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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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On 24.10.2016 at 10:05 PM, akron said:

I am not sure what you mean about Firespitter. I only removed some extra FS files that the mod did not use.

Interesting, CKAN was considering Firespitter, Firespitter Core and Firespitter Resources config as "required" before the last patch. With the patch only the core modul is considered "required" and therefore the firespitter mod can be absent while using ProbePlus!.

Not sure why this was, but I assumed your modification was responsible for this change.

Still: thanks for your work, KSP gains so much due to the modding community!

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3 hours ago, hieywiey said:

Some parts like the Fregat, have no RCS effect at all (old one or the new one); and seem to not produce thrust. So if you could find a way to scale down the new effect, that would be great; since it seems if there's no effect, there's no thrust.

This sounds like a bug with the Fregat part. I will investigate. It should work regardless of which module it uses.

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19 hours ago, Lechdan1983 said:

Interesting, CKAN was considering Firespitter, Firespitter Core and Firespitter Resources config as "required" before the last patch. With the patch only the core modul is considered "required" and therefore the firespitter mod can be absent while using ProbePlus!.

Not sure why this was, but I assumed your modification was responsible for this change.

Still: thanks for your work, KSP gains so much due to the modding community!

Yes, this was directly in relation to my fix. The CKAN team added those dependencies because they saw the additional Firespitter files I had left in the mod that were not needed.


I was way too tired yesterday so I did not get a chance to get any mod work done. Instead, I'll do a quick stream late tonight, after 8pm EST. Stop by if you can!

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On 10/22/2016 at 5:50 PM, Virtualgenius said:

Hi was wondering if you wouldn't mind posting up your craft files for the various examples you have made 


Sample Crafts v0.1:


(Two Barquetta Communication Satellites, Barquetta-Odyssey, Deep Space 1, Evera, Mariner, Quetzal, Tatsujin, Tatsujin-Express, Torekka)


Also, Stream is up!

Edited by akron
Stream over. Bedtime = Very yes
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40 minutes ago, Virtualgenius said:

Thankyou  very much you are a scholar and a gentleman

You're welcome. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions. I'll add the others that I used for screenshots later on.


I'm slowly getting back in the swing of things for this next big update which will concentrate on Orbiter/lander missions. Vega/Venera and Cassini+Huygens. I am also considering bumping Juno/Kepler to a later update and doing Rosetta/Philae and/or ExoMars+Schiaparelli as they fit the theme. Thoughts?

Anyway, first up are the Russian parts with the Vega-inspired probe called "Vorona". @Beale has graciously donated his Venera lander and it will be featured in this next update with some modifications to make it fit my parts better. Here is the WIP from tonight's session.

Full stack on the left, no heatshield in the middle so you can see the rough size of the lander on this first pass, and Torekka on the right for size comparison. The probe is 1.5m at the widest point and will span much more with its solar panels.



Please continue to send in your thoughts, feedback and/or issues with the current mod version. I can get a patch together ahead of this next update.



Edited by akron
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Dear sir...your solar panels, while killers in the looks department, are...picky.

This probe is will soon die, because of you. I want that to rest heavy on you. RIP Sputtle the Staysputnik #468.

Notice in the pictures how the panels say "Sun Exposure 0, blocked by Stayputnik" yet have at least 98% clearance. Some estimates put it as high as 98.1%!

I am not amused.:mad: <----Angry face, is me.



I have no idea what would cause this behavior, maybe where you put the "thingy that registers where the sun contacts" ?

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2 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:


Dear sir...your solar panels, while killers in the looks department, are...picky.

This probe is will soon die, because of you. I want that to rest heavy on you. RIP Sputtle the Staysputnik #468.

Notice in the pictures how the panels say "Sun Exposure 0, blocked by Stayputnik" yet have at least 98% clearance. Some estimates put it as high as 98.1%!

I am not amused.:mad: <----Angry face, is me.



I have no idea what would cause this behavior, maybe where you put the "thingy that registers where the sun contacts" ?

Well, this looks like an unfavorably positioned SunTracker node. Can happen to anyone once (@akron).

Do not be angry, but do it better (@Deimos Rast). :D

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4 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:


Dear sir...your solar panels, while killers in the looks department, are...picky.

This probe is will soon die, because of you. I want that to rest heavy on you. RIP Sputtle the Staysputnik #468.

Notice in the pictures how the panels say "Sun Exposure 0, blocked by Stayputnik" yet have at least 98% clearance. Some estimates put it as high as 98.1%!

I am not amused.:mad: <----Angry face, is me.



I have no idea what would cause this behavior, maybe where you put the "thingy that registers where the sun contacts" ?


I am going to blame the kraken on this one. I don't do anything fancy with my solar cells. Each panel is a sun catcher node, so this panel has two. Only a small portion of one of them is blocked, the second one is completely exposed. This is a KSP code issue, but sorry it happened to you :(

The alternative is to have a solar module for each panel. This fixes the issue, but it creates unnecessary clutter. You can save this mission by pointing the probe at an angle from the sun. It should expose one of the arrays fully and charge at up to 1/2 the rate.

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1 hour ago, akron said:


I am going to blame the kraken on this one. I don't do anything fancy with my solar cells. Each panel is a sun catcher node, so this panel has two. Only a small portion of one of them is blocked, the second one is completely exposed. This is a KSP code issue, but sorry it happened to you :(

The alternative is to have a solar module for each panel. This fixes the issue, but it creates unnecessary clutter. You can save this mission by pointing the probe at an angle from the sun. It should expose one of the arrays fully and charge at up to 1/2 the rate.

the Kraken has indeed been strong of late. Sputtle is just a RADAR scanner probe, so he never really needs to be active, and with no background processing, it effectively doesn't matter that he isn't reaping the sweet sweet ElectricCharge he is so rightfully due. And hey, if he runs out...HyperEdit:D

Truthfully, on my "Give-O-Damn Meter" it barely registers; I only mentioned it in case you were doing some weird solar panel voodoo, and needed to be set straight.:)

BTW: Really digging the carbon fiber look. However, definitely not digging the space in "Coatl Aerospace" as none of my MM patches work (despite trying "?" or "*"). Any ideas, short of renaming the entire folder and doing search and replace on all the model nodes, and then never updating the mod ever again?


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7 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

He has a filter in his cfg files to detect if you are using the mod, and if so to not show them.

Oh no they've figured it out.

свежие новости

A little bit more modeling got done and in ways that are going to make UV and textures a nightmare! I guess it is fitting for Halloween. New are the Comm array+dish, solar panels+thermal system, SAS/Startracker assembly. The thermal system is not yet modeled, I'll work on that pretty soon, but I think I'll just finish the Solar panels and then move on to the engine.

Speaking of that, I thought of some changes to the Russian engine parts. I want to make Small-Med-Large service modules inspired by Russian bits. The small monoprop unit will be a mix of things, mostly old verniers. The medium will take place of the current Linkor/Fregat module and will be inspired by the 11D400-500 series KDU propulsion modules with an S5.461 engine. Linkor will get resized to the roughly 2.1m piece it should be and be the "large" unit. Vorona/Vega will get a KTDU-425A propulsion unit which can also be used stand-alone, of course, but will not be self-contained (No fuel). So... yay... craft breaking update coming! You've been warned.

Here, look at the thing:




Antenna dish also donated by Beale, but I modified the transmitter piece.


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2 minutes ago, legoclone09 said:

looks very good but can not find in game


i put the files in my executable halp me plz do i need to put them in /ksp_win/Parts?

*Insert reaction image of a squinting Fry from Futurama with the caption "Not sure if trolling or if legitimate question"*

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