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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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  On 6/25/2016 at 10:33 PM, Jeb! said:

Another excellent chapter sir! I felt just like Emiko did when you were describing the various planets and moons she visited. The terrain  on some of those screenshots is incredible! Are there huge spires and pits like that on stock KSP, or are these screenshots just on OPM planets/moons?


Well, I'm not going to spoil you any more than by saying: The ring of standing stones exists in stock. As does the pyramid.

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  On 6/25/2016 at 10:33 PM, Jeb! said:

Another excellent chapter sir! I felt just like Emiko did when you were describing the various planets and moons she visited. The terrain  on some of those screenshots is incredible! Are there huge spires and pits like that on stock KSP, or are these screenshots just on OPM planets/moons?


Thank you!   This one was really fun to write.

As for the spires and such, without giving away exact locations, I can tell you everywhere Emiko visited is stock, with the exception of the hazy green moon, which is OPM.

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  On 6/25/2016 at 6:48 PM, Just Jim said:

For a moment she thought of poking it with a stick, but her instincts told her not to taunt it, so she discarded the idea.


This had me in stitches. Excellent episode, combining a mod addition and new stock behavior and stock lore from antiquity. Also nice scaffolding! I don't even know how I'd begin placing those if I had to, but I assume it involved HyperEdit.

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Amazing chapter!  You've outdone yourself again.

  On 6/25/2016 at 11:31 PM, HebaruSan said:

This had me in stitches. Excellent episode, combining a mod addition and new stock behavior and stock lore from antiquity. Also nice scaffolding! I don't even know how I'd begin placing those if I had to, but I assume it involved HyperEdit.


Probably vesselmover would be a bit easier.

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  On 6/25/2016 at 6:48 PM, Just Jim said:

Then she turned around to look behind her, and was quite startled to see a vast rock formation stretching out before her.


Wow, is that the revised Tylo Caves?  Looks like the Mother Of All Mun Arches.  Perfect :)


  On 6/25/2016 at 6:48 PM, Just Jim said:

"What in the....  it almost looks some sort of... well, a city.  A vast emerald city.  But what... how???" 


Ah, the South Pole of Tekto.  I'm glad it's still spectacular despite several updates.  That is IMHO the coolest place in all of KSP, both objectively (about 4^ above absolute zero) and subjectively (it looks like the illegitimate lovechild of HP Lovecraft and HR Giger).  I'm still using a screenshot of a zombie flying a plane over that terrain as my wallpaper, but that's nowhere near as cool as the Magic Boulder giving you a guided tour :)  I'm glad you got to see it in its glory, and I encourage everybody else to go there and see it as well.  Words fail.


  On 6/25/2016 at 6:48 PM, Just Jim said:

Bolting upright, Emiko felt her head swimming, and a cold tremor run down the length of her back.  And she remembered.  She remembered it all.  Not a fuzzy kind of remembering, like one has when waking from a dream.  This was real, with all the detail of a true, waking memory.
For several seconds Emiko thought she might faint.


I smell a huge loss of sanity points charged to Emiko's account :)

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Well, that would have to be one of the longest set up things so far in this story (chapter 1). I would say that that explains a lot, but leaves more unexplained, there's something happening with those rocks. At least it seems that whatever intelligence behind them seems more powerful than the Kraken (they're going to need all the help they can).

Also another nod back to chapter 2 with it's Harfield & Jandolin sub plot.

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Aww. I just realized that we're going to have to wait to see if Geo and Theo get rescued. :(

EDIT: That's not to say that I don't like Emiko's story. I really do. But I miss the main characters.

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The poles of most planets, stock and otherwise, tend to have really weird terrain because of how the program handles textures, heightmaps, etc coming together at a point.

Take any cylinder, open bag, etc, and see what happens to the material at the end(s) when you gather it up to tie it off or whatever.


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  On 6/26/2016 at 8:16 PM, Commander Zoom said:


The poles of most planets, stock and otherwise, tend to have really weird terrain because of how the program handles textures, heightmaps, etc coming together at a point.

Take any cylinder, open bag, etc, and see what happens to the material at the end(s) when you gather it up to tie it off or whatever.



Try taking a rover to the Mun's north pole...  it's pure evil!!!  :0.0:

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  On 6/26/2016 at 8:16 PM, Commander Zoom said:

The poles of most planets, stock and otherwise, tend to have really weird terrain because of how the program handles textures, heightmaps, etc coming together at a point.

