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Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 2.11 - Milestones, Air Flights, Coast Guard (Now Updated for KSP 1.12.5)


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Now that there is a "Dessert" Airfield are you thinking of adding a proper Airlines Flight from KSC to "Dessert" and vice versa (since you can launch from either)?

I know it's only available if you have the DLC which sucks but it'd be awesome to have a proper airline flight for those that have it.

Anyway Awesome mod been playing with it what seems like forever (rip tiki bar) 

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1 minute ago, Austinator48 said:

Now that there is a "Dessert" Airfield are you thinking of adding a proper Airlines Flight from KSC to "Dessert" and vice versa (since you can launch from either)?

I know it's only available if you have the DLC which sucks but it'd be awesome to have a proper airline flight for those that have it.

Anyway Awesome mod been playing with it what seems like forever (rip tiki bar) 

sounds silly, but I'm a bit short on cash to get DLC for any games at the moment. but if anyone wants to shuck over a dollar or two to help, feel free: https://www.patreon.com/inigmatus

perhaps someone who has the DLC can copy the airline contracts for the island and simply modify the values for the landing location for desert airport. if so, ill include it in the formal release, else as soon as I get the DLC I'll certainly include flights to other locations in it. :)

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44 minutes ago, inigma said:

sounds silly, but I'm a bit short on cash to get DLC for any games at the moment. but if anyone wants to shuck over a dollar or two to help, feel free: https://www.patreon.com/inigmatus

perhaps someone who has the DLC can copy the airline contracts for the island and simply modify the values for the landing location for desert airport. if so, ill include it in the formal release, else as soon as I get the DLC I'll certainly include flights to other locations in it. :)

It's the desert airfield just kinda in the area of the pyramids, in the patch notes and release there was a called the "dessert" launch pad and airfield (on purpose of course), and the runway is actually longer then KSC's. But you don't have the DLC? Well I've been playing since before March 2013 deadline so i got it for free. If you message me your steam info I'd gift to you.

@Beetlecat I know it was fun to play but a ran into to many bugs/errors in the contracts mostly related to sunken builds and what not, basically the mod that add the bases (kerbal konstructs right?) I had too many issues with. But it was fun while it lasted. 

Edited by Austinator48
Adding Response to Beetlecat
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1 hour ago, Austinator48 said:

It's the desert airfield just kinda in the area of the pyramids, in the patch notes and release there was a called the "dessert" launch pad and airfield (on purpose of course), and the runway is actually longer then KSC's. But you don't have the DLC? Well I've been playing since before March 2013 deadline so i got it for free. If you message me your steam info I'd gift to you.

@Beetlecat I know it was fun to play but a ran into to many bugs/errors in the contracts mostly related to sunken builds and what not, basically the mod that add the bases (kerbal konstructs right?) I had too many issues with. But it was fun while it lasted. 

Unfortunately I don't have the steam version of ksp, so the steam dlc won't work. Thanks for the thought though! :)   If anyone wants, they can send a donation via my patreon here https://www.patreon.com/inigmatus which I can then use to get the DLC. :)

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2 hours ago, inigma said:

sounds silly, but I'm a bit short on cash to get DLC for any games at the moment. but if anyone wants to shuck over a dollar or two to help, feel free: https://www.patreon.com/inigmatus

perhaps someone who has the DLC can copy the airline contracts for the island and simply modify the values for the landing location for desert airport. if so, ill include it in the formal release, else as soon as I get the DLC I'll certainly include flights to other locations in it. :)

I'll take a peek at doing that -- I was going to see if I can train myself at contract management to try and restore some functions of KerbinSide GAP once the Remastered KS is up and running. :)

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3 hours ago, inigma said:

Unfortunately I don't have the steam version of ksp, so the steam dlc won't work. Thanks for the thought though! :)   If anyone wants, they can send a donation via my patreon here https://www.patreon.com/inigmatus which I can then use to get the DLC. :)

Can I just PayPal you the money? It says you won't get my patronage until June 1. If only I had done this yesterday!

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35 minutes ago, theonegalen said:

Can I just PayPal you the money? It says you won't get my patronage until June 1. If only I had done this yesterday!

You're right theonegalen, Patreon wants me to wait. No worries I'll pm you a paypal link if you want. :)

No matter what, you guys are awesome. :)  

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3 minutes ago, nightingale said:

See sarbian/ModuleManager#108.  In the next version of Module Manager you'll be able to do NEEDS[SquadExpansion/MakingHistory].

Looking forward to it. 

Thanks to @theonegalen for helping bring GAP to the next level! :D :D  he donated DLC, and I am floored (er flying?). :)  I'll be working on air flights to the new places on Kerbin.

