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Make a fake KSP mod.


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1 minute ago, Lewie said:

@Kane Kerman does homer world have oceans of duff? Does it have a moon called Marge?

Of Course!


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IKE or Interplanetary Kerbal Exploration.

A Alternative mod to Nertea's Near Future Exploration

Has too many Parts that are Futuristically Stupid,like a Stick and a Big plate(Or in other words,a Orion Propulsion Module) or a Kerbal Kick(Spartan Kick Analog) Engine!


Recommended Mod:FSS(Fake Solar System)

Download Link <nope>

Source Link <No>

Version Compatibility: KSP 2(?).10.1,1.9.1 and 1.8.1

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SARNUS aka Surveillance And Retreived Nanotechnological Universal Spacecrafts

This is an another Alternative mod of Near Future Explorations.

it adds more than 100+ parts Perfect for Unmanned Missions!

Recommended mods:FSS(Fake Solar System)and iKE

Download Link: <aeaeaeaeaeaea>

Source Link: <E>

KSP Compatibility:KSP 2,1.10.1,1.9.1 and 1.8.1

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Forum Beginner - When you launch a spacecraft it puts a post on the forums and a moderator has to approve your launch before you can start.

Realism Overhaul Expansion - Imposes a quarantine on all Kerbals. Have fun launching rockets when your kerbals can't be within 6 feet of each other!

Lonely Universe - Replaces every celestial body with empty space. Just you, the KSC and emptiness!

Ultimate Dependency: The ultimate KSP mod that adds everything you ever want... but it depends on every other mod ever created (Yes even outdated mods).

Edited by Kerminator1000
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OptiKerb: a mod that makes ksp perform better (improves fps by 309.926%,) but adds so many kraken it's unplayable.

Phyzikz4Kidzizz: a kid friendly alternative to the too (electric boogaloo) complicated principia that removes phyzicz and add phyzicz similar to those in star fox. Successor to Prinzipia.

Ezmod: makez ksp worse, self explanatory.

2+2 does not equal 4: Tells you the ultimate truth, in a way that won't ruin your puny brain.

Max ksp version: 1.9.1

Your version: 1.10.1

Depends on: we acepellogize for the inconvenience.

Edited by catloaf
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Deddly's Mod Pack Extravaganza

Contains every mod ever made for KSP all dumped into a single, massive .zip file without regard for pesky licensing requirements. The file is quite large, so it is only distributed on a physical hard drive that you have to buy.

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14 hours ago, Deddly said:

Deddly's Mod Pack Extravaganza

Contains every mod ever made for KSP all dumped into a single, massive .zip file without regard for pesky licensing requirements. The file is quite large, so it is only distributed on a physical hard drive that you have to buy.

And it contains outdated and incompatible mods, so your game crashes.

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Ultra realism overhaul-

You know have to pay for r&d, shipping of parts and construction. Construction takes time, is costly and can have setbacks.

You also have to manage press conferences to look good in the public’s eyes.

Don’t forget...timewarp no longer exists in this mod!

Sounds fun, right?

oh, and the kerbol system is now our own milky way.

So going on a mission to pluto? Hope you aren’t doing mich for...Oh, I dunno, the rest of your life.



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Kerbal babysitting simulator: New life support mod for the RO/JNSQ type player.


Whining kerbonauts,


Built in graphing calculator,

7 different but related consumables that force you to use the graphing calculator,

80+ ways to kill your crew,

Crew is prohibitively expensive,

Crew will mutiny if you don't do everything perfectly,

Will cause bsod if you run out of ec,

Poor documentation,

And more!

Edited by catloaf
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The Mun is now made of tiny gold coins.

Whenever you land on it, you're craft quicksands into the surface, and when you EVA, kerbals become uncontrollable because they're marvelling at the amount of money.

There is no terrain whatsoever, just a sea of coins.

Adds a munny sampler experiment, when run it calculates the amount of munny the moon is worth, flooding the space program with endless amount of funds and unlocks the tech tree, turning the game into sandbox.

Sandbox mode is disabled , you can now only use career mode, once you use the munny sampler the game turns into sandbox mode.

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Kerbal War Program: battle royale.

A mod for Luna multiplayer that reveals the real reason for T2's acquisition of ksp.

Run around Kerbin to collect parts!

Enter vab's scattered across the map to repair your ship and add new parts!

Kill your opponents and take fragments of their ship!

A laser wall will slowly force players into a 500 meter dome on the starting planet!

Buy op guns from T2!

Play for free! (Uness you want to win against the "good" players.)

Dependencies ksp (Windows only, no Mac or Linux) Luna Multiplayer, BD armory.


That actually sounds pretty fun without the microtransactions


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Kerbal Super Realism

KSR features new things like:

Governments - to take away your budget until you make almost no money!

The News - There to laugh at all your failures and barely cover it when you do things well!

Life Support - Like Kerbalism but with more intense features, training lasts a year, your astronauts can randomly die of heart attacks and other problems!

New Planets - RSS and other solar systems, galaxies, and other cool features. To bad everything is light years away and there is no time warp!

Improved Time warp - What are you talking about, there is no time warp! This KSR!

N-body physics - have fun station keeping and having to fix your orbits every couple of days!