Take any cylinder, open bag, etc, and see what happens to the material at the end(s) when you gather it up to tie it off or whatever.


Quite true.  But Tekto's south pole is an order of magnitude more extreme than any other polar jumble on any other planet.  Jagged ridges like the dorsal spines of a dozen Godzillas, dense clusters of needle-like spires towering thousands of meters, and all the space between covered in thousands of alternating pyramidal dimples and pimples with not a square inch of level ground for miles in any direction.  And to top things off, there's an ultra-low frequency wave pattern superimposed on the whole area causing all these detail features to undulate over a vast region.

Tekto's north pole, OTOH, is relatively tame, about the same as Duna's.  Here are some pics of both Tekto poles (if you scroll down far enough).  

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  On 6/27/2016 at 12:26 AM, Geschosskopf said:

Quite true.  But Tekto's south pole is an order of magnitude more extreme than any other polar jumble on any other planet.  Jagged ridges like the dorsal spines of a dozen Godzillas, dense clusters of needle-like spires towering thousands of meters, and all the space between covered in thousands of alternating pyramidal dimples and pimples with not a square inch of level ground for miles in any direction.  And to top things off, there's an ultra-low frequency wave pattern superimposed on the whole area causing all these detail features to undulate over a vast region.

Tekto's north pole, OTOH, is relatively tame, about the same as Duna's.  Here are some pics of both Tekto poles (if you scroll down far enough).  


Oh yeah, this was the chapter that convinced me I had to get OPM!   

And yeah, the Godzilla ridges are so bizarrely alien... I hope it never changes!  To put the scale more into perspective for the rest of ya, in this pic Emiko and the Magic rock are just about 2.6km high.  The ridge to the right of her is easily twice that high, and 4-5 times that or more from end to end.  And they're at least 20 km or more from the central spires!!



  On 6/26/2016 at 10:57 PM, AkuAerospace said:

That explains a lot, an awful lot.

How he knows all this, why he went after the saucers, etc. I mean



yup!  It appears Thompberry's obsession is much deeper rooted than anyone first suspected.  :wink:


  On 6/26/2016 at 7:02 PM, Mjp1050 said:

Aww. I just realized that we're going to have to wait to see if Geo and Theo get rescued. :(

EDIT: That's not to say that I don't like Emiko's story. I really do. But I miss the main characters.


Never fear, I was already thinking I may go back to the present for the next chapter to mix things up a bit.

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Hmmmm.... I need to make a decision.  I downloaded the EVE mod a little while ago, and after playing around with it, I'm torn about 50/50 whether to use it permanently or not.

On the plus side, it's gorgeous, obviously.  The clouds over Laythe at sunset are simply stunning.  And the surface of Eve looks like the toxic nightmare it's supposed to be.

But on the down side, my framerate is taking a big hit, especially on the surface of Eve. Just when I'm getting used to the game running fast. 
And EVE doesn't appear to be working on the OPM planets.  I don't really care about the gas giants, but I would have loved to see clouds over Tekto.

I need to think about this.

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  On 6/27/2016 at 7:50 PM, Kuzzter said:

So  much great stuff! But I have to admit, I liked the scaffolding at the pyramid the best :) 


Oh yes, that too. I didn't think of it at first but then I was reminded. It's a cool thing and not the first time we've seen that design, back in the "good old days" of this story when it was just an obsessive kerbal and his robot army stalking a new family.

Eagerly awaiting what comes next

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  On 6/27/2016 at 7:47 PM, Gman_builder said:

@Just JimLike I was saying. KSPRC adds clouds to most bodies in OPM that deserve them, like Tekto. What specs does your computer have?


But Renaissance Compilation also does a lot of other things that I don't appreciate.

If you want clouds on the OPM worlds, get Pood's stuff.  Of course, neither it nor EVE itself have yet been updated to 1.1.3 so I'd hold off on both, actually..  

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  On 6/28/2016 at 1:53 AM, Geschosskopf said:

But Renaissance Compilation also does a lot of other things that I don't appreciate.

If you want clouds on the OPM worlds, get Pood's stuff.  Of course, neither it nor EVE itself have yet been updated to 1.1.3 so I'd hold off on both, actually..  


What do you not like about KSPRC? Its amazing!

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