Edited by inigma
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Ok, now this is cool (the airfield in the desert, not the missing landing leg...) (and is it me or does the editor say Dessert Airfield? I was halfway expecting a giant ice cream cone when I loaded this airfield...)


and yes, I landed it safely. :)


Edited by inigma
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22 minutes ago, inigma said:

Ok, now this is cool (the airfield in the desert, not the missing landing leg...) (and is it me or does the editor say Dessert Airfield? I was halfway expecting a giant ice cream cone when I loaded this airfield...)


and yes, I landed it safely. :)


Welcome back! And i think it's a pretty delicious place. Second only to the minty green plains of Minmus. :)

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Looks like I'm just waiting for CC and MM to catch up to 1.4.3 to begin developing flights to Dessert Airfield and from Island Airfield (there has to be some check on where you launch from included in CC). I posted in the CC thread to see about getting these available soon. :)

Edited by inigma
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Next version of GAP might be a reason for me to buy DLC as well. I become short on free time to play KSP lately, and DLC does not bring much new. Several new stock parts that mostly already have replacement trough mods and custom mision editor that already exist for a long time in a diferent way trough CC and contract packs like GAP. Being short on money too DLC will have to wait for some time until I grind some real life money for it. I hope that by then things will be more stable when comes to KSP 1.4.x and mod updates.

Anyhow, happy to see that you have regained passion and available free time to work on GAP.

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@inigma Sorry was busy taking care of my Grandfather and work, I was fully ready to "invest" in GAP since I've been playing it since you released it in testing but then @theonegalen had to go do it before me, DM me your paypal fam.

Edit: Got you on Patreon fam, but if you get more of it thru straight paypal let me know

Edited by Austinator48
Getting him on Patreon
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On 5/2/2018 at 1:16 AM, inigma said:

Ok, now this is cool (the airfield in the desert, not the missing landing leg...) (and is it me or does the editor say Dessert Airfield? I was halfway expecting a giant ice cream cone when I loaded this airfield...)

Minmus is believed to made of tasty ice cream dessert.

Minmus orbits kerbin at a 6 degree inclination.

The "Dessert Airfield" is below the Kerbin equator by 6 degrees.

Coincidence? I think not!

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On 5/2/2018 at 8:27 PM, Austinator48 said:

@inigma Sorry was busy taking care of my Grandfather and work, I was fully ready to "invest" in GAP since I've been playing it since you released it in testing but then @theonegalen had to go do it before me, DM me your paypal fam.

Edit: Got you on Patreon fam, but if you get more of it thru straight paypal let me know

Patreon is just fine. :) Thank you for your contribution!  I will certainly use it towards GAP development. :)

Currently waiting for MM and CC to get caught up before diving into new possibilities, though I did submit this: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/issues/663

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So, I added this into my existing save game (fully aware that things might be a little strange) and I think that Gene just had a priceless moment!

"Yes, we can make you this *looks at contract* 'Glider', but not for a few days, we have a Duna launch window and our probe won't launch itself!"

But in all seriousness, thank you for giving us plane contracts other than "Fly here, get science, some back"!

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7 hours ago, MinimumSky5 said:

So, I added this into my existing save game (fully aware that things might be a little strange) and I think that Gene just had a priceless moment!

"Yes, we can make you this *looks at contract* 'Glider', but not for a few days, we have a Duna launch window and our probe won't launch itself!"

But in all seriousness, thank you for giving us plane contracts other than "Fly here, get science, some back"!

But aren't all aircraft contracts going to be some derivative of "Fly somewhere, do something, come back"? ;)

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16 minutes ago, Austinator48 said:

But aren't all aircraft contracts going to be some derivative of "Fly somewhere, do something, come back"? ;)



But, with this pack you have to fly somewhere, at the certain height and speed, THEN come back.

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Hello, I think I found a compatibility issue with AtmosphereAutopilot. Contract "Build and fly your first airplane!" would not show up if AA is installed. It showed up if AA isn't installed though. I am testing in KSP 1.4.1, AA is the latest version(1.5.10) and the problem exist in both GAP 1.2.9 and 1.4. It's kind of a big problem since I'm relying AA to fly...

Here are the logs:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/aowpvzxs042h6bz/output_log (doesn't work).txt?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/vd7p07np58is3uu/output_log (works).txt?dl=0

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Bug? Report: 

The contracts "KSC Airlines: Flight 102" and 103 have a requirement "have a crew cabin", and they check that looking for the stock mk1, mk2 or mk3 crew cabin on the plane. 

That means crew cabin parts from mods such as airplane plus dont work for those contracts.



I dont have a solution other than ditching the crew cabin requirement, since checking for all possible crew cabins of all possible mods might be too much, and theres nothing unique about crew cabins, that wont be met by a command pod / cockpit.





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@Hacki. You are correct in your “Bug?”

While technically not a bug that is a compatibility issue. When I get to my computer I’ll try to find the config that you can edit to work with your parts. That or where you can delete the crew cabin parameter if your feel lazy. 

I found it, but after rereading your post, it looks like you already did too. 

If you want to make it work with a specific part add a new parameter to the contract with the rest of the craft definitions.

				name = PartValidation
				type = PartValidation
				part  = (Part Name Here)
				disableOnStateChange = false
				hideChildren = true
				hidden = true


Although I would like to point out that a crew cabin would theoretically be more comfortable than a cockpit, which was probably the goal with this. 

Edited by Mark Kerbin
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