Piloting - The kerbals pilot it for you! Did you train them well? If you didn't, then that $1,000,000,000 spaceship is going to be a hole in the ground and your wallet!

Tech Tree - No tech tree, no science points either! Instead you come up with the parts and the kerbals build them for you! Does this sound better than the current system? Well guess what! Its worse! You can build things wrong, because the parts are incredibly complex, and then they will blow up!

Construction time - Did you expect to build that building instantly! (Laughs in construction worker) Nice try! It's going to take 5-10 years!

Funding system - Not only does the government give you a tiny budget, but you also have them asking you to do more work! Launch our spy satellite! 

Wars and Pandemics - In case running a space program isn't hard enough, now you can run it during a war! Slash that budget even more! Or a pandemic! How dare you make the kerbals work during a pandemic! They should be at home, quarantining! 

Workers and employeesDid you think space programs should be run by you only? Nope! Now you need to pay the workers, engineers, flight directors, doctors, etc!

YouUnlike the stock game, your future is never secure! You could be randomly fired, which we simulate by uninstalling your game and removing the fact that you payed for it! (no refunds!)*

Part Failures -  KSR now has part failures! Every part can (and will) fail spectacularly! Everything!


Does this sound fun to you? Then download today from here:


Also on SpaceDock!


And look on CKAN!


CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990 or better

GPU: NVIDIA Titan or better

RAM: 128 Gigabytes

Hard Drive: 10 Terrabytes

Screen Resolution: 4K Ultra HD Liquid Crystal display

Mods needed: None! Everything is all custom programmed by me!



Why is everything in Comic Sans?

Would you rather I use this?

Or these other fonts that are on the forums?

 Also its to add fun to your life before you install this mod!

Woah, pretty colors!

Thank you, I thought so to.

This sounds horrible! Why are you so mean!

If you want a fun mod, I've got one here: Mod for people who can't cope with my mod

Wait is this just real life?

No comment

Wait. Did you actually make this?

I- Wait, how long is the statute of limitations on theft and armed robbery?

No comment.

Kerminator, this uninstalled my game and I won't get my money back!

Read the footnote.

He won't give us our money back! Lets attack him until he refunds us!

(Sounds of me running away really fast) You'll never catch me!



*No refunds for you! I get the cash, I should get paid for something!

Edited by Kerminator1000
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8 hours ago, Kerminator1000 said:

Kerbal Super Realism

KSR features new things like:

Governments - to take away your budget until you make almost no money!

The News - There to laugh at all your failures and barely cover it when you do things well!

Life Support - Like Kerbalism but with more intense features, training lasts a year, your astronauts can randomly die of heart attacks and other problems!

New Planets - RSS and other solar systems, galaxies, and other cool features. To bad everything is light years away and there is no time warp!

Improved Time warp - What are you talking about, there is no time warp! This KSR!

N-body physics - have fun station keeping and having to fix your orbits every couple of days!

Piloting - The kerbals pilot it for you! Did you train them well? If you didn't, then that $1,000,000,000 spaceship is going to be a hole in the ground and your wallet!

Tech Tree - No tech tree, no science points either! Instead you come up with the parts and the kerbals build them for you! Does this sound better than the current system? Well guess what! Its worse! You can build things wrong, because the parts are incredibly complex, and then they will blow up!

Construction time - Did you expect to build that building instantly! (Laughs in construction worker) Nice try! It's going to take 5-10 years!

Funding system - Not only does the government give you a tiny budget, but you also have them asking you to do more work! Launch our spy satellite! 

Wars and Pandemics - In case running a space program isn't hard enough, now you can run it during a war! Slash that budget even more! Or a pandemic! How dare you make the kerbals work during a pandemic! They should be at home, quarantining! 

Workers and employeesDid you think space programs should be run by you only? Nope! Now you need to pay the workers, engineers, flight directors, doctors, etc!

YouUnlike the stock game, your future is never secure! You could be randomly fired, which we simulate by uninstalling your game and removing the fact that you payed for it! (no refunds!)*

Part Failures -  KSR now has part failures! Every part can (and will) fail spectacularly! Everything!


Does this sound fun to you? Then download today from here:


Also on SpaceDock!


And look on CKAN!


CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990 or better

GPU: NVIDIA Titan or better

RAM: 128 Gigabytes

Hard Drive: 10 Terrabytes

Screen Resolution: 4K Ultra HD Liquid Crystal display

Mods needed: None! Everything is all custom programmed by me!



Why is everything in Comic Sans?

Would you rather I use this?

Or these other fonts that are on the forums?

 Also its to add fun to your life before you install this mod!

Woah, pretty colors!

Thank you, I thought so to.

This sounds horrible! Why are you so mean!

If you want a fun mod, I've got one here: Mod for people who can't cope with my mod

Wait is this just real life?

No comment

Wait. Did you actually make this?

I- Wait, how long is the statute of limitations on theft and armed robbery?

No comment.

Kerminator, this uninstalled my game and I won't get my money back!

Read the footnote.

He won't give us our money back! Lets attack him until he refunds us!

(Sounds of me running away really fast) You'll never catch me!



*No refunds for you! I get the cash, I should get paid for something!

petition to remove comic sans from the forum.

Sorry, cursive hurts my modern eyes (and brain.)

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