changed dramatically from what I first intended, so I need to go back and re-read stuff myself to make sure everything still fits together. My biggest worry is writing something that directly contradicts something I wrote a few dozen chapters ago and forgot.  But so far I think I'm OK.

Now, as for Parka B. Kerman.  I believe I mentioned his absence a couple chapters ago.  Along with all the other headache's Gene Kerman has to deal with, Parka has apparently disappeared.


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3 minutes ago, Just Jim said:


Now, as for Parka B. Kerman.  I believe I mentioned his absence a couple chapters ago.  Along with all the other headache's Gene Kerman has to deal with, Parka has apparently disappeared.


Hold on, let me get some tinfoil.

What if Gene's friend, Parka Kerman, is not the Parka Kerman that gave Gene a grand tour contract? What if it was a form assumed by the kraken in order to attain some now unseen end? Is the original Parka still alive? Has he been deposited into a nether realm that housed Emiko Kerman? :0.0:

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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

My biggest worry is writing something that directly contradicts something I wrote a few dozen chapters ago and forgot.  But so far I think I'm OK.

Inside every apparent surface contradiction is a deep and interesting plot twist struggling to get out. :)